So many things happened in one day. Kitsune Shichi thought she would toss and turn and not fall asleep, but unexpectedly, she fell asleep as soon as she got on the bed. She even had a... fluffy dream.

In the dream, she saw herself as a child, with a three-head body and chubby arms like round lotus roots.

The little girl was crying in the dark.

Then, strangely, a large group of animals that looked like both sheep and foxes appeared around her, circling around her, and gradually, her crying stopped.

The reason why the animals looked like sheep and foxes was that they were covered with white wool, their bodies were as fluffy as clouds, and they had round eyes, long noses, and a pair of huge triangular ears on their heads.

Kitsune Shichi was sure that she had never seen such an animal.

In the dream, with the appearance of this group of little cuties, the sky gradually brightened, and then the dream ended.

In reality. Kitsune Shichi opened his eyes suddenly.

Shit. Her first reaction was sleep paralysis. Something was pressing on her, cold, so cold that her arms were numb...

When she looked down again, she gasped,"Perfect?!"

However, it would have been fine if she hadn't called out. When she called out, the small bubble that she could originally hold in one hand, now expanded to the size of a double-door refrigerator, pounced on her like a big dog called by its owner.——

"Ah, don't!" Kitsune Shichi screamed, and was first forced to feel the pressure of a mountain, and then completely sank into the cold water... He felt cold all over, and his heart was flying.


She opened her mouth and spit out a string of bubbles. She used her legs to push herself upwards and popped her head out of the water.

"How did you get so big!"

She just took a nap, not a century, what did she miss?

Wanmei shook proudly and spit her out, constantly bending her body into various postures. Kitsune

Shichi touched her hair, which was very dry. Although she turned around in the water, there was no liquid on her body.

She stared at Wanmei for a few seconds and shook her head.

I don't understand...

Anyway, she was awakened by the ice, and taking advantage of this chill, she simply turned on the beast control system... Huh?

She rubbed her eyes, what happened, what changed so much?

【[Name]: Slime [To be evolved]

【Attributes: Dark

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Ordinary

【Skills: Devour (Intermediate 102/1000), Sprint (Low 178/200), Immunity (Low 3/200), Perception (Intermediate 7/1000)

【Status: Giant (normal)

【Evolution level]: 133%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime - (Forest/Sea/Bloody/Steel) Slime——???——???——???——???——???

Not only did two skills reach intermediate level, but the evolution path changed, the word"element" disappeared, and the new form looked a bit high-end...

What's going on?

Kitsune Yashi hurriedly checked her phone. She was really confused now, but she vaguely guessed that such changes might be related to the food chosen by the slime...

Could it be that eating garbage would turn it into stinky slime, and eating gems would turn it into a gem monster? That... bloody slime?

Uh, why is it a bit eerie? Maybe it has something to do with that [133%] evolution degree?……

"Perfect, come here... Ouch, don't eat me, just come here and let me touch you."

Kitsune Yachi sat on Perfect's body. Although it looked like a water ball, it was actually a collection of elements. It felt more like gelatin when touched and rubbed. If it was swallowed, it could swim in the body... But it should only be limited to her, the owner.

"Quite comfortable……"She sat on it and found it was quite happy, so she felt relieved and lazily leaned on it."Status: Enormous... What is this? Come on, let me check it out."……"

There is everything on the Internet.

Kitsune Shichi quickly found out that 'gigantic' is a passive bloodline of pets, and it is quite common. It is divided into three levels according to the effect, namely: extremely poor, general, and excellent.

So she sighed as she read: Taming beasts is really a big deal. There are hundreds of millions of types of pets alone, and this is just the primary form. In addition, there are intermediate, advanced, general, king, and emperor levels after evolution...

For example, slimes, which are divided only by attributes, have nearly ten intermediate forms...

Fortunately, everyone's skills are similar, and even if there are differences, they can be barely classified into one category. Generally speaking, there are only tens of millions of types... There are even fewer passive bloodlines, and there are only a few thousand common ones, such as [gigantic], [minimal], [mimicry], [directional mimicry], [awakening], [violent], [bloodthirsty], [unbreakable oath], etc.】……There is even [Immortality] [Immortality]】

"My system... seems a bit useless." Kitsune Shichi complained, knocking hard on the non-existent golden page in the air."Other people's systems can help pets upgrade, but mine is like an instruction manual... and I dare to write a bunch of question marks on it."

Forget it, it's better to have an instruction manual than not.

Kitsune Shichi jumped off Perfect. From today on, she is an adult. Although Perfect has not yet finalized its evolutionary form, it can evolve at any time, and its proficiency in [Devouring] and [Perception] has reached the intermediate level.

Kitsune Shichi has checked that as long as they practice diligently, all pets can improve their skill proficiency, not to mention that Slime is greedy and it doesn't need to rest.

So she didn't take it to heart.

"Perfect is gone, go and return the house first. From today on, we will depend on each other.……"

Kitsune Shichi put on her clothes, mumbling something to herself. Before leaving, she casually picked up the black envelope on the table and stuffed it into her back. Her slender white fingers were wrapped by the slime's soft body, and they felt cold to the bone, as if they were inserted into glue.

The next second, white foam rolled up, and the envelope and the contents of the letter turned into nothingness.

"So good~"

She pulled her hand away with a faint smile on her face

"Let's not worry about the previous things. First we have to go to the bank to check the money, then go to the Beastmaster Alliance to determine the rank, and finally find a place to live and a job.……"


As a result...

I can only say that someone has set a very good flag.

As soon as she went downstairs and pushed the door open, Kitsune Shichi felt something was wrong. She took two steps outside. The community was still the one she was familiar with. At first glance, the whole structure seemed to have not changed, but it was inexplicably... somewhat empty...

Looking around, everything was in sight, too clean.

Where are the trees on the roadside? Where are the lights? Where are the trash cans? Even the stone piles are gone. There were birds singing and mice two days ago...

Kitsune Shichi was silent, vaguely feeling a little dizzy. Before going home yesterday, she remembered that there was a car in front of Building No. 2...

It should... probably... must have been driven away by the owner of the car... ?

She looked back and saw Perfect sliding its body out of the narrow door frame, as flexible as ever. It was not obvious at home just now. It had been twisting its body, but now it has jumped onto the open space and turned back into a spherical shape, round and glowing.

"You...don't stand still under the sun. See that big spot of light? You are like a convex lens now. If you stand there for too long, it will cause a fire.……"

Kitsune Shichi pinched her temples. If she wasn't connected to the perfect soul, she would be speechless. She originally raised the slime for the sake of simplicity, but now she feels that it is not worry-free at all.……

""Puff!" Perfect jumped up to protest, but it forgot that it was two meters tall now, and it could easily jump up to 20 meters high. It bounced on the ground again, jumping higher and higher. Even though its body was transparent, it could still block out the sky and the sun.……

""Hey, hey! What the hell is that?" Someone nearby opened the window and yelled,"Is there a beastmaster down there? Where did this wild beast pet come from? If it goes crazy again, I'll call the police!"

Kitsune Shichi finally stopped her daze and waved her hand to put Perfect into the beast taming space. She looked around and saw no one was around, even the camera was gone. She was so scared that she ran away quickly - she didn't know how much money she would have to pay this time...

No, she must teach it a lesson. It's lawless... She hasn't even had the chance to make any money, and it's bankrupted her!

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