Qin retreated early, Xiang Yu got rich quickly.

Han Xin in this world also served as a soldier under Xiang Yu, but later found that there was no future, so he simply ran away.

He was a man with ambition and pride. When he came to Liu Bang, he was not quiet. He first served as a soldier under Fan Kuai. Because of his weak body, he was arranged by Fan Kuai to be a messenger.

As a result, when conveying Fan Kuai's combat orders, he refuted Fan Kuai on the spot.

As you can imagine, he was beaten.

If it weren't for his brothers and the enemy was close at hand, Fan Kuai would have wanted to kill him.

Fan Kuai asked others to pass the order and fight the enemy.

He was very reckless and fierce, and lost even more miserably.

After the battle, Han Xin went to mock him, saying that it was so big at that time, and then he could defeat the enemy army by outflanking like this.

Fan Kuai thought to himself, you are not a hindsight, what a thing! He caught Han Xin and beat him on the spot.

Han Xin did not fight back, mainly because he could not fight back, so he scolded Fan Kuai as a reckless fool and said that he should follow his way. This was heard by Liu Bang, who was angry and wanted to settle accounts with Fan Kuai after learning that Fan Kuai was defeated.

Liu Bang wanted to listen to the excitement at first, but as he listened, he found that Han Xin was a talent.

He was determined to recruit Han Xin.

Then the question came, Fan Kuai, a general from the same place as him, beat up a messenger soldier.

How could he, as a lord, win the heart of the other party?

Liu Bang was very smart. He first asked someone to call Xiahou Ying and others, and then entered the tent to prevent Han Xin from being beaten to death by Fan Kuai, a reckless man. He stopped Fan Kuai and listened to Han Xin's theory. Liu Bang was very satisfied, and followed Xiahou Ying, Zhou Bo and others who came later, pressed Fan Kuai to the ground, and let Han Xin kick in a circle.

But to his surprise, Han Xin did not go up.

He forgave Fan Kuai with a bruised face, which won him the respect of the latter.

Since then, Han Xin, who was favored by Liu Bang, became a general.

If Han Xin had not joined, the generals under Liu Bang would not have been so outstanding, at least in commanding troops.

Later, the plate became bigger and bigger, and one commander was obviously not good enough, so Liu Bang led an army himself and let Han Xin be the commander of an army to lead the troops to fight, and the two sides occasionally met and joined forces.

The former lost more and won less, and the latter rarely lost.

In this way, Han Xin relied on himself to gain the respect of everyone, especially the military generals, almost no one could raise his head in front of Han Xin.

Military generals are so pure, and they are ranked by seniority based on military exploits.

Time goes back to the present.

Seeing that the military advisor also supported Han Xin, and supported him without reservation, Liu Bang was relieved.

"Thank you, sir."

Han Xin said in a friendly tone, and bowed to Zhang Liang.

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Liang waved his hand: "I just think that if we lose this opportunity, we will never have a chance to enter the Central Plains again."

He said so seriously, what else could Xiao He, Cao Shen and others say? What else do you dare to say!

Liu Bang was coordinating, Han Xin was giving orders, and Xiao He was being submissive.

Zhang Liang had no intention of looking at it any more, and continued to look up at the sky. He didn't need too many strategies on the battlefield. Besides, what did he have to worry about when Han Xin took action?

Someone moved a chair and sat beside him. Zhang Liang turned his head and saw that it was Liu Bang.

There were no generals in the room, only Liu Bang, Xiao He, Cao Shen, Chen Ping and a few others.

"Zifang, how do you think I treat you on weekdays?"

Liu Bang didn't say anything and put his hand on Zhang Liang's shoulder.

"My lord, I am naturally good to you."

Zhang Liang smiled.


Liu Bang blinked at him.

"When do you think we should go to instigate Peng Yue and Ying Bu to rebel, and who should we send?"

Peng Yue and Ying Bu?

Zhang Liang was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

Oh, that was his third brocade bag.

"My lord, did you open the brocade bag early?"

Zhang Liang said in astonishment.

He didn't know whether he should be surprised or not. This kind of unreliable thing was perfectly reasonable for Liu Bang.

"No, no, no, it's not me, it's Xiao He!"

Zhang Liang looked at Xiao He.

The latter had a bitter face and forced a smile to Zhang Liang: "Yes, it's me, please don't be offended, military advisor."

I don't believe you...

Zhang Liang was speechless, but he also knew that this was not the time to argue.

Indeed, Ying Bu and Peng Yue hooked up with Liu Bang after the Battle of Pengcheng.

At this moment, Ying Bu had just had a rift with Xiang Yu. The reason was that when Xiang Yu attacked Pengcheng urgently, he asked Ying Bu to join the army, but Ying Bu refused for some reason. Xiang Yu had no choice but to rush into the city with 30,000 people.

Who would have thought that Liu Bang's 500,000 or 600,000 people would have killed him.

"My lord, let Sui He go to Ying Bu."

Among Xiao He and others, a middle-aged Confucian scholar heard the words and walked out of the crowd.

"Thanks to the military advisor and my lord for your appreciation, I, Sui He, am willing to go to Jiujiang to persuade Ying Bu."

"Okay, okay."

Liu Bang stood up immediately.

"Then I will rely on Master Sui."

"My lord, what are you talking about? I will leave now."

Sui He turned around and left.

After he left, Liu Bang's smile remained unchanged and he asked Zhang Liang again.

"Zifang, Master Sui has gone, what about Peng Yue?"

Zhang Liang thought for a while, but he couldn't figure out who persuaded Peng Yue. This kind of thing cannot be sloppy, otherwise the next dynasty may not be Han, but Chu. After thinking about it, Zhang Liang stood up leisurely and bowed to Liu Bang.

"My lord, I am willing to go."

"Zifang, be careful when you go!"

Liu Bang was surprised and happy, and hurried to support him.

He had been running away all the way, and he didn't know about the dirty deeds between Xiang Yu and Ying Bu, but Xiang Yu and Peng Yue had been doing dirty deeds for a long time.

Peng Yue didn't get anything from the previous enfeoffment, so he left Xiang Yu and went it alone. Later, when Tian Rong rebelled against Chu, he still colluded with him, which made Xiang Yu so angry that after killing Tian Rong, he let the Chu general Xiao Gongjiao kill him regardless of whether there was actual evidence.

And then there was nothing else.

If Xiang Yu went in person, Peng Yue might still be finished.

But Xiao Gongjiao was no match for Peng Yue, so he was beaten back.

Xiang Yu also wanted to go to the expedition in person, but as the anti-Chu group grew stronger, he could no longer care about Peng Yue who had no fiefdom, and began to fight and fight.

After performing a drama with Liu Bang, Zhang Liang took two taels of red gold and left Xingyang with Bai Shu.

He had just left for two days when the Chu army came to pursue him and surrounded Xingyang in three layers inside and outside.

On the top of the city wall, Liu Bang looked at the endless Chu army and fell silent.

"Xiao He, do you think Zifang has no money?"

Xiao He stood behind him and also looked at the Chu army.

"Why do you say that, my lord?"

"Look, there are so many Chu soldiers under the city. Did the military advisor expect this long ago and leave in a hurry after taking my gold?"

Xiao He looked at Liu Bang and didn't know what to say for a while.

"My lord..."

Xiao He hesitated, but still felt that he should be true to his conscience.

"You can't lie with your eyes open. Didn't you allow the military advisor to leave?"


In the distance, Zhang Liang, who had not walked far, stood on a hill and looked out.

He clasped his hands together and prayed with all his heart.

"I hope everyone is OK..."

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