Guiyue Palace?

Looking at these three words, Jiang Cheng felt an extraordinary artistic conception. In a trance, he came to a void world. There was a bright full moon in front of him, and countless osmanthus petals were floating around. In this scene, a hazy figure slowly emerged. Before he could see it clearly, he felt that it was peerless, like a goddess in the moon.

Unconsciously, Jiang Cheng had opened his eyes wide, trying to see its specific appearance, but it was always as if covered by a layer of gauze, and he couldn't see it clearly. Until he came to his senses, there were only three words in front of him.

"Squeak?" What sounded in his ears at this time was Xiao Wonton's somewhat anxious cry.

Just now, Xiao Wonton saw Jiang Cheng standing in front of this stone tablet, and he stared at the front like a fool, his eyes were dull, and he didn't respond no matter how he called, which scared him.

"I'm fine." Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, patted Xiao Wonton, and then took a step and stepped into this Guiyue Palace.

Walking up the stone steps, Jiang Cheng entered the palace gate. He was not attracted by the magnificent and beautiful decoration. The first thing he saw was a skeleton sitting on the soft couch in the center of the hall.

Dressed in a moon-white gauze, the same clothes as the hazy figure seen in the artistic conception of the stone tablet before, he thought that this skeleton was that figure. He secretly said it was a pity and cast his eyes on the skeleton again.

There, a little rabbit lay quietly, lying quietly, with soft and white fur, looking like it was asleep.

However, the huge wound on his chest, the bloodstains on the ground below, and the body without any breath of life all indicated that this rabbit, like the skeleton next to it, had died long ago.

This little rabbit should be the so-called Moon God Rabbit, right?

There was nothing special about the appearance, except that the blood on the ground, after who knows how long, still condensed into a ball, and the moon-white light flashed from time to time, like a bright moon.

Also, Jiang Cheng frowned and looked at the huge wound. At this time, no blood was flowing out, but there were streams of black mist on the wound, which filled the wound and showed no signs of dispersing.

What is this black mist?

With his little knowledge of this world, he certainly couldn't think of it. Jiang Cheng didn't think about it anymore. He took out a slightly larger jade bottle that he had prepared before from the space ring and walked over to collect the blood on the ground.

This blood was like a drop of water falling on a lotus leaf. It didn't touch the ground, was not controlled by the Yuan force, and was extremely heavy. It felt heavier than the same form of steel. Jiang Cheng had some difficulty collecting it and could only push it into the bottle little by little.

At this time, he felt his hair being fiddled with by a small claw, and he said helplessly: "Little Wonton, stop making trouble."

"Squeak?" Little Wonton's slightly puzzled cry sounded from behind him.

Jiang Cheng:?

Xiao Wonton is behind me, who is the one who touched my hair?

He slowly raised his head and saw that the Moon God Rabbit, which was originally lying in the arms of the withered bones, raised its head and looked at him. The terrifying thing was that there was no pupil in its eyes, but a ball of black mist in each.


This scene scared Jiang Cheng so much that he retreated instantly and picked up Xiao Wonton's big tail to escape.

However, before he ran a few steps, he felt that his whole body was fixed and he couldn't move at all. He could only hear a series of light footsteps behind him.

The Moon God Rabbit slowly walked in front of him, surrounded by a ball of black mist. From time to time, a ferocious face like an evil spirit emerged from the black mist, roaring and biting, and a faint green light shone through the black mist of his eyes, like a ghost.

"Young man, what year and day is it now?" A hoarse voice like a blade scratching on glass came into his ears, and the Moon God Rabbit slowly floated up and came in front of Jiang Cheng.

"2021." Jiang Cheng said subconsciously, and then he realized that he was wrong. He didn't dare to say anything more, but he was very regretful in his heart.

Before, I thought that the green-horned flying insect could come out safely here, so there should be no danger. Who knew that there was such an old monster hiding here? This time I'm dead!

"2021 in the Divine Weapon Calendar? Only more than three hundred years have passed? Why do I feel like thousands of years?" The Moon Rabbit said again in confusion, but it sounded like thunder in Jiang Cheng's ears.

Now the real time is 11921 in the Divine Weapon Calendar. This guy heard that 2021 was three hundred years in the past. Then, if you convert it, this guy is an old guy who has lived for tens of thousands of years!

It's not certain whether the Beast King-level Xuanbing Beast can live for such a long time?

It's over, this time I'm really dead!

"Hahaha, Moon Emperor, even if you seal me here, you can only seal me for three hundred years. When I take over this person's body, your seal on me will break!" As he said that, a dark fog emerged from the Moon Rabbit's body and rushed straight to Jiang Cheng, landing on his chest and trying to drill into it.

The black fog shot out, and the Moon Rabbit seemed to have lost its power and collapsed on the ground on the spot, completely without breath.

When this black fog was about to fall on Jiang Cheng, Xiao Wonton next to him exuded a mysterious luster on his body, just like the luster he saw on the Chaos Pearl at the beginning.

This luster shone on the black fog, and the black fog quickly melted like white snow under the sun.

A shrill scream came from the black fog:

"Ah!!! Chaos Pearl! How could the Chaos Pearl be here?!"

Amid the piercing screams, the black fog could not survive the radiance of the wonton, and eventually completely dissipated in the palace.

Then, as if something had been triggered, the entire palace began to shake. Jiang Cheng looked up and saw that from the top of the palace, the entire palace slowly turned into light and shadow, drifting away in this space.

Until the end, almost everything dissipated, leaving only the withered bones sitting in the center of the palace and the body of the Moon Rabbit lying on the ground.

The breeze blew, and all the osmanthus flowers on the countless osmanthus trees around were in full bloom at this moment. The petals drifted from the trees, gathered together by an invisible force, fell around the withered bones, and spun around her.

A ray of light emerged from the withered bones, and then from the lower body, a figure formed by energy re-condensed on the withered bones, and the figure seen in the stone tablet before appeared in front of him again.

This time, he saw it clearly. Jiang Cheng was a little dazed for a moment, not knowing what words to use to describe this person.

In the Internet era of his previous life, he had seen all kinds of beauties. He never believed that there were really beauties that could overwhelm the whole city, but now he believes it a little.

Sometimes beauty is not just about the face, but more importantly, it is the temperament.

It was as if she was really like the goddess in the moon. The temperament of that peerless beauty was indescribable.

After this person appeared, he gently waved his hand and took the body of the Moon God Rabbit back into his arms. He stroked the body of the Moon God Rabbit with some sadness, and then looked at Jiang Cheng and the little wonton who ran to his shoulder again.

Her eyes seemed to see through the body. She looked at Xiao Wonton for a long time before she sighed softly: "Chaos Pearl, have they failed?"

"I wonder if this young man can bear such a heavy responsibility? Well, I will help you one last time."

She said something that Jiang Cheng couldn't understand, then waved her hand gently, and a space ring on her finger flew out and floated in front of Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng quickly reached out to take it.

After seeing Jiang Cheng take it, she nodded to Jiang Cheng, and then her whole body, including the body of the Moon God Rabbit, turned into dots of light and disappeared as before.


After they completely dissipated, Jiang Cheng saw that the remaining spherical moon-white crystal like a full moon fell to the ground.

"What is this? The beast crystal of the Moon God Rabbit?"

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