Beast Taming: Starting from Contracting the Mysterious Beast

Chapter 89 Selection of the Five Colleges, Election Quota

Jiang Cheng now has an idea that the practice of array masters and Xuanbing masters actually complement each other.

For example, condensing array patterns requires a certain amount of Yuan power support, so to be called a powerful array master, one's own strength cannot be too low;

And when the array master reaches a certain stage, it can also help the practice of the Xuanbing master.

Now that Jiang Cheng has broken through to the third-level array master, his soul power and mental power have greatly increased, which has improved his comprehension and practice speed in martial arts, and he has practiced more handily.

Only one month has passed, Jiang Cheng has mastered the three swordsmanships of Fengling Sword, Shuiling Sword and Huoling Sword to the minor success stage, but it is difficult to find a sense of balance between the violent and swift attributes of the Leiling Sword, and it has not yet reached the minor success stage.

He has also basically seen through the array diagram. As long as Jiang Cheng practices the Leiling Sword to the minor success stage and prepares four long swords with different attributes, he can arrange the first stage of the Four Spirit Sword Array.

This month, Jiang Cheng has also been looking for a suitable Yuanqi sword in Zhenshou City.

At an auction in the Beast City, he found a third-grade wind-attributed Yuanqi sword and snapped it up.

This sword is called the Broken Wind Sword. The sword body is made of the bones of the elite black-armored beast Broken Wind Demon Eagle. It can be made of materials that can be used to cast fourth-grade Yuanqi, but because of the poor casting technique, this sword is only third-grade.

The long sword with lightning attribute is too explosive and difficult to master, so there are very few weapons of this attribute. When he encounters a suitable grade, it is not a long sword, but other types of weapons, so Jiang Cheng has not found a suitable one.

So, in the end, he could only spend a lot of money, provide materials himself, and ask a foundry in the city to cast a third-grade thunder-attributed Yuanqi sword.

Casting Yuanqi is very troublesome and takes a lot of time. In addition, the foundry master is famous and many people ask him to cast weapons, so Jiang Cheng can only wait.

It should be possible to cast this thunder-attributed Yuanqi sword before the Hundred Cities Trial.


Jiang Cheng's current strength can be said to be changing with each passing day.

Another month has passed. Two months after breaking through to the third-level formation master, Jiang Cheng's own Yuanli level has finally broken through to the fourth level.

During this period, he has been practicing martial arts, observing formation diagrams, and studying formations, so that he has forgotten to search for the essence and blood of the Xuanbing beast and light up the Xuanbing illustrations. He has been practicing slowly every day. Now it took him two months to break through this threshold.

Because the practice method Xuanyuan Gong is relatively ordinary, not like other legendary magic skills, so after the breakthrough, only the total amount of Yuanli has increased a little, and there are no more special skills.

In addition, now it feels that the speed of practice is getting slower and slower, and Xuanyuan Gong has slowly failed to play a big role in his practice, so Jiang Cheng is also preparing to have the opportunity to change to a better practice method in the future.

After these two months, finally, a message came from the interior of the South Region to Zhenshou City. The Hundred Cities Trial is about to begin, and the quotas in each city have been determined.

Zhenshou City is not particularly miserable this year. Compared with the 200 quotas last time, there are only 80 quotas this year.

Among them, there are 48 places in the five major colleges, 16 places for the major families in Zhenshou City, and another 16 places are selected from the civilian forces in the city.

Jiang Cheng didn't know how those families competed, but he knew that the competition in the colleges was not particularly fierce.

In the selection of the five colleges, one hundred people competed for nearly 50 places, with a probability of 50%. With this probability, as long as the Yuanli level is almost at the second level and eight stars or above, they can basically pass the selection.

After all, Tianqi College is one of the best colleges in Zhenshou City, and most of the participants have not reached the third level, not to mention people from other colleges.


The number of places has been basically confirmed, and the five major colleges have not delayed for a long time, giving another month of preparation time.

Then, when there was only more than a month before the Hundred Cities Trial, the college selection began.

On the Tianqi College side, Tang Minghao's strength has steadily broken through to the third level under the massive resources of the Holy Flame Family. He directly rushed to the second place on the Tianqi list and wanted to compete for a college quota.

Although he is a family member, he is still in the academy after all, unlike those who have graduated, so he can run for a place in the academy. It is not just Tang Minghao, but many family members are like this.

This can be regarded as taking advantage of a loophole, right?

On this day, the top ten students of Tianqi Academy on the Tianqi list came to the academy's training ground early to gather. Among the ten people, there was no other familiar person except Tang Minghao.

After a while, Zhang Chenghu came with ten people of the same age as them.

These should be the outstanding students who chose to stay in the academy when they graduated in the previous two years. Jiang Cheng felt their strength slightly and judged by their breath. They were not very high.

Except for one person who was really strong and should be above the third level and five stars, among the rest, only six reached the third level, and the remaining three did not even reach the third level.

This is not surprising. After all, they are not family members, the resources are not very sufficient, and the cultivation methods are not very good. It is good for those under the age of twenty to reach the current strength.

Zhang Chenghu brought people to the training ground, looked at everyone, and nodded without saying anything. He took out a pet bag and opened it. A huge black bird with a height of nearly 20 meters was released on the training ground.

The black bird's feathers were shining with metallic luster, as if it was wearing a layer of black metal armor. Its eyes were sharp and cold, and its wings spread out to stir up a gust of wind.

This is a steel armored eagle. Judging from its size and momentum, its strength is estimated to be elite.

Zhang Chenghu jumped on the back of the steel armored eagle, looked at the twenty people below, and said, "Come up."

Jiang Cheng and others jumped on the back of the steel armored eagle one after another. Even if there were twenty-one people standing on the wide back, it didn't seem crowded.

"Sit tight." Zhang Chenghu reminded.

The next moment, the steel armored eagle's wings shook, and its body instantly flew into the sky like an arrow from a string. The strong feeling of overweight caused Jiang Cheng a little discomfort, and he quickly circulated his Yuanli to ease the feeling in his body.

Flying thousands of meters in the sky, the Steel Armor Eagle took them out of the Beast Town City and arrived at a hill not far from the Beast Town City. At this time, the hill had already been decorated.

Not far away, ten large platforms were built.

Many people had already arrived under these platforms. At this time, they noticed the movement here and looked over here.

The Steel Eagle landed. After everyone landed, Zhang Chenghu put the Steel Eagle into the pet bag, pointed to the ten platforms, and said to everyone:

"Do you see those ten arenas? That's where you will fight to get a place."

"The rules are the same every time, and they are very simple."

"In short, it can be described in four words: go on stage and defend the arena."

"You can go on the arena, become the champion and defend the arena, accept challenges from more than three different people, and successfully defend the arena, then you can get a place to participate in the Hundred Cities Trial."

"You can also challenge the champion, defeat him and become the champion, and accept the challenge."

"Everyone has three challenge opportunities. If you use up the opportunities but fail to challenge, you can leave. This Hundred Cities Trial has nothing to do with you."

"Wait until everyone is here, draw lots to get your number, and then you can challenge or defend the arena."

"I wish you success."

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