At noon, Jiang Cheng cruelly rejected Xiao Wonton's idea of ​​having a big meal. He didn't know how to fight in the afternoon. If he ate too much, it would be a joke.

On the table at home, Xiao Wonton was sitting on a purple fruit that was about the same size as his head, biting it one bite at a time, chewing it fiercely, and staring at the Flame Scale Crocodile below with fierce eyes.

The Flame Scale Crocodile was fine, so Jiang Cheng didn't control its diet. On the way back, he bought three roast chickens that Xiao Wonton loved the most at the restaurant. Now the Flame Scale Crocodile was enjoying the food, unaware of Xiao Wonton's dangerous eyes.

Speaking of the fruit he was eating, it was called Ziyuan Fruit. If it was valued, it could be exchanged for dozens of special roast chickens from the restaurant. It contained relatively rich energy, was particularly filling, and tasted pretty good.


Xiao Wonton suddenly jumped down and ran to the big rice bowl of the Flame Scale Crocodile. He stretched out a small claw to grab food from the crocodile's mouth, trying to pull off a chicken leg. But before he could touch it, Jiang Cheng lifted his tail and put it back on the table.

"Just eat the purple yuan fruit. If you snatch Xiao Yan's food, he won't be full. I'll take you to eat a good meal after the test in the afternoon."

At this time, the Flame Scale Crocodile realized that Xiao Wonton was trying to snatch his food just now. He quickly stretched out a claw and pulled the rice bowl to Jiang Cheng's side, eating happily again. The tempting aroma entered Xiao Wonton's nose, and his mouth saliva was secreted unconsciously.

He turned his head to look at the Flame Scale Crocodile and found that the Flame Scale Crocodile was also looking at him at this time, biting a piece of chicken in his mouth, chewing slowly and happily, and at the same time raising his mouth to Xiao Wonton provocatively.

As the Flame Scale Crocodile grew up, its competitive, fierce and bloody nature gradually emerged. Facing the Little Wonton, who was many times smaller than itself, it gradually looked down on him and provoked Little Wonton many times in the past two days.

Seeing this scene, Little Wonton tightened his hands holding the Purple Yuan Fruit and narrowed his eyes.

It seems that it is time to find an opportunity to teach this big guy a lesson and let him understand that in this family, he is just a younger brother!


At noon, Jiang Cheng calculated the time and came to the classroom.

The afternoon Xuanbing Beast battle was in the Colosseum, which was a special place in the academy. Students who had not really become students of the academy were not allowed to enter unless there were special circumstances.

Therefore, they had to gather in the classroom first, and then draw lots to arrange their numbers. After all this was arranged, they would enter the Colosseum under the guidance of the teacher.

During the assessment period, no student dared to be late. After arriving at the specified time, everyone's sign number was arranged. Led by Qin Ming, a group of people walked through the college and came to the Colosseum inside the college.

In addition to the Colosseum, the Colosseum also includes an area for raising Xuanbing beasts, so it occupies a large area.

What these students can enter is basically the Colosseum, which has a total of five venues, namely the four large and small Colosseums of Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, and Xuanwu surrounding the four sides, and the largest and best-equipped Qilin Colosseum in the center.

The four small Colosseums named after the four elephants are smaller in area than the Qilin Colosseum, and are more suitable for high-level Xuanbing beasts and Xuanbing beasts with lower strength to fight, while the Qilin Colosseum is the venue used to deal with some large-scale duels, which can support the impact of elite Xuanbing beasts.

These people will enter the four elephants Colosseum in batches to fight.

The written test results have not yet appeared, but after the second and third assessments, the college has screened out more than 30 people, so there are only more than 30 people entering each arena, and the test can basically be completed in one afternoon.

Because there are many black beasts imprisoned in the arena area, even if people are arranged to clean up, the air here is still filled with the smell of urine and feces belonging to these black beasts.

As soon as he walked into it, Jiang Cheng immediately covered his mouth and nose. It felt like entering the pig farm opened by his uncle in his previous life. It was uncomfortable and took a long time to adapt.

According to the lottery number drawn before, the arena where Jiang Cheng is located is in the Suzaku arena. Fortunately, it is consistent with the belief of the beasts here.

There are many kinds of beasts on the Divine Weapon Continent, but the strongest and most believed are the Four Elephants and the Qilin Holy Beast. On their southern continent, many people believe in the Suzaku beast.

For example, the ruler of the southern part of the continent is the super sect of Suzaku Shenzong, which has been passed down for thousands of years. It is said that there is a Suzaku divine beast inheritance within the sect.


After entering the Colosseum, Jiang Cheng and his group of more than 30 people were led into the Suzaku Colosseum by a person in charge here. When they walked into it, they could see that there were rows of stone ladders around, which were the seats for the audience. In the center, there was a large circular area, which was the Colosseum. There were many iron fences on the four walls of the Colosseum. Inside the fences, it was dark and deep, and no one knew what was inside.

At the edge of the Colosseum, there were also four thick stone pillars surrounding them. The stone pillars were carved with the image of the Suzaku divine bird, and the eyes of the divine bird were red as fire.

These four stone pillars are not only decorations, but also protective platforms, which can prevent the Xuanbing beasts in them from rushing out and hurting some weak audiences.

Tang Minghao drew the Azure Dragon Arena. The two of them were not drawn together, and the others were not particularly familiar with each other, so Jiang Cheng walked alone.

When he came here, there were two people sitting in the first row of the audience. One of them was wearing a green gown, with an elegant face, but his specific age could not be judged. He was holding a booklet and flipping through it carefully; the other was a beautiful woman who looked very young. At this time, she was carefully looking at their group of students.

The guide brought them to the two people and introduced them: "These two are teachers in our Tianqi Academy. At the same time, they are also responsible for evaluating your assessment this time."

The man in green put down the book in his hand, smiled and nodded to Jiang Cheng and the others, saying: "My name is Ye Changqing, you can call me Teacher Ye, and this one is Teacher Su. You should have arranged the order before you came. You can take them back and take the assessment directly in your order. Just tell me your names before the assessment."

"Let me tell you a few things to pay attention to."

"First, the Xuanbing beasts that the academy arranged to fight with you were caught with great difficulty. During the battle, Just defeat it, don't kill it, otherwise you will need to go to the Forest of Beasts and catch one again."

"Second, during this assessment, it is not okay to perform too poorly. The specific consequences can refer to your previous rounds of assessments."

"Third, Xuanbingshi can fight side by side with Xuanbingbeasts. If you have the ability, you can choose to participate in the battle as well. This is a bonus."

"Okay, I won't say much about the rest. The assessment can start. I will give you a quarter of an hour to prepare."


I have been practicing Subject 3 these two days and will take the exam the day after tomorrow. Time is very tight. Please forgive me for the poor update. I will resume normal updates later.

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