Xingyang and Pengcheng are both located to the east of Qi, the former land of Wei, and can be said to be a place of war on all sides. The Wei Kingdom was gradually destroyed in this way.

Liu Bang was trapped in Xingyang, which was very troublesome, but also very convenient. The trouble was that Xiang Yu's men might come to attack from all four sides, and the convenience was that if there was any problem, he could run away from all four sides.

After defeating Wei Wang Bao, Han Xin, who was on a military expedition, seemed to be wound up.

He wrote a letter to Liu Bang to tell him three points.

First, he felt that he did not have enough troops and was not strong enough, so he did not intend to confront Xiang Yu directly, leaving the lord to fend for himself.

Second, he planned to go to the north to fight against Qiu Feng of Yan, Zhao and Dai, and after defeating Yan, he would go to Qi, and after defeating Qi, he would cut off a wave of Chu's food supply, and finally go west to fight Xiang Yu outside Pengcheng.

Third, he felt that he was fighting outside and his title as a general was not loud enough, so he wanted a title of king. The following are three options (King of Zhao, King of Yan, King of Qi)

Note that when this letter was sent, Han Xin was still on his way to fight the Zhao-Dai coalition army...

This letter almost made Liu Bang so angry that he had a cerebral congestion.

What the hell, you just defeated Wei Wang Bao and you want me to be a king, you will make a big fuss in the future!

But thinking of Han Xin's role, Liu Bang gritted his teeth and immediately found the smartest person he thought to discuss it. This person was none other than Zhang Liang, who came back for vacation under the name of sharing hardships.

"Zifang, look at this, what are you talking about! Is this kid threatening me!"

Liu Bang poured water for Zhang Liang while accusing him, spitting everywhere.

Zhang Liang smiled and opened the letter, and almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of water.

To be honest, Han Xin didn't die at the hands of Liu Bang in the early years, but died at the hands of Lu Zhi. He was really lucky...

With this tone and emotional intelligence, it's not unfair that Liu Bang killed him directly when he was angry...

"Lord, calm down, calm down..."

Zhang Liang put down the letter and picked up the kettle to pour water for Liu Bang.

To be honest, Zhang Liang didn't want Han Xin to die, and he didn't want him to be hated by Liu Bang. If this guy was still alive in the center of the government, he would not be able to go south to tease the Han even if he gave the Chanyu ten heads.

"Zifang, please judge, what do you think I should do with this kid!"

Zhang Liang's mind was racing. At this moment, he felt that he was persuading a stubborn old man, but the old man was not careful in his words, but he was smart in his heart.

"Lord, how about this."

Seeing Zhang Liang speak up, Liu Bang calmed down.

"General Han destroyed the State of Wei after all, freeing us from worries. You should make him the prime minister."

Destroy a country and make him the prime minister.

Of course, this is not excessive.

The prime minister is not the chancellor. Theoretically, a vassal state can have a prime minister, but the vassal states can be divided, which can be regarded as a larger local governor.

"If that's all, will Han Xin be dissatisfied?"

Liu Bang hesitated.

You have to have some real stuff to fool around, otherwise once Han Xin runs away, he can't compete with the enemy Xiang Yu by himself.

"How about this, isn't General Han fighting the Zhao-Dai coalition now? You give him another batch of troops, not many, 20,000 or 30,000 will be enough, so that you can comfort General Han's heart."

"That's right!"

Liu Bang grinned and gave Zhang Liang a thumbs up.

Giving troops in times of crisis, is there anything more trustworthy than this?

No, no more.

Liu Bang was also impatient, and immediately asked someone to draft a document and send it to Han Xin in the twilight.

When he returned to the room, he saw that Zhang Liang had not left yet.

"Zifang, is there anything else?"


Zhang Liang put down the cup and looked at Liu Bang with a serious expression.

"My lord, we have to go."

"Go! Where to go?"

Liu Bang's heart tightened, and he looked at Zhang Liang in confusion.

"My lord, you should know that General Han is fighting outside. If he has no achievements, it's fine. Now that Wei is being destroyed, I estimate that the Zhao-Dai coalition will not last long. If we don't leave now, it's hard to guarantee that Xiang Yu will not besiege Wei to save Zhao, or make up his mind to take down Xingyang and capture my lord alive!"

Liu Bang's face changed, and he nodded and asked hurriedly.

"Xiang Yu has been besieging Xingyang for more than one or two days. How can I leave you and leave? Besides, Xiang Yu will not let you go!"

He knew that Zhang Liang must have an idea in his mind.

He looked nervous again and stared at Zhang Liang.

"My lord, pretend to surrender!"

After a long time, Zhang Liang said decisively.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Liu Bang was not surprised. He had long forgotten about his face. When facing the problem of losing his head, face was not that important.

"First, you find someone who looks like you, take him to walk the streets, make a daily record for the Chu army in the city, then draft a letter of surrender, and then let that person deliver the letter of surrender for you."

"So simple?" Liu Bang couldn't believe it.

What the hell, just find someone to deliver the letter of surrender?

He has already conquered Pengcheng, so how can the relationship be eased?

"Yes, it's that simple!"

Zhang Liang affirmed.

"Think about it, Xiang Yu is so arrogant and cares more about face. Even if he has been deceived before, at least this time, whether he is sincere or not, he will accept your surrender. In this way, he will show that he is magnanimous and tolerant, and can reassure people."

Liu Bang did it with doubts.

He spent a lot of money to find a similar man, let the man follow him, and developed the habit of occasionally going out to eat, but every time he was frowning and sighing.

After ten days, Xiang Yu finally heard about it.

A few days later, Liu Bang began to draft a letter of surrender.

It was written and written that somehow, in the end, it was conjured up from the hands of the butler Xiao He.

"what's next?"

Liu Bang once again invited Zhang Liang to inquire.

"Next, send someone to submit a request for surrender!"

In the afternoon of that day, Liu Bang's intention to surrender had already spread throughout the Chu army.

The ordinary soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, but Xiang Yu was angry.

"Liu Bang requested to surrender. Why don't you agree?"

Xiang Yu glanced at everyone, his eyes full of anger.

Xingyang City was besieged and attacked for so many days. Someone had already taken refuge with him and informed Liu Bang of his mental state during this period.

Now that Liu Bang wanted to surrender, he had no doubt.

If they were not really desperate, how could people like them go to a restaurant with three or two tables to eat, and scold them while eating? How could they really have no shame at all?

"Overlord, Liu Bang is tired at this time, and the army is not around, maybe he can..."

Some people feel something is wrong and want to persuade.

But before the man finished speaking, Xiang Yu had already raised his hand to stop him.

"You don't need to say any more, there are some things you don't understand, I understand."

Xiang Yu stood up and said to everyone.

"This matter is settled like this. After setting the date, we will slow down the offensive in advance to prevent others from saying that we are taking advantage of others."


Xiang Yu made his decision, and no one could persuade him, so he had to obey his orders.

Two days later, the day before Liu Bang personally delivered the letter of surrender, the Chu army's offensive had completely disappeared. Many people in Xingyang City who had not reacted finally began to flee with their families.

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