The fulfilling days often feel like they pass very quickly. Before we know it, another half month has passed. For Jiang Cheng and other freshmen of Tianqi College, a particularly critical day has also arrived.

The day of the college freshman assessment is coming!

Like their elementary class, there are more than one hundred to two hundred people in the class. Even if they are assigned to different types of classes, on average, each class has nearly thirty people.

For Tianqi College, this number is a bit too much.

With more people, the resources that can be allocated to each student will be much less in general. As a result, the college will educate more mediocre people and fewer elite talents.

In this world where personal force is supreme, there are countless cases where one person can defeat a thousand or ten thousand. In front of a real strong man, the number is always just a number.

Even if an academy only cultivates a few students every year, but among these students there are powerful Xuanbing masters of the fifth or sixth level, then this academy is what people call a top academy; on the contrary, if hundreds of students are cultivated every year, but the final achievements are only the first or second level Xuanbing masters, in the eyes of the world, such an academy is better off not existing.

Apocalypse College pursues elite education, so after passing the college's initial exam, it will also conduct such a freshman assessment to judge the students' talents, cultivation and learning attitudes, and select truly excellent Xuanbing Masters.

Judging from the situation in previous years, this assessment will screen out more than 60 people, leaving about 100 people, so that there are more than a dozen students in each class.

Of course, because most people like Xuanbing such as swords, or elemental attacking Xuanbing such as staffs and beads, the number of students in these Xuanbing Master classes will be larger than other classes.

Qin Ming, who temporarily replaced their elementary class tutor, told them about the assessment process for the next day, then took his book and left the classroom.

He has said everything he can say, and the specifics depend on the students' own abilities.

There are four items in the college's freshman assessment, namely written test, strength test, martial arts test and Xuanbing beast battle.

The written test tests the basic knowledge of Xuanbing beasts and cultivation common sense taught by Qin Ming.

The strength test is to test the students' Yuanli and their strength level.

The martial arts test tests the mastery of martial arts. At that time, you will need to fight. The opponent will be decided by drawing lots, and the scores will be given under the observation of the teachers of the academy.

As for the last battle of the Xuanbing beast, it is more interesting.

In Tianqi Academy, there is a place dedicated to raising Xuanbing beasts, called the Colosseum. Generally, Xuanbing beasts captured in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest are raised there to fight with the students of the academy.

They will face these Xuanbing beasts, fight side by side with their own Xuanbing beasts, and be scored according to the battle situation.

After the comprehensive results are summarized, they will be ranked. Those who rank low may be persuaded to leave the academy, and those who rank high will get a lot of rewards.


As soon as Qin Ming left, the classroom became noisy in an instant, mixed with the cries of countless people.

"What should I do? The assessment will be tomorrow, and I have no idea at all!"

"Me too, I feel no confidence at all, it's over, I won't be kicked out of the academy, right? My father will beat me to death if that happens!"

"You two should stop pretending, you broke through to the first-level Xuanbing Master a few days ago, and you told me that you can't take the assessment? I should be the one feeling bad, I've been stuck, and I feel like I'm almost unable to break through, the Xuanbing Beast is ready but I can't make a contract!"

"You might break through if you practice well tonight, but the assessment also includes a written test on Xuanbing Beast knowledge and cultivation common sense! I didn't listen carefully in Teacher Qin's class before, and I don't know a lot of what he taught. I have to stay up all night tonight!"

"Hehe, stop pretending, you look like you're slacking off in class every day, maybe you're going home to learn secretly."


Jiang Cheng didn't have these thoughts, and he was fully confident that he would pass the assessment.

In terms of strength, with the help of the Xuanbing Atlas, his strength has now reached the first-level five-star, and it's not certain whether Tang Minghao's strength is higher than his.

As for the written test, he was more confident. Because he was very interested in this aspect and had a high degree of concentration when studying, he felt that his current learning efficiency was comparable to the efficiency of preparing for courses during the exam week in his previous life.

He walked to Tang Minghao's seat, and the other party stood up directly in tacit understanding, and the two walked out of the classroom side by side.

"How is it? Are you not sure about competing for the first place in this assessment?" Under the sun, Jiang Cheng stretched his waist and asked Tang Minghao with a smile.

"How about we compete?"

"Forget it, my strength is not high, I can't beat you." Jiang Cheng laughed.

When he entered the school, his talent was not particularly high. Even with sufficient cultivation resources, he could not improve so fast from breaking through to the first-level Xuanbing Division to the point where his strength even rose to the first-level five-star in one month!

Therefore, what he announced to the outside world was only that his strength reached the first-level three-star, and the speed of this strength improvement was already shocking to most people.

When he walked to the entrance of the academy, Jiang Cheng was somewhat surprised to see that there were several small stalls in the relatively empty area near the academy gate, with a bunch of printed books placed inside.

What was this for? Just some random books with the gimmick of martial arts techniques to deceive the students of their academy?

"Are you still worried about the written test for freshmen? Are you still frowning because you can't pass the test? Don't worry, there are exclusive test questions now, which collect the freshmen test questions of Tianqi College over the years, and all problems will be solved."

"Three years of Tianqi, five years of simulation, you deserve it."

"One day of counterattack is not a dream, choose the right test questions, you are the king."

At this time, watching students coming out of the college one after another, the vendors sitting by the stalls suddenly became energetic, picked up the test paper printed on their stalls, and shouted hard.

Jiang Cheng listened to this and stood there with a confused face.

Why is it so weird? Even this other world, is it rolled up?

It's really outrageous!

Jiang Cheng felt weird, but others didn't think so. After hearing this, many people even ran over with a look of surprise and spent a lot of money to buy several copies.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Cheng also walked over to take a look, flipped through it a little, and then put it down.

This thing is very useful for people with no basics, at least it can help you remember some basic knowledge, but if you listen carefully in class, you don't need this thing at all.

This world is not like his world, where questions are given in various ways. Questions like one plus one can make you have a lot of trouble. Xiao Ming was fooled by the question setter.

The questions here are very simple, all of which are memory-based knowledge questions.

After returning home, Jiang Cheng also made some preparations, hoping to pass tomorrow's test more perfectly.

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