Initiating new extracurricular activities - this matter, Fox Seven also had a sudden idea.

And in the final analysis, this is actually a necessity.


Looking back a few months ago, she and Alice had a"silent duel" on the ring, and then went to the Star Cup, still commanding silently, and did not shout the skill name from beginning to end.

Only those with soul strength above S level can have the Soul Bridge, and soul command is even rarer.

Originally, no matter what their talent is, they will shout out the skill name, which is also convenient for the audience to understand.

But Fox Seven, she directly broke this default rule!

The actual effect on the field is: one party shouts loudly but eventually loses; while the other party smiles and does not say anything, but is sure to win.

This leads to some people's admiration for the strong, making [not shouting skill names] evolve into an S-level style, so the command voices on the field are getting smaller and smaller, and finally gradually evolve into a not-so-good situation...

Especially for those novice beastmasters, anyway, everyone has only one beast pet and only two or three skills, and it is not impossible to fight if you make a good prediction in advance - whoever speaks first to command, hey, that means he is anxious!

This not-so-good situation became more and more serious among high school students, especially when everyone looked through Xu Jinbai's game videos and found that this genius was also taciturn...

So, a new trend emerged!

Young beastmasters: As long as I don't command in the game, I can get the"S-level status"! It's better to add some careless sleepiness, and wait until the game is won, and say"You are really strong"! Hahahaha, this is so cool!

Of course, a new generation gap has also emerged.

The high-star (old?) beastmasters: Going on stage without commanding, are you kids sick? ? ? Then why are you going on stage? Each of them looks like they haven't woken up yet, where is the demeanor of young people? Can you be more sunny, enthusiastic, and positive? ? ?


Anyway, that's what happened.

Especially for the freshmen of Kirin High School this year, no matter whether they can command with their souls or not, they just don't speak after they go on stage. This has become a headache for the teachers. No matter how hard they try to persuade them, it's like they have"speaking shame syndrome" and they just refuse to speak. They are all like dumb people, and would rather lose the game and go back for extra training than speak!

And Kitsune Shichi seized this opportunity and presented her"cure (fatal)" to the school."……

On the day of the teacher voting, Ling Beile was in the office, slapping his desk and laughing crazily.

"Hahahaha! The disciple is better than the master! Young Master is awesome!!!!"



Two days passed in a flash, and it was Friday. It was the happy weekend, and the whole campus was full of joy. Especially after the last class in the afternoon, everyone in the cafeteria was filled with relaxation.

"Hello, have you heard that we are testing a new activity this afternoon and have borrowed Gate No. 2?"

"Of course I heard about it. I also heard that it was planned by the freshmen themselves and it was voted by all the teachers. Who did it?……"

"I actually passed the vote of all teachers? I got 10 points right away! Isn't this too lucky?!"

"I think it’s great. New activities need to be tested, and you will be given 1 point as long as you participate!"

"Hahahaha, that’s right, if you don’t make money, you’ll lose money!"

"Anyone who doesn't go is a fool! I never thought that I would be able to encounter such a good opportunity in my lifetime!"

In the restaurant, a group of people were talking.

Xu Fei couldn't eat the food on the plate. As his eyes turned, he searched everywhere for the whereabouts of Fox Seven.

However, this person was missing?

So Xu Fei looked at his mobile phone again. On the chat interface, Fox Seven had just sent him an emoticon package:

[Kitten waving - Goodbye.jpg]

Xu Fei was silent for two seconds and replied to her:?

But this time, Fox Seven disappeared completely.

There was no way, Xu Fei could only put away his mobile phone. Although he was getting more and more uneasy, curiosity killed the fox. He still followed the large group to board the floating island. As soon as he got on the island, he saw that there was a long line of people in front of Gate No. 2. There are a total of 135 students in Qilin High School, and at least 120 are queuing in front of Gate No. 2.

Even Alice, seeing that there were only two people in the"Beast Taming Showdown" team, lost interest in the battle. After hesitating for a few seconds, she actually followed the crowd and lined up in the newly released activity test.……

"Why are there so many people?

Some people are so tired of waiting in line.

"If you don't take advantage of a bargain, you're a bastard. Anyway, as long as you participate in the test, you can get a point! It's worth it!"

In the front row, there was a teacher holding a loud speaker, distributing positioning bracelets while shouting to the long line:

"Students, please note! This test is voluntary and you cannot quit during the test. Do not give up! Otherwise, three points will be deducted!"

"What if there are no points to deduct?!"

Someone in the team started to make a noise and shouted at the teacher.

After all, it was Friday and they were about to have a holiday. Everyone was in a very good mood and laughed loudly at the words. They were so happy.

The teacher in the front row of the team was not to be outdone:

"If there are no points to be deducted, your poor performance will be posted on the official website and played repeatedly as a warning!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed, and the scene was harmonious.

——Isn't it just an extracurricular activity? The worst that can happen is that we will be defeated. It's just an illusion, how difficult can it be?

So, with such a relaxed thought, everyone stepped into the light gate,"plop","plop","plop", one by one, like dumplings, all fell into the deep green swamp. The light blue sky was filled with illusory golden light, and above everyone's head was a big fox-shaped sun...

The fox bared its teeth and smiled brightly. A banner fell from its neck with a few big words written on it - [Swamp Mara Song]

"Marathon?! Running a marathon in a swamp?"

"Why is there a typo in the title?!"

"What the hell is this?!"

"Who the hell came up with this idea?! They actually set up [Gravity Skill] in the swamp.】?!"

"Shoes, shoes, shoes!!! My new shoes!!!"

The wet swamp was covered with plant debris. When the wind blew, there was an ominous"crunching" sound everywhere. I didn't know whether it was the dry plants breaking or the students' hearts breaking.

A group of people were stuck in the swamp and couldn't get out.

People were constantly thrown down from the sky.

Some people gradually showed fear, while others frowned and struggled hard in the mud, but they sank deeper and deeper, and a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

"No! Gravity seems to disappear. Just now, I seemed to have suddenly gained buoyancy?"

Xu Fei was like a wooden stake, quietly sinking, sinking, and sinking. The cold mud had infinite suction, tightly adhering to his body, making the sinking speed faster and faster.

Until the mud was about to cover his shoulders, Xu Fei finally couldn't bear it anymore. He pushed his arms hard and jumped out with the suppression of gravity skills. He frowned and tried not to look at the stinky mud hanging on his body...

Then, there was a new round of rapid fall.

Fox Seven... You... You...

Xu Fei's forehead was throbbing with veins. Thinking of someone's ashamed and guilty smile, he was speechless for a moment..

If she really didn't want to do her homework, he could do it for her! Why bother asking him to run a marathon in the swamp!

But just like that, it shouldn't exhaust his energy...

Thinking of this, Xu Fei jumped up again, his chest heaving violently. The others were tired, but he was... angry.

Faintly, Xu Fei could also hear Miss Alice's roar, which sounded even worse than his from a distance.

At this moment, everyone felt lighter, broke away from the mud, and floated above the swamp.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the fox in the sky actually spoke!

"Students, please be prepared! Now let me introduce the rules of the activity: During the running process, please shout out your pet's skills with emotion and high decibels, and do not interrupt the shouting! According to the decibel ranking, the top 20 will get the [Float] effect to help you run! The bottom 20 will get [Gravity] suppression layer by layer!"

After that, the fox shook wildly in the sky, trying to hold back his laughter!

"Then, the game is about to begin! Three, two, one, zero——!"

The countdown reached zero.

Everyone fell down instantly!

——What the hell? What the hell!!

——This is fucking creative!

"Planner, just wait for me!!! I will definitely find you...Ah...

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