The Arrow Feather Eagle itself was only at the high-mid level, and was inferior to Xiao Wonton's high-level peak strength. In addition, his body was severely injured, and he was suddenly bombarded by the lightning released by Xiao Wonton. It was even worse. When he fell to the ground, he was already dying, and it was difficult to even stand up.

The Fire Crystal Ape King looked at Jiang Cheng with flickering eyes. He didn't expect that there would be humans breaking in at this time. The power of the lightning just now even frightened him.

In his excitement, the injury on his right arm was affected. He immediately roared in pain, then hugged his right arm, endured the severe pain and ran towards the direction of the purple yuan fruit tree behind him.

The purple yuan fruit is a fruit that strengthens the body and nourishes the essence. Although it is not a healing fruit, it still has some effect on the recovery of physical injuries after taking it. In this situation, the Fire Crystal Ape King can't care about the pain. He must stabilize the injuries on his body first before he can protect his life.

Jiang Cheng saw it, smiled slightly, raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. In an instant, the Fire Crystal Ape King felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the world around him changed dramatically in an instant.

In front of him, it was no longer the scene in the valley, but a sea covered by vast blue waves. The place where he stood was a small piece of land in the ocean, which could only accommodate him standing here alone.

The waves surged slowly, unknown fish jumped out of the water, seagulls flew in groups in the sky, and the salty and humid air drifted into his nose. The scene in front of him made the Fire Crystal Ape King, who had been here since birth and had never seen the ocean, a little confused.

Where is this? Where? Why did I suddenly run here?

Looking at the sea water in front of him, he tentatively stretched out a leg and put it into the water. The feeling of being soaked in water made him a little unhappy. He immediately retracted his leg and looked at the surrounding sea water with mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

Sadly, he was in the sea, surrounded by water, and didn't know how to get out. As a fire-attributed Xuanbing beast, swimming was not a skill he could learn; happy that he came here, but the human didn't, so he should have escaped.


Looking at the frightened and confused faces of many fire crystal apes in the valley, some jumped up and down, some seemed to be drowning, their limbs were shaking randomly, and they looked even funny.

This was the formation he had just arranged, called the Small Fantasy Sea Formation, a second-level formation, belonging to the illusion formation.

When he found that he had a good talent in formation, he had not let go of this aspect of practice. Now he can arrange a second-level formation, and he is considered a real second-level formation master.

In fact, there is no small illusion sea formation, there is only a third-level formation, the illusion sea formation. The third-level illusion sea formation can not only make the opponent who enters the formation fall into an environment like the ocean, but also has infinite murderous intent, which is extremely terrifying. It is a combination of illusion formation and killing formation.

It was just a third-level formation, and Jiang Cheng couldn't arrange it with his current ability. In the process of studying the diagram of the Fantasy Sea Formation, Jiang Cheng found that the Fantasy Sea Formation actually had two core parts, one for the Fantasy Formation and the other for the Killing Formation. The combination of the two formed the Fantasy Sea Formation.

Jiang Cheng tried to dismantle the part that belonged to the Killing Formation, and added some formation patterns to make up for the defects through his own understanding, so that the formation could continue to operate, creating the current small Fantasy Sea Formation.

The small Fantasy Sea Formation was not very lethal, but it could drag opponents with weak mental power into the ocean environment and make it difficult to break free.


Twenty minutes later, Jiang Cheng walked out of the valley with Xiao Wonton.

As for the Fire Crystal Ape tribe in the valley, he did not kill them all, but only took down the beast crystals of nearly twenty Fire Crystal Apes killed by the Arrow Feather Eagle and the flame crystals on their heads.

Of course, he did not let go of the Purple Yuan Fruit, the Fire Crystal Ape King and the Arrow Feather Eagle, two high-level Xuanbing beasts.

The beast crystals of the two high-level Xuanbing beasts are very valuable, and Jiang Cheng had never lit up the illustrations of the Xuanbing beasts such as the Arrow Feather Eagle before. At this time, he just took a portion of his blood essence. He did not let go of the arrow feathers on the Arrow Feather Eagle. He even treasured the arrow feather that was like metal after the sacrifice.

This is an excellent material for making bows and arrows. If this arrow feather is used as the main material and supplemented with some other materials, the arrows made are the weapons that every Xuanbing master who uses the Xuanbing in the form of bows and arrows dreams of.

There are eight purple Yuan fruits in total, which he kept in the prepared jade box. In addition to taking them directly, he can also take them to the alchemy workshop in the city to find some alchemy masters to ask them to help refine pills, so that they can play a better role.

This trip can be said to be a great harvest. Jiang Cheng stood by the stream outside the valley and washed his palms happily.

After washing, he did not return to the original way to look for the Xuanbing beasts in the jungle, but followed this stream and went around to the back of the valley.

This valley belongs to the border of the Apocalypse Trial Forest. Outside it is a deeper area in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, where many more powerful Xuanbing beasts live.

In the Trial Forest, there are not many medium-level Xuanbing beasts that can be encountered, and high-level Xuanbing beasts are even rarer. If you go deeper, you can encounter many medium-level Xuanbing beasts, not to mention that you will encounter high-level Xuanbing beasts, so you can be more efficient.

Going around to one side, Jiang Cheng was a little depressed to see that the road ahead was blocked by a mountain wall, and this stream also flowed down from above along the rocks of the mountain wall, like a small waterfall.

Not wanting to continue the detour, he simply followed the vines growing on the mountain wall and climbed up all the way to the top of the mountain wall. With his current physical fitness and mastery, he was really flying up like the flying eaves and walls in his previous life.

After walking up the mountain wall, he looked down on the other side and saw the valley he had just walked out of. The fire crystal apes in it had not yet reacted to the experience just now. Many small fire crystal apes were still hiding on the top of the number and had not come down.

Jiang Cheng retracted his gaze, looked around, and after confirming the direction, he walked directly in the direction where the arrow-feathered eagle had just flown out. The rocks were steep and the road was bumpy, but he walked as if on flat ground, and his speed did not slow down at all.

When he came to the side where the arrow-feathered eagle flew, Jiang Cheng was surprised to find that it turned out to be a steep canyon here. A turbulent river was rushing below the canyon. If he walked a few steps forward, he would be under the cliff. If he was not careful, he would fall off the cliff and fall into the river.

Jiang Cheng frowned. It seemed that this road was blocked and he had to start over.

Just as he was about to go back, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked forward. He saw that on the stone wall on the other side of the canyon, there was a small tree growing. The trunk was frosty white, like ice condensation, the leaves were ice blue, and there was a light blue fruit condensed with frost growing between the branches and leaves.

"Frost fruit? How can such an ice-attribute fruit grow in this place?"

He moved his body slightly, wanting to confirm whether it was a frost fruit, but he saw something he had not seen before. In the mountain wall on the other side of the frost fruit tree, there was a cave. It was previously blocked by the trees and could not be seen, but now it was clear.

Jiang Cheng looked at the deep cave and became curious.

There was a frost fruit tree growing outside the cave. What was in the cave?

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