Kitsune thought that after Alice called, they would get news about Xu Fei immediately. However, they did not receive a call back from the Xu family until the afternoon exam was over.

"The 4th exam is over. Everyone is resting on the spot. We will be divided into classes in half an hour. The formal classes will start tomorrow!"

The invigilator shouted in the front row, picked up the water cup and left.

Perhaps to speed up the marking, the two exams in the afternoon were all multiple-choice questions, which was very beneficial to Hu Shiqi.

But because of Xu Fei, she is very irritable now.

It shouldn't be a problem...?

Hu Shiqi frowned and tapped the table with the tip of the pen.

She herself had taken her own medicine. Although the color was a little darker, the effect was normal. It was a pity that the first-grade elixir had limited improvement in mental power. It was better to exhale more times, so she didn't continue to take it later.

After all, refining medicine is actually to extract the essence of the materials, then integrate a large amount of spiritual energy, and finally roll it into a ball...

She took the mental power elixir and there was no problem. Xieyang took the body refining elixir and there was no problem. Karachi took all three elixirs and finally learned to meditate...

Could it be that Xu Fei also awakened the holy light skills and turned into a holy light fox? That wouldn't take a whole day.……

"You're not thinking about Xu Fei again, are you?"

Alice came around from the front row, curled her lips, and looked speechless. However, although she said she was disgusted, she still took out her phone and sent a voice message to Xu Jinbai:

"Where is your brother? Give me a definite answer whether he is dead or alive!"

After the output, Alice dragged an examination room over and forcibly put this set of tables together with Fox Seven's table, then sat down leisurely, with her legs elegantly lifted up, as if her whole body was unblocked.

Fox Seven looked to the side with a strange look in his eyes. For a moment, he couldn't understand what Alice was going to do. Could it be that she was really here to make friends?

An eight-star boss should not send his only daughter to the successor of the Holy Lord as a spy...

Fox Seven stared at the air and pondered for a moment, his eyes subconsciously fell on the dark ring.

So while Alice was in a daze, Fox Seven took out a small crimson pill from the ring, put it in front of Alice with a napkin, and pushed it in front of Alice.

"?"Alice was stunned, then took it and picked up the small pill. She turned it around and looked at it. The more she looked at it, the more she felt something was wrong.

It was in good condition. Judging from the color and energy reaction, it should be a first-class pill, but... why did he take out this kind of thing in public?

"Why did you buy this?" Alice was puzzled.

"To assist in training fireball skills."

Kitsune replied, pointing to the nearly boiling fire element energy on the pill.

"But my pet awakened the Holy Light skill after eating it, and I can't figure it out."

"……Who told you this is for practicing skills?"

Alice looked up suddenly, with an expression of disbelief on her face, and then looked down at the pill in her hand. For a moment, her brain was a little insufficient.

Could this thing not be...???

Could it not be……‘That'???

"It's in the book." Kitsune Shichi was also a little surprised,"Such a surging fire energy, didn't you feel it?""

Of course I felt it! Alice was speechless and wanted to roll her eyes, but many classmates were looking in this direction. In order to keep it secret, she could only put down her arm and stuff the pill back into Kitsune Shichi's hand.

There are only 22 alchemists in the entire Blue Star, all from the Tagor lineage. In order to avoid intensifying social conflicts, they never disclose their identities to the public.

Alice doesn't want to touch this bad luck.

"Do you feel that there is a little dark element in the medicine you gave me?" Alice asked directly


Kitsune Shichi knew that this was a medicine she made herself. It might be because of the Heart-Erosion Flame that no matter what medicine she made, she would mix in a trace of dark elements.

"But it’s only a little bit."

Kitsune Shichi stretched out her hand and pinched a small distance with two fingers. It was really only a little bit. She had tried her best to control the ingredients of the elixir, so that normal people would not be able to detect it.

"……What does"only a little bit" mean? Didn't your alchemist tell you? Who is so deceiving? Could it be that Liu Yan? It is said that Liu Yan used inferior products as good ones a while ago and poisoned the pet of a three-star alchemist.……"

Alice was stunned. She had heard that the second son of the Liu family was unreliable. Although he had the talent of a pharmacist, he always liked to judge by the situation and was very arrogant.

"The combination of fire and dark elements is hallucinogenic."


Kitsune Shichi stood up with a clang, almost overturning the table. Her body trembled for a moment, and all the things she couldn't figure out before... became clear.

It actually causes hallucinations, then... why didn't Karachi tell her? Since it causes hallucinations, why is he still taking it?

The noise was so loud that everyone looked over curiously and began to whisper.

Alice frowned, pulled Kitsune Shichi's arm down, and said,"Hurry up and sit down!"

Kitsune Shichi didn't resist, and sat down properly. She turned her head and asked,"Hallucinations...are the consequences serious?"

Is this a topic a lady can talk about? Alice glanced at him, looked away unnaturally, and stammered:"Why are you so excited? It's not serious, just eat it, there are actually no serious most...addiction? And a little weak? You will definitely not die."

? ?

? ? ? ? Kitsune Shichi looked confused. Why did she feel... Alice's description...seemed a little strange?

"Can you...explain it to me all at once?"

Kitsune Yachi cried inwardly, she reached out and held Alice's hand tightly,"I'm not good at studying, I'm very stupid... Please tell me quickly, what is this???"

"Oh my! Really, you have to make me say it out loud!"

Alice raised her eyebrows, lowered her voice, and her face turned a little red."It's the kind of medicine that makes people very happy. Although it has a strong fire attribute, who would use aphrodisiacs to practice fireball magic?"


Kitsune Shichi passed away peacefully.

I can't stay on Blue Star any longer, so I'll escape tonight.

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