After making an appointment with Xu Jinbai, at noon the next day, the seven Foxes rushed into the cafeteria to buy a bottle of water and summoned the perfect

"Perfect, change the car!"

So, in full view of everyone, Fox Seven jumped up, and the palm-sized slime fell under her crotch in an instant, turning into a heavy motorcycle, carrying Fox Seven into the sky, and rushed out directly from the skylight above her head.

In a blink of an eye, they flew into the sky.


In the cafeteria, someone dropped his chopsticks in shock.

The slime turned into a motorcycle! And it flew!

"Help, this person is so pretentious... Doesn't she like to shout out skills?"

"The boss is fickle! Anyway, she has the capital to raise even a slime... I'm really curious about what she will raise next."

"It must be the Karachi, right? But that is already bred by someone else, it is definitely not as convenient as raising one yourself. If I were a big shot, I would breed one myself!"

"Slimes are more common. There are a lot of them in the trash can in the kitchen. Why don't we go and steal two after dinner?"

"Better not. There are many people following the trend online. It’s only been less than two months and they are all crying bitterly."

"Oh, you read that report too? Haha, I really don't understand what's wrong with that person's brain. He actually went to the trash can to pick up slime!"

"Well, no one expected that Kitsune Yachi would go to participate in the Star Cup. I am really curious. She should have been allowed to continue playing, but why did she give up... I really want to see her sleep on the alien planet."

"Hohoho, the aliens are pissed off!"

Recently, the StarCraft Cup finals are going on, and most of the topics discussed are related to the StarCraft Cup.

PS·Unlike ordinary schools, students from top high schools will go to secret realms to practice, so from the first to the third year of high school, everyone is about the same age, just learning different things in class.

Maybe at the beginning, some people in the school felt a little bit of crisis and looked at Kitsune Shichi as a competitor, but seeing the SSS's mental power soaring, as if there was no bottleneck, they also extinguished the idea...

The gap is too big, so there is no need to be jealous. It is better to be down-to-earth and breathe more.

"Geniuses are definitely different. I heard that she doesn’t have to do homework and goes home directly after extracurricular activities."

"How many stars does her head teacher rate?"

"I don't know. Anyway, he only teaches the Wings of Freedom class. I think even the principal treats him with respect."

"That's at least seven stars, right?"

"Do you want to be bold? I guess it's eight"

"Oh shit! Eight? Stop scaring me!"



Kitsune Shichi just listened to the commotion in the restaurant and didn’t take it to heart.

Ever since she joined the competition, she has become conspicuous, and she is mentioned wherever she goes.

Xu Fei went to the same junior high and high school as her, and is also the most popular CP at the moment. Someone was made up on the Internet as a playboy who was rich and dissolute, and who chased his wife to death. The whole story can be summarized in one sentence: When I was mentally damaged, you ignored me, and after I became SSS, you couldn’t afford me!

Even Alice did not escape the clutches of CP fans. Fans shouted"People of the same gender should love each other", and the lilies in his hometown bloomed for several rounds. A certain eight-star boss was the villain who blocked the beautiful girls from falling in love (Alex:……)

This...may be the price of fame


Although it was noon, Kirin Province in November had already entered winter. The sky was especially cold, and the air whistled past, making people shiver involuntarily.

The teleportation array was set up on the west side of the campus. There happened to be a training ground nearby, covered with a large area of cold-resistant plants. From a distance, the flowers were in full bloom, making it difficult to distinguish between winter and summer.

Soon, Kitsune Shichi landed.

Next to the purple flowers, a figure who looked very similar to Xu Fei was standing next to the street lamp at the door waiting.

Xu Jinbai turned around, perhaps because the wind was too strong, a few strands of black hair fell down and brushed across his cheeks, and his long eyelashes cast a light shadow under his eye sockets.

"Sorry for the long wait!"

Kitsune Yashichi fell off Wanmei, who also transformed from a motorcycle into a human in the blink of an eye. Although he did not change color, he remembered to put on clothes this time.

"It's okay, I just got here too."

Xu Jinbai took two steps forward. He was wearing the white winter uniform of Jinwu High School, with his shirt collar tied to the top. He looked particularly cold.

But he quickly reached out his hand and conjured up a silver bird cage from nowhere. Five golden pastries were locked in the cage. They were in the shape of three-legged golden crows, flapping their wings and hanging in the cage. Occasionally, they would bump into each other, and some crumbs would fall off, exuding the sweet fragrance of freshly baked food.

"The snacks made in the school cafeteria are quite famous. I heard that girls like them more."

"Thank you, it is worthy of being a famous school in the capital. The chef's cooking is really good. It is so beautiful."

Kitsune Yashichi thanked politely and took the birdcage. She just thought"as expected". Fortunately, she rushed to the cafeteria after class, so she also calmly... took out a bottle of water.

Although it looked shabby, snacks and drinks - this round was a tie.

"This is the specialty of our school. The mineral water blessed by Dove Beast is good for quenching thirst."

""Thank you. I'm thirsty."

Xu Jinbai also took the water.

Afterwards, the two of them simply complimented each other and the topic went straight to the point.

The result was the same as Hu Shiqi expected. Xu Jinbai agreed very readily - it was very simple for him to arrange for his pet to take martial arts classes. Anyway, his own pet also had to participate in the training, so he just took it along.

Therefore, Hu Shiqi was more certain that Xu Jinbai came here in person today, and there must be other purposes.

In the adult world, it is normal to exchange interests. Don't expect God to do it.���Pie in the sky... this is too scary

"My rabbit has a defective body and currently has no skills. I hope the instructor will not use these two points to stimulate it."

Kitsune Shichi did not bring Xieyang to school today, so she said this very straightforwardly.

She has a system and can see Xieyang's potential, but other people in the world do not have a system. Even if she shouts loudly that Xieyang has a god-level talent, others will not believe it, otherwise they will not leave Xieyang for her to pick up.

"No problem, I will tell the instructor in advance, but excluding these two points, there may be some insults and corporal punishment during the teaching process. Can your pet accept it?"

Xu Jinbai smiled, even when he heard that Hu Shiqi wanted to train a disabled rabbit with no skills, he did not show any curiosity, let alone raise any questions.

At this moment, he looked polite, completely different from the cold look in the interview.

"……It should be possible."

Kitsune thought about it for a while, not quite sure.

"Let it try... it shouldn't scold too harshly, right?"

Well, Kitsune Shichi realized later that her original intention was to make the setting sun more sunny... so she suddenly wanted to find a teacher for it, but she found the Xu family, and it seemed that this family had nothing to do with sunshine???

"It doesn't matter, there are elders in the family who have the ability to forget. If it is emotionally unstable, its memory can be cleansed afterwards."

Xu Jinbai was very considerate.

Fox Seven was silent for a while. Cleansing memory?

This doesn't sound right, but Xieyang wants to improve his strength now. As long as his strength goes up, he will definitely be happy... It's better to have a teacher to teach than to jump the knife at home by himself.

"Thank you, that's really a great help."

So Kitsune Shichi also smiled. Everyone understands polite words, but they must be said, otherwise how can the other party continue to talk?

""In the future, if you need my help with anything, just let me know. If I can help, I will do my best."

Xu Jinbai smiled when he heard that, and silence spread.

Just like that, at a friendly distance, Hu Shiqi and Xu Jinbai strolled along the path of the campus. The latter was also very patient and never mentioned his purpose, as if he was just here to play. Along the way, he quietly admired the campus scenery of Qilin High School.

Soon, they were about to reach the teaching building.

Relying on the advantage of being the landlord, Hu Shiqi deliberately took Xu Jinbai for a detour, and the two began to turn around and walk back.

This was also to urge him to say what he wanted to say quickly, otherwise bye, he still had classes in the afternoon, and she couldn't take him back to the classroom, right?

And Xu Jinbai finally stopped at the door of the teleportation array, lowered his head and smiled at Hu Shiqi

"Actually, I want to meet your teacher."

"Ling Beile?"Hu Shiqi's eyes moved.

Xu Jinbai nodded,"If it's convenient, maybe you can help me find out? If he doesn't want to, forget it."

"What do you want to see him for?"

Fox Seven asked directly, pretending to be curious, and she was indeed very curious - anyway, she was not going to go the mysterious route.

Xu Jinbai did not hide it, blinked, and smiled

"You should���You know, right? He is a [corpse]. I want to get the agency rights of Lingle Technology in Blue Star from him. It has just been approved recently... It should be related to you. Of course, there are many people who want to do this, and I should not be able to get in line."

Hu Yaqi was confused and could only try to remember this sentence, because she didn't understand it at all. She just felt that [corpse], Lingle Technology... sounded a little familiar?

Wait, Ling Beile... is a corpse?!

The corpse that is more than 3,600 years old?! It seems to be SSS as well, but SSS is not the point. The point is that the corpse is the one in the history textbook... who used living people and pet animals for experiments, and held tens of thousands of human and animal lives in his hands... He was extremely evil and his crimes were too numerous to list. In the end, he was driven out of Blue Star by the eight-star bosses of Blue Star a thousand years ago... The devil!!!

WTF!!! He is a devil???

WTF ah ah ah ah——!!!

Hu Yaqi opened her eyes wide in an instant, the cold wind was bleak, and it fluttered her heart. The bad news came too suddenly and too cruelly, making her completely dazed.………

She originally thought she was the most cowardly person. She didn't dare to speak loudly when she was on Xujia Island, for fear of disturbing other people's ancestors. But in school, she cursed the most brutal eight-star beastmaster in the entire galaxy every day... She also rushed to his office from time to time, beat him up, and forced him to sign a blank leave note. The whole process was disrespectful to the elders and called him by his (fake) name...

The cold wind blew, and the sea of flowers trembled in the cold wind. The pink and purple petals seemed vulnerable, just like someone's heart.

Kitsune Shichi felt so fragile.

……She's gonna break.……


"He doesn't look like an eight-star at all. Pushing a table would kill him. He staggers and can't push it. He keeps groaning all day long. How can he be an eight-star?"

Kushi Qi calmed down and rubbed his temples hard. This is absolutely impossible. This must be fake.

Huh? Xu Jinbai was stunned and also surprised."……"Have you never seen an eight-star beastmaster before?"

Kitsune Shichi was not convinced,"I have seen a nine-star beastmaster."

And I have seen him more than once. His aura was particularly majestic, and he could easily break through the space. She still dared to talk back!

"……Then he should have a lot of jewelry on him."

Xu Jinbai suggested tactfully. Of course, he knew who Hu Shiqi was talking about - there was only one nine-star beastmaster in the entire galaxy, and he was truly a legendary figure. Xu Jinbai had never seen what the Holy Lord looked like.

The reason why everyone called him the Holy Lord was because his name had been forgotten in the long river of history. No one knew his name, and everyone who knew it was dead.

It was said that the Holy Lord lived so long that his beast pets all died of old age. As a result, he changed a batch of beast pets, and several rounds of feeding came, and he lived even longer.……

"It seems that he is wearing some jewelry."

Hu Shiqi looked at the ring in her hand.

At the same time, she thought of Ling Beile. This man had eight pierced ears, but he wore those small square earrings that were very inconspicuous. He also wore several thin rings on his hands, but because he looked so inconspicuous, these details... were ignored. Could it be...?

Hu Shiqi was even more confused. She blinked and looked up at Xu Jinbai for help.——

"Those rings and earrings, shouldn't they be seals or something like that? They really look ordinary.……"

Xu Jinbai also looked at her, speechless.

For the first time in his life, he actually felt a dull pain in his temples. He was speechless and even couldn't believe it.……

——Such a huge eight-star beastmaster was placed in front of her and taught her for two months, but she didn't even notice it?!

——What kind of nerves can be so bold?!

"That is a seal. It prevents him from sucking up all the spiritual energy around him. Once you enter the Blue Star, you must shield yourself if you are above 7 stars, and you cannot practice in the public area if you are above 6 stars."

"Oh." Kitsune Shichi fell silent.

It turned out that Blue Star was equivalent to a novice village, creating an illusion of peace, but there was no such thing on the Internet!

Xu Fei didn't say it, and Alice didn't mention it either...

How could she, a time traveler, know?

Besides, Ling Beile didn't look like an eight-star at all. She raced dragon boats every day, and he laughed wildly in the sky, making her want to row the oars and blow his head off in her dreams.……

……It seems that this dream will be delayed.

It doesn't matter, life is here, just live it.

"So, you just want to see Ling Beile, right?"

Hu Shiqi confirmed it again?

Xu Jinbai nodded subconsciously, but his eyelids twitched wildly, and he saw Hu Shiqi took out his mobile phone and dialed a quick call——

"Hey, Ling Beile! Xu Fei's brother wants to see you! We are waiting for you at the school's portal!"

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