Although the name of the Hundred Beasts Tavern is a tavern, the building is extremely luxurious. It is a seven-story tower-shaped building with a height of tens of meters. The entire body is made of red cloud wood, an extremely hard fire-attribute material from the Shenbing Continent. From a distance, it looks like a tavern. Go, like a burning pillar of fire.

The first floor of the tavern, which is also the largest area, is the restaurant. In addition to the Hundred Beast Spirit Wine, this tavern also has a variety of famous dishes, attracting many patrons from the Beast Town to come and taste them. Therefore, the tavern’s business is very good.

Jiang Cheng did not stay longer on the first floor. After entering the tavern, he walked directly up the stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor, it was different from the slightly noisy environment on the first floor. The entire second floor was filled with cargo boxes and there were only three counters. Each counter had a steward sitting in front of it, responsible for receiving customers who came to purchase items.

Jiang Cheng took a look and saw that there was no one in front of the second counter, so he walked directly there. Before he could walk in there, a middle-aged man in his thirties who was sitting on the counter stood up with a look on his face. He looked at Jiang Cheng with a smile: "Master Jiang is here, are you looking for Master Du? He happens to be here today, I will go and inform you."

This steward obviously recognized Jiang Cheng. In fact, Jiang Cheng often came here to play in the past, and the young master Du he was talking about was the grandson of the owner of the Hundred Beasts Tavern, Du Ning.

When Jiang Cheng's parents were young, they saved Du Ning's father Du Fu in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, so they had a good relationship. This relationship also extended to the next generation, that is, Jiang Cheng and Du Ning. We have been playing together since childhood.

Since the death of his parents, some of the uncles he had been friends with in the past have lost contact with each other after they came to express their condolences. In the past month, the only ones who came to Jiangcheng frequently to help Jiangcheng were Du Fu and his family, and their relationship was not the same. It didn’t break up because of the death of their parents.

Thinking of the fat little man who liked to drink, Jiang Cheng shook his head and said to the steward: "Don't call him, I'm just here to buy something. I have some things to do after that."

The steward looked embarrassed after hearing this, but seeing Jiang Cheng's serious expression, he had no choice but to nod his head, and then continued to ask, "I wonder what you want, Master Jiang?"

"Give me one part of the wind wolf essence and blood, one part of the flame lizard essence and blood, and one part of the sheep rabbit's essence and blood." Jiang Cheng said the Xuanbing beast's essence and blood that he had expected before.

Among them, the strength that Wind Wolf and Flame Lizard can achieve after adulthood are medium-level mysterious weapon beasts. In this beast-suppressing city near the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, they are not very precious and can be obtained at a low cost.

The essence and blood of Mianmian Rabbit are more precious. Although this kind of Xuan Weapon is only at the elementary level of Xuan Weapon when it reaches adulthood and is much weaker than the Wind Wolf and Flame Lizard, this kind of Xuan Weapon possesses a kind of Special ability - the power of healing.

Among their innate skills is a skill called Healing Light, which has a good healing effect. Some people who know that they have no hope of making much achievements in the field of Xuan Weapon Master will contract a Mianmian Rabbit so that they can become a doctor in the future. .

There are very few Xuanbing beasts with healing skills, so they are quite rare, and their essence and blood also have a strong effect of healing injuries, so the essence and blood of this Mianmian beast is more precious.

Fortunately, the Hundred Beasts Tavern had a lot of materials in reserve. The three things he needed were all available, and the steward quickly had them fetched.

Looking at the three vials of essence and blood in front of him, Jiang Cheng raised his hand and put them into the space ring. This space ring was also left to him by his parents. Otherwise, Jiang Cheng himself would not be able to obtain such a precious thing as the space ring. .

"Thank you, how much do these three bottles of blood essence cost in total?" Jiang Cheng asked the steward.

"Damn it, Young Master Du said before that if you come to buy anything from now on, I won't take your money." The steward smiled at Jiang Cheng, but the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and there was a hint of pain in his eyes.

"Okay, don't pretend to be like me. I understand that Du Ning guy. This is definitely not what he said. If I take it away directly, it will probably be deducted from your salary. It will not be easy for you to make some money. "

Du Ning had said this before, but Jiang Cheng refused at that time. The brothers still settled the accounts clearly. What's more, Du Ning and the others were in business. Things like settling accounts must be clearly calculated. If Jiang Cheng was really allowed to do this, he would probably Throughout the tavern, there would be some voices of dissatisfaction with Duning.

The steward had no choice but to nod and accepted three gold coins from Jiangcheng. The combined blood essence and blood of the Wind Wolf and the Fire Lizard required one gold coin, while the essence and blood of the Mianmian Rabbit required two gold coins.

In the Shenbing Continent, the main currencies in circulation are gold coins, silver coins and copper coins made by special methods. One gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins, and 1 silver coin is equal to 100 copper coins. In terms of price, one copper coin here is almost equivalent to the earth. One dollar in China.

The currency is issued by the Shenbing Empire. There is only one country in this Shenbing Continent, and that is the Shenbing Empire. However, in Jiang Cheng’s impression, this country’s dominance is not very strong. All parts of the continent are governed by local governments. The imperial family is controlled by the Xuan Weapon Master sect. Although the empire's royal family has good strength, it cannot withstand the counterattacks of many sects on the mainland. It can only let it go and cannot control much real power.

After paying the money, Jiang Cheng left here and returned to his home.

His home was not very far from here, and soon he arrived. As soon as he walked in, he saw an old man about sixty years old sitting on a stone bench inside, with his wrinkled face wrinkled. , holding a dry cigarette in his right hand, put it to his mouth, and smoked it one puff at a time.

"Young Master, you are back?" The old man stood up immediately when he saw Jiang Cheng coming in, and looked at Jiang Cheng with a kind smile.

"Well, Uncle Chang, today is the first day of class, and there are not many courses in the academy." Jiang Cheng replied with a smile.

Uncle Chang was a servant who followed his parents. As long as he could remember, he remembered that Uncle Chang had always been at home and watched him grow up since he was a child. Jiang Cheng never treated him as a servant or a relative. Since his parents got into trouble, Jiang Cheng also dismissed some servants at home, only Uncle Chang did not leave and chose to stay here.

"Uncle Chang, I still have something to do, I will go back to my room first. You should pay more attention to rest and smoke less, it is not good for your health." After saying something to Uncle Chang, Jiang Cheng walked to his room.

Uncle Chang slowly exhaled a red smoke ring like a fire ring, looked at Jiang Cheng's back, and sighed silently.


Walking into his room and sitting on a chair, Jiang Cheng couldn't wait to take out the three bottles of Xuanbing beast blood from the space ring and put them in front of the table.

Then, he fell into a difficult problem.

How can I let the Mysterious Weapon Atlas absorb the essence of the Mysterious Weapon Beast? With my current level of spiritual power, I can't get it out of the sea of ​​consciousness, right?

Should I just drink it?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Cheng picked up the bottle of the essence of the Mianmian Rabbit, opened it, and gently poured a drop into his mouth.

The essence of the Mianmian Rabbit has the effect of healing the body and is not harmful to the body, at least not like the other two, which would be life-threatening if you drink it casually.

As soon as this drop of the essence of the Mianmian Rabbit entered his mouth and was not absorbed by the body, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt something strange in the sea of ​​consciousness. Then he felt that the drop of the essence of the Mianmian Rabbit in his mouth was wrapped by a golden light, and disappeared in his mouth the next second.

He quickly looked at the sea of ​​consciousness, and saw that the Mysterious Weapon Atlas had automatically turned to a page in the sea of ​​consciousness. On that page, a rabbit with soft and fluffy hair was depicted, and there was a crescent pattern on its forehead, which was the image of the Mianmian Rabbit.

The originally gray picture has now become vivid and colorful, as if it is not a picture, but a living Mianmian Rabbit.

At this time, golden words appeared on the picture:

[Xuanbing Beast] Mianmian Rabbit

[Strength Level] Primary Xuanbing Beast

[Xuanbing] Mianling Bracelet

[Talent Skill] Healing Light

[Evolution Form] Moon Spirit Rabbit

[Evolution Method] When the strength of Mianmian Rabbit breaks through the limit and reaches the intermediate Xuanbing Beast, it can take the essence of Moon Spirit Rabbit and use Moon Crystal to absorb the moonlight on the full moon night, and there is a certain probability of evolution.

Seeing this, Jiang Cheng widened his eyes, evolved into Moon Spirit Rabbit? !

He knew that some Xuanbing Beasts could evolve, but he didn't expect that the elves like Mianmian Rabbit could actually evolve into Moon Spirit Rabbit.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit is a Xuanbing beast that can reach the elite level of strength after adulthood, and it also has a strong auxiliary healing effect. It is extremely precious. I have never thought that in addition to natural birth and breeding, it can also evolve from the Mianmian Rabbit. It is estimated that not many people in the entire Shenbing Continent know about this, but now he knows it.

Is there any other secret evolution route for Xuanbing beasts? If so, he can get a lot of benefits from it.

He was thinking about using the essence and blood of the other two Xuanbing beasts. At this time, a golden light shot out from the Mianmian Rabbit pattern and directly merged into his contract Xuanzhu that had turned white.

Through the feedback of the contract Xuanzhu, Jiang Cheng only felt a faint burning sensation throughout his body. In this burning sensation, he felt a powerful energy appearing in his body out of thin air, washing his body like a rushing stream, making his body strength slowly increase. In the end, most of this energy was integrated into the contract Xuanzhu that has now turned white.

This power eventually turned into Yuanli and merged into the contract Xuanzhu.

Jiang Cheng felt it for a while, and found that the energy inside the contracted black bead had increased greatly, almost equivalent to the result of his one-week practice.

At the same time, a message came to him from the black soldier illustration book, and the innate skills of this Mianmian rabbit seemed to have been passed on to the black soldier beast in his contracted black bead, becoming one of its innate skills.

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