Beast Taming: Starting from Contracting the Mysterious Beast

Chapter 73: Chaos Second Transformation: Sea Dragon Fish (Please order first!)

After paying nearly three thousand gold coins, Jiang Cheng put the three items into the space ring with some pain and left Haizhen Pavilion.

After walking out, it was dark, and the faint light emitted by the bright moon in the sky made the surroundings not so dark.

Jiang Cheng strolled on the path to the inn. As he walked, his mouth curled up, and his eyes glanced behind him inadvertently.

Sure enough, someone really followed him, and there was more than one.

"Zhi?" Xiao Wonton also felt some people behind him and asked Jiang Cheng's opinion, whether to take action?

"No." Jiang Cheng shook his head slightly and said softly.

He had thought about it a long time ago. He spent so much money at the auction, which would definitely attract the covetousness of many people.

And he could feel that the few people following behind him were not his opponents, so he didn't care too much. Let's see what they were going to do first?

Walking at a normal speed, all the way to the inn, after walking in, none of the people following behind him took action.

I don't know if they are unsure or have other plans.

After walking back to his room and sitting down, Jiang Cheng took out two Yuanling stones, stretched out his hands to form a formation pattern, and arranged the formation with the Yuanling stones as the energy core of the formation.

Ten minutes later, a second-level defense formation and a fantasy sea formation were arranged by Jiang Cheng, and as Jiang Cheng's mind moved, they covered the room.

At this time, Jiang Cheng took out the beast crystal of the sea dragon fish and handed it to Xiao Wonton.

Xiao Wonton held the round beast crystal in his two little paws, played with it for a while, and then started to do business.

Just like the first time the chaos changed, colorful light lit up around Xiao Wonton's body, various elements lingered around his body, and a mark of the chaos bead condensed in front of his chest.

However, the difference is that around this chaos bead mark, there is a much smaller Moon God Rabbit mark, and the moonlight shines.

Xiao Wonton put the round beast crystal in his hand into the chaos bead mark and directly merged into it.

In the Chaos Pearl, endless waves condensed, causing a turbulent sea to form inside it. The waves rolled, and waves surged and hit the sea surface, splashing fragments and foam in the air.

In this wave, a giant golden dragon fish jumped out of the water. Its golden scales were like dragon scales, its head was like a dragon, and it had a pair of sharp claws under its belly. Its long tail gently flapped behind it, stirring up a huge wave.

In reality, the Chaos Pearl mark on Xiao Wonton's chest gradually turned into the shape mark of the Sea Dragon Fish.

The light dissipated, but he did not change his form directly like the first time.

Because he felt that this Sea Dragon Fish form, even if it was only at the advanced strength stage, had an extremely large body, and this small room could not accommodate his body at all.

After hearing Xiao Wonton's explanation, Jiang Cheng nodded in understanding, and then he took Xiao Wonton back into his body, took out the Thousand Illusions Mask, put it on his face, and his face changed, turning into a strange young man's face.

After changing his clothes and tidying up the room, he walked out of the room and the inn.

When he walked out of the inn, he could feel that there were many more people guarding the inn than those who followed him before.

The purpose of these people is self-evident.

Jiang Cheng is such a fat sheep that seems to be easy to slaughter, everyone wants to take a bite, even drinking some soup is a very profitable thing.


The people guarding around noticed that Jiang Cheng walked out of the inn and walked towards a room, and most of them followed him directly.

They sneered in their hearts. They saw that this young man had little experience. Did he really think that he could deceive them by changing his appearance?

It was the middle of the night, and the figure was so similar. Who else could it be except you? Do you really think we are fools?

Jiang Cheng walked neither fast nor slow, feeling the group of people behind him, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

As he walked, he came to the lake in the south corner of Nanhai City.

There is a small lake in the four directions of the south, east, west and north of Nanhai City. The names are simple and named according to the directions, namely East Corner Lake, South Corner Lake, West Corner Lake and North Corner Lake. They were opened up by some Xuanbing divisions at the beginning of the city's construction, and rainwater was drawn into them to form freshwater lakes for the convenience of people's lives.

The four lakes are interconnected to form a cycle, so that the water in these four lakes is not like stagnant water.

Standing by the South Corner Lake, he squatted down, and a series of array patterns condensed out, forming a basic array to interfere with vision, blocking the vision of those around him who were secretly observing him, calling Xiao Wonton out and letting him jump into the lake.

After removing the array, Jiang Cheng stood up and a series of array patterns condensed in his palms, blending into the surrounding space.

Without the array plate, it was really troublesome to condense the array again and again.

About three minutes later, after a formation was formed, Jiang Cheng clapped his hands, turned around, looked at the darkness behind him, and said loudly: "One by one, you have followed me all the way after leaving the inn. I am tired of you, so come out."

In the darkness, everyone hesitated. Some people chose to continue hiding in the dark and observing, and some people who thought they were strong took the initiative to come out.

Figures came out one after another, and finally four people stood out.

The two people on the far left, one short and fat, the other tall and thin, both wearing a rat mask; these two people are the famous fat and thin rat thieves in Nanhai City. They are only the strength of the second-level Xuanbing Master, but they cooperate well and can fight against the third-level Xuanbing Master together.

The person in the middle, wearing a black robe and a hat covering his face, is Uncle Wei who is beside Hai Yun, a close confidant of the elder of the Hai family, and a third-level five-star strength.

The person on the right, wearing a green robe, smiling, looks gentle and polite, like a gentleman, but Uncle Wei of the Hai family is a little afraid of this person.

Wen Qingyi, the head of the Qingyi Hall in Nanhai City, is known as a smiling tiger. He smiles in front of people, but he can kill your family the moment he turns around. His announced strength is only third-level two-star, but no one believes that his strength is just that.

"Is there no one?" Jiang Cheng looked at a certain place, where there was still a person hiding.

"Humph, just a clown." Uncle Wei also felt the existence of that person, snorted disdainfully, then looked at Jiang Cheng and said in a hoarse voice: "Jiang Cheng, right? This is not the Beast Suppression City, your safety is not guaranteed, hand over your space ring, and I won't hurt your life."

"Jiang Cheng? You recognized the wrong person, right?" Jiang Cheng naturally would not admit his identity.

"Jiang boy, you don't have to pretend. We are all veterans. How can we not recognize it? Wearing a human skin mask is useless." The thin rat among the fat and thin rats said in his slightly sharp voice.

"That's right." The fat rat nodded.

"If you give the space ring to us, we can guarantee that you will leave safely." The thin rat said, glancing at Wen Qingyi with a fearful look.

"That's right." The fat rat responded.

During this period, Wen Qingyi did not speak, but just smiled at Jiang Cheng, the meaning was self-evident.

"Hehe." Jiang Cheng shook his head gently, raised his right palm, and waved it gently.


The water in the lake behind him exploded, and golden light flashed in the water. Accompanied by a resounding dragon roar, a huge monster rushed out of the lake and hovered above Jiang Cheng's head, looking at the four people with majestic dragon eyes.

Dragon head, fish body, dragon claws...

Other people living in Nanhai City naturally recognized what kind of mysterious beast this was.

Overturning sea dragon fish!

"Do you still think I'm that Jiang Cheng?" Jiang Cheng smiled at the four people below the dragon fish.

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