Jiang Cheng was the first creature she met after she was born, so the frost elf was very attached to Jiang Cheng.

Holding this cute little guy in his palm, Jiang Cheng noticed that there was a pair of small wings as thin as cicada wings behind her, which trembled slightly, allowing her to fly easily in the air.

Listening to the frost elf's humming and humming, Jiang Cheng was a little confused for a while. He didn't understand what the cry meant.

According to the information he knew, the elves had mastered a language called Elven language since birth. Elven language was a language that Jiang Cheng, not to mention Xiao Wonton, probably couldn't understand.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's puzzled look, the frost elf's little head tilted to one side, her small eyebrows wrinkled, and she looked like she was thinking hard. After a few seconds, her eyes lit up, and the small wings behind her trembled, and she flew in front of Jiang Cheng's forehead.

After that, she put her forehead on Jiang Cheng's forehead, and the snowflake light pattern in the middle of her eyebrows bloomed with dazzling light. Jiang Cheng only felt a chill in his eyebrows, and then he felt as if there was something more in his head.

Looking at the ice and snow elf again, she flew back to Jiang Cheng's palm and said, "Master, hello."

Jiang Cheng was stunned.

What happened? Why did he understand her words even though it still sounded like a humming sound?

At this time, he suddenly remembered that when he read the information about elves on the tree, there was an introduction that elves could make a contract with humans without occupying the contract pearl.

This contract has a very beautiful name, called the elf blessing, and each elf has only one chance in his life.

This contract, because it does not occupy the contract pearl, also does not have such a good effect as the contract through the contract pearl, and cannot be transformed into a mysterious soldier to obtain the super strong strength blessing effect.

There are also some effects, that is, it can make humans and elves communicate with each other, and humans who have signed the contract can also obtain some of the elves' abilities.

Jiang Cheng felt a cold and frosty air in his body at this time, but it was too small, and the role it could play at present was only to regulate body temperature; when the strength of the frost elf increases, this power will slowly grow.

Even humans who have received the elves' blessing will gain great favor when facing other elves.

It seems that the action of the frost elf sticking to his forehead just now is the elf's blessing, which is very important to an elf. Generally, only elves who have just been born and are pure-hearted will offer their elf blessings.

Jiang Cheng's mouth corners slightly raised, raised a finger, gently tapped the frost elf's head, and said with a smile: "Hello, do you have a name?"

After hearing Jiang Cheng's question, the frost elf held her chin with her little hand, and pondered with a confused look, as if sorting out some information in her mind when she was born. After a while, she shook her little head: "It seems that there is no."

"Then I will give you a name?" Jiang Cheng looked at the little man in front of him and said:

"Since you are an elf born in ice and snow, how about calling you Bingling in the future?" He didn't have any talent for naming. If the frost elf is willing to be called this name, then so be it. If she doesn't like it, Jiang Cheng will not force it, and just think of some other names.

"Bing Ling? Okay, okay." The frost elf heard the name without hesitation, and immediately nodded her little head, then clapped her palms excitedly, and jumped up excitedly: "Bing Ling, Bing Ling, wow, I have a name~"

"Thank you, Master." After being happy, Bing Ling raised her smiling face and said to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng then said: "You don't have to call me Master, my name is Jiang Cheng, you can just call me Jiang Cheng."

As a young man who has received modern education, he would feel strange and ashamed to be called a master, as if he had done something bad.

"Jiang Cheng? Woo~ Okay, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng..."

On the side, Xiao Wonton, who was sitting on the table and watching Jiang Cheng and Bing Ling interact, couldn't help but curl his mouth, stretched out his hand, and a small green fruit in the fruit plate on the table was sucked in by him.

Holding the green fruit, he took a bite hard.


What's wrong with this fruit? Is it bad? Why is it so sour?

Jiang Cheng slowly placed his palm on the table, letting Bing Ling stand in front of Xiao Wonton, and said to Bing Ling: "This is Xiao Wonton, you two meet, and you will be friends in the future."

"Xiao Wonton? Hello." Bing Ling stood in front of Xiao Wonton, greeted him enthusiastically, and stretched out her little hand.

The two were of similar height, standing together at this time, Bing Ling's happy smile coupled with Xiao Wonton's somewhat cute expression, Jiang Cheng felt an inexplicable sense of joy, and couldn't help laughing.

Because of the elf's blessing, Jiang Cheng and Bing Ling had a heart-to-heart connection, and Xiao Wonton had a heart-to-heart connection with Jiang Cheng. Based on the principle of A=B, A=C, so B=C, there was no language barrier between Xiao Wonton and Bing Ling.

For Jiang Cheng's sake, Xiao Wonton did not embarrass Xiao Wonton, stretched out his little claws and held Bing Ling's hand together, squeaked, and responded to Bing Ling's greeting.

Jiang Cheng stood in the middle, witnessing their first communication.

Seeing that Xiao Wonton recognized her and became her friend, Bing Ling flapped her wings happily, turned around happily on the spot, then puffed up her little mouth and gently exhaled a breath of light blue cold air. The cold air was cool but not cold, and it felt extremely comfortable when it fell on her body.

Xiao Wonton squinted his eyes comfortably, and then he looked at Bing Ling more favorably.


After the trial, Jiang Cheng and his friends still had to practice in the academy for a period of time, consolidate their knowledge in the academy, and thoroughly master what they had gained during the trial.

This process will last for more than half a month, and then the academy will give them a vacation for about twenty days.

By then, when the vacation is over and the academy reopens, they will be considered as average students in Tianqi Academy. After that, the academy will teach fewer courses, and most of the time they will master it on their own.

In the elementary class, because they have almost no foundation in practice, the teaching is relatively detailed, and after that, it is a free-range learning.

Practice various martial arts skills and cultivate Xuanbing beasts by yourself. If you encounter problems, you can go to the teacher to ask for teaching.

During this period before the vacation, Jiang Cheng's daily schedule is very tight.

Study the formation, condense the formation pattern instead of the training of controlling the Yuanli; practice various martial arts to improve their own combat power; collect the unabsorbed essence of the Xuanbing beast, light up the illustration to improve their strength; train Xiao Wonton, Bing Ling and others.

This kind of time spent on useful things and things that interest you every day really feels fulfilling and happy.

In a blink of an eye, another ten days have passed.

Apocalypse Academy, the third floor of the Apocalypse Tower.

Two earth-yellow snakes about two meters long, one on the left and one on the right, meandering forward, aiming directly at a smaller ice-blue figure in the air in front.

These are two earth-patterned snake phantoms of elementary and high-level strength. Jiang Cheng trained Bing Ling's combat ability here.

Bing Ling's face was solemn, her wings flapped quickly, and she quickly moved her body. At the same time, the ice-blue light on her body flashed, and finally gathered in the palm of her hand, shooting out a thick ice-white light column, which quickly shot at one of the earth-patterned snakes.

Frozen light.

When the icy light was about to fall on the earth snake, the brown lines on the back of the earth snake suddenly emitted a faint light, and then the flying sand gathered together to form a flying sand shield to resist the attack of the icy light.

At the same time, another earth snake suddenly jumped up, bursting out at a very fast speed, and quickly came in front of Bing Ling, bounced up, opened its ferocious snake mouth, and bit towards Bing Ling, scaring Bing Ling.

At this time, a beam of light shot from a distance and quickly pierced the head of the earth snake, causing it to dissipate directly.

Jiang Cheng walked slowly, Xiao Wonton sat on his shoulders, patted his paws, and encouraged Bing Ling with two squeaks.

Walking to Bing Ling, he could see that she was frightened just now. He stretched out his hand and let her stand on his palm. With the other hand, he gently stroked her little head and comforted her: "It's okay, these are all fake, don't be afraid."

"When your strength is improved in the future, it will be easy to deal with them."

Bing Ling was only ten days away from birth. Even though she was very talented, with the large amount of cultivation resources supplied by Jiangcheng, she was only at the elementary and middle level. Facing two elementary and high-level earth snakes, it was naturally a bit troublesome to deal with them.

After comforting her for a while, Bing Ling calmed down her frightened heart, and then let her go back to the Bingyuan Spirit Stone to rest for a while.

Walking out of the Apocalypse Tower, Jiang Cheng walked on the road, thinking about something.

The holiday is coming soon. I don't know how to arrange this nearly twenty-day holiday?

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