Since ancient times, exams have been a death sentence.

At the end of the day, other students were fine, but Kitsune Shichi's eyes were sluggish, and he once again became a walking corpse.

It felt like a poor student had sneaked into the base of top students, which was more than incompatible.

The only good news was that the first two days of school were test days, and school would be over after the exams, and there would be no homework.

In addition, there was a teleportation array on campus with a preferential price, so a large number of students transferred to it.

""I'm leaving. See you tomorrow~"

Everyone who had become familiar with each other said goodbye.

Fox Seven also waved goodbye to Xu Fei.

Only twos and threes of people walked towards the school gate.

Fox Seven was one of them.

It was getting close to evening and it was raining.

Not far from the school gate, Karachi was wearing a long black windbreaker and holding a black umbrella. Only a pointed chin was exposed under the umbrella, his long hair was fluttering, and his posture was upright.

Seeing Fox Seven coming out, he raised his umbrella and waved. Fox Seven hurried over and took back the Perfect brand umbrella on his head.

"I'm done for!"

Kitsune Yachi shouted as soon as they met, and dived under Karachi's umbrella and began to chatter:

"Apart from psychology, there were almost no questions I knew how to answer. I had to guess all the questions about energy science, and I couldn't answer any of the big questions. I was done for. I was really done for this time.……"

"The good news is that there is no homework today.……"

"Oh, you know what? Today I took the test on Curcuma and Bloodthirsty Rage. I suspect the teacher is targeting me. Help me, I really like this kind of targeting.……"

The drizzle above was hitting the umbrella, and the raindrops were blown by the slanting wind. The chaotic footsteps stepped on the wet ground, and the water mist splashed.

Karachi glanced down calmly. His pants were dirty, but he didn't care too much. While listening, he occasionally"hmm" twice, pursed his lips, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, they could have teleported immediately, but they followed the road and randomly found a direction.

"How was your time at the hospital today?"

Kitsune asked suddenly, because he realized that he was the only one who was talking, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

"Generally, I was transferred to the pediatric department. [Meditation] Advanced. [Life and Death] Still not a master."

Karachi replied

"Is it a bottleneck?"

Kitsune Yachi was a little worried, because she had only recently learned that there was a concept of"bottleneck period" for the skills of beast pets. Especially after the Ultimate, each level was extremely difficult.

"No, just lack of practice."

Karachi shook his head, casually moved his eyes, looked down from the side, and asked casually:

"Have you made new...friends at school?"

The book says that humans are most likely to get emotional between the ages of 15 and 18. Even if the other person is ugly and has no merits, as long as the eyes are right, they can love him/her to death.

Karachi clenched his hands, and the umbrella handle suddenly made a"creaking" sound, almost breaking and falling, but he quietly inserted a vine and forced it to stand up straight.

"Oh yeah, it's amazing.……"

Thinking of the scene at noon today, Kitsune couldn't help but cover his face and spilled all the beans.

"……But the snake is alive, it can be cured in the infirmary, it is not fatal. Do you know? What makes me speechless is the Dovemon, they only know how to cook one kind of food - healthy salad. Fish, shrimp and beef, pick any one of the three, I saw them put a little salt, but it tasted like spicy rabbit head in my mouth……"

There was only one thing she didn't say, because Kitsune Shichi felt it was very strange: the restaurant at Kirin High School had round tables, each with four chairs, and could only seat four people.

This was not the point. The point was that she took her dinner tray and sat down at a random table. A few minutes later, Alice came in with big strides and sat opposite her.

Then, two boys she didn't know at all came over, one on the left and one on the right, and sat on both sides of her.

Then, the more important thing came - these three people didn't speak the whole time, finished their meals calmly, and left.

Kitsune Shichi was just...???

She really didn't understand, except for Alice - Alice was a girl, and it was understandable for her to come and sit together.

But what about those two boys? ???

"Let's go buy some spicy rabbit heads."

Karachi grasped the point.

Dovemon has a very strong [super sense], which can sense the deepest wishes of living things. Combined with the chef and [five senses control], it is a big cheating meal.

Only this kind of provincial famous school can invite the most popular weight loss expert on the market to be the chef.

"This is not good, Xiyang will have nightmares……"

Kitsune refused repeatedly, but his saliva kept flowing out.

"It's okay, I promise it won't have nightmares."

Karachi smiled.

——It's simple. If you can't sleep, you won't have nightmares.

"Really? Yes.……"

That’s right, anyway, there are universal healing foods, such as spicy rabbit head, which are simply impossible to resist!

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