"Cough... hum!"

A cough was heard outside the classroom, and the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet. Most people turned their eyes to the door of the classroom.

The door was gently pushed open, and then a strong man walked in. His thin clothes could not hide his burly figure. There were three scratches on his face, which seemed to be left by the claws of some mysterious beast, making his face look a little ferocious.

The whole person seemed to exude a momentum. When he walked into the classroom, the spoiled young ladies and the arrogant and domineering rich young men in the class lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

Jiang Cheng himself felt as if a huge stone was pressing on his chest, and it was difficult to breathe and extremely dull, especially when the teacher looked around and swept his eyes to himself, this feeling was even stronger.

I don't know how long it lasted, Jiang Cheng felt that he was going to faint, and this feeling was withdrawn like a tide.

At this time, they also heard the sturdy teacher speak:

"My name is Zhang Chenghu, your martial arts teacher for the next month. Before class, I will say something ugly." Zhang Chenghu said in his rough voice, and at the same time, he scanned the more than 100 people in the class with his ferocious eyes between the scratches: "I don't care what your identity is outside? Whether you are the young master or the young lady of the three major families or the noble family, in my class, you must obey orders and enforce them. Violators will be punished."

No one dared to say anything. Those who didn't know this teacher were intimidated by his strength and didn't dare to speak; and those who knew this teacher and knew his past deeds didn't dare to say more.

This teacher Zhang Chenghu was born in the military, so he always required his students to follow the rules of the military in the class. He had been guarding the city in the Zhenshou City Army and participated in the fight against the beast tide at least three times. He was extremely powerful. He was a fifth-level Xuanbing Division with stronger combat ability. He could threaten the sixth-level strongman with his life.

Once, a child of the Chilin family bullied a civilian child in school and beat him severely, almost crippling his Xuanbing beast. Zhang Chenghu was furious when he knew about it, and directly beat the child of the family to cripple him. Tianqi Academy also expelled him directly, and the Chilin family could not do anything to Zhang Chenghu afterwards.

For example, the patriarchs of the seven noble families in Zhenshou City are basically at the fifth level, and only one or two of them have broken through the sixth level. Among the three major families, except for the Shengyan family, the strongest Xuanbing master is only at the sixth level. No force is willing to offend a fifth-level Xuanbing master easily, including the three major families, not to mention that the military forces of Zhenshou City and Tianqi Academy are behind him.

So when facing Zhang Chenghu, they feel bitter in their hearts, lamenting that they are unlucky to meet this teacher, and dare not show any dissatisfaction on the surface.


Martial arts are a very important means of fighting against enemies for Xuanbing masters.

Because the Xuanbing Master, in addition to commanding his own Xuanbing beast to fight against the enemy, generally needs to merge with the Xuanbing beast and control the Xuanbing, so that he can exert stronger strength. In this case, the Xuanbing Master naturally needs strong combat skills and abilities, so that his own strength can be exerted to the greatest extent.

Therefore, after summarizing the experience of predecessors, various martial arts that can exert powerful power under the impetus of Yuanli were created.

Like the skills, martial arts are also divided into grades one to nine, as well as heavenly martial arts. Powerful martial arts are also the secrets of various forces.

After briefly explaining the information about the martial arts, Zhang Chenghu continued, "You have all been practicing for a month. Even if your strength has not reached the first level, you should have cultivated some Yuanli in the contract pearl, which can activate some simple martial arts."

"There will also be a martial arts assessment in the freshman assessment in one month. If you fail, you will not be able to stay in our college. So the martial arts I teach you, whether you like it or not, you must learn it well."

As he said, Zhang Chenghu waved his hand, and a pile of brand new books appeared on the ground beside the podium. A scent of ink emanated, and it looked like it had just been printed.

"This is the book of the three martial arts I will teach you. It contains detailed information about these three martial arts. Three books for each person. Students in the front row, please help distribute them."

Looking at the pile of books, Jiang Cheng's eyes widened and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

He had an old complaint in his mouth, and he wanted to spit it out but didn't dare to.

Why does this painting style feel a little weird?

Shouldn't martial arts be recorded on martial arts stones or jade slips? At the very least, they are recorded on those scrolls that look very elegant. The martial arts his parents left him are all recorded in some golden scrolls or jade slips. I have never seen such printed books.

Suddenly, I felt that the martial arts that the academy was going to teach were much lower in quality!

There were many people who thought the same as him. They all looked at Zhang Chenghu standing on the podium with slightly confused eyes. Noticing the eyes of many students, Zhang Chenghu also understood their doubts and shouted, "What are you looking at? With your current strength that has not yet entered the first-level Xuanbing Master, can you activate the martial arts that are taught to you?"

"These are all basic martial arts that have not entered the grade. There is no intention requirement, and there is no need to record them in jade slips and scrolls. Don't be picky. It's enough for you to read them printed in this book."

When they heard Zhang Chenghu say that these martial arts were not of the first rank, many students in the class suddenly lost their enthusiasm.

Martial arts that were of the first rank were very precious. Even the lower-grade martial arts of the first rank were of high value. However, martial arts that were not of the first rank were generally not of high value. Even outside, you could get some martial arts that were not of the first rank for a little money.

Not of the first rank meant that this martial art had almost no skills in activating the Yuan force. It was just a rough and direct activation, and the power it exerted would not be very great.

As several students sitting in the front row handed out the books printed with martial arts one by one, and they fell into Jiang Cheng's hands, he picked up the three thin books and started reading.

These three martial arts were "Basic Boxing of Apocalypse", "Basic Body Movement of Apocalypse" and "Introduction to Weapons of Apocalypse".

Jiang Cheng simply flipped through a few pages. These three books had very detailed descriptions of the boxing and body movements recorded in these books, and were also equipped with body diagrams and Yuan force running routes, which made it easy to understand.

Moreover, as he read, he found that these three basic martial arts books were not as simple as he imagined. For example, the power of "Apocalypse Basic Boxing" was not very strong, but the basic knowledge of boxing was well done, and the description and teaching were very detailed.

If this basic boxing can be mastered to a very deep level, it can lay a good foundation for the practitioner to practice boxing, so that it will be much easier to practice other boxing martial arts in the future.

Similarly, the other two books are also, one can help the practitioner lay a solid foundation for body movements, and the other can help the practitioner have a detailed understanding of various weapons.

Because the book "Apocalypse Weapon Initial Explanation" records many types of weapon usage methods, such as basic swordsmanship, basic gun skills, basic knife skills, etc., it seems very thick, four or five times thicker than the other two books.

After everyone had the three books, Zhang Chenghu coughed, attracted the students' attention, and began to speak again: "Of the three books, you should practice the two books on boxing and body techniques. As for the initial understanding of weapons, you can choose a weapon you want to learn and practice it. You don't have to practice all of them."

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