"Yang Ke, Li Angxin vs. Xu Fei, Kitsune Shichi"

"This match is a best-of-three match, and the rules are simple: you cannot attack the beastmaster; you cannot cause fatal injuries."

Zhang Guangrui, who served as the referee this time, is a teacher of the history of water-based pet habits in the second grade of junior high school. He is tall and strong, and has a mid-level pet, the Silver Winged Pufferfish. Its healing skill [Great Recovery Technique] has been trained to perfection - that is, the next stage of low-level, intermediate, and advanced, and the next is the Grandmaster and Secret.

With the Silver Winged Pufferfish, this match is very safe.

Fox Seven followed Xu Fei to the stage. The matches she had seen were all 1v1 matches, which showed that the 1v1 match was the mainstream in this world. Seeing the two boys on the opposite side staring at Xu Fei, she had a vague feeling that it was not good.

"Why must it be 2v2?" Kitsune Shichi asked in a low voice. After all, he was standing on the ring, and his mouth moved very little, almost as if he was talking with water in his mouth.

"Because they know I have a dragon."Xu Fei answered without hiding anything. He looked straight ahead, pondered for two seconds and explained,"I bought the mysterious dragon egg at an auction. They couldn't compete with me, but I hatched a dragon on the spot."

The so-called mysterious dragon egg, as the name suggests, is a dragon egg that you don't know what will hatch out of - after all, there are many kinds of beasts and pets in this world, and they are free to fall in love, especially dragons, who don't care about the attributes of their partners.

So although this mysterious dragon egg is an egg laid by a dragon, it may not hatch out a dragon. Maybe there is only a leaf seedling with a dragon face in it...

The gambling egg industry came into being

"It’s okay," Xu Fei turned her head, misunderstanding Kitsune Shichi’s silence,"You can stand a little further back.

Kitsune Shichi raised his eyebrows.

Perhaps it was the perception ability that improved her observation skills. She found that the left and right sides of Xu Fei’s face were different, and the skin color on the right side was obviously lighter.

At this moment, Xu Fei noticed that his gaze turned, and Kitsune Shichi saw his face. Although it was a very subtle difference, his right eyelashes were denser and curlier than the left, and his right eyeball was also... covered with a thin layer of energy?

""Let's get started!" The whistle blew, bringing back Kitsune's scattered thoughts.

Four white lights flashed, and the audience screamed. A half-human-high white dragon appeared in the teleportation array in front of Xu Fei, spreading its wings, raising its head to show its fangs, and letting out a high-pitched dragon roar from its throat:


But what was more eye-catching than the dragon was the water tornado that erupted from the palm of Fox Seven's hand.

The blue water flow swept out, up to three meters high, spinning at high speed, carrying endless fury and pouring down to the other side of the ring, like a flood bursting a dam!

At this moment, not only Xu Fei was stunned, but also Noli Feiyilong was stunned.

Even Fox Seven herself was stunned.

Fortunately, she still remembered that this was a competition, and she had to race against time and could not make any mistakes.

The bridge of contract in the depths of her soul suddenly lit up.

"【[Sprint]! Attack the... yellow one!"

She paused for a moment, because she didn't recognize the beast pet on the other side, and almost shouted"attack the chicken". Fortunately, the soul bridge replaced the language, allowing Perfect to understand its target.

It was a big yellow bird with a rose-red comb on its head and bright rose-pink eyes. It was hard to tell what kind of bird it was, but the size of this yellow bird...

Kitsuneya Nana thought, maybe it was born big?

""Ah?!" Li Angxin was so frightened that he didn't even bother to look at the dragon. Seeing the flood tornado coming towards him, he almost ran away reflexively. Instead, his yellow flash flapped its wings and made a loud bang, and lightning as thick as a bowl came out of his body!

On the other side, Yang Ke also came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and stood still on the ring,"Bauhinia vine! [Stealth】!"

Hearing this, the amethyst-like transparent vine in front of him twisted a bit, as if it wanted to retreat, but in the end it still reluctantly rushed to the bottom of the ring and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Although Xu Fei was deeply surprised, he also reacted very quickly, shouting only two words:"Return to defense!"

Hearing the master's order, the Noli Flying Dragon, which was about to pounce, paused, and its eyes emitted green flames. Its bones, nails, and teeth also ignited blazing flames. It hovered over the two of them, and its eyes were fixed on the tiny protrusion on the ground that was moving rapidly. With the dragon's dynamic vision, this speed was like crawling slowly.

"【Flame Ray】!"Xu Fei gave the order.

The Noli Pterosaur opened its mouth and spit out a flame ray, which shot straight at the ground. The stone ground collapsed quickly like melted sand, and a cluster of purple vines sprang out from it, rushing straight towards the flying dragon in the air.

"【Entanglement】!"At the same time, Yang Ke's mouth opened and he laughed.

And the redbud vine seemed to be not afraid of fire. No, not as if - it was really not afraid of fire!

"【Lightning strike】!"Li Angxin also shouted, finally remembering that his Huang Shanjun was a mid-level pet, so he didn't need to be afraid of attacks from low-level pets!

Three orders sounded at the same time, but only the corners of Hu Shiqi's mouth twitched, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly - seeing that Wanmei was about to swallow the bird, and the opponent's lightning ball was also forming in his mouth...

Time became extremely slow at this moment——

"Why are there intermediate beast pets?!"

"What kind of water pet is that?"


The audience was a little slow in discussing.

"What kind of dragon is that? Who is good at fire?……"

"Bauhinia vine is an intermediate pet! Rock element overcomes fire!"

"Huang Shanjun is also an intermediate pet!!"

"Xingyao Middle School is shameless! This is targeting Xu Fei!"

For a moment, the sound of water, electricity, rocks breaking, the sound of redbud vines moving, and the chattering of students in the audience all poured into Hu Shiqi's brain at the same time. Every sound was so clear, just like face-to-face communication.

And her eyes were floating with blue light, and in a flash, the golden lightning ball had already touched the waterspout.���Fate, and she spoke very decisively:"[Swallow】!"

Intermediate pets should not be so fragile!

Lightning suddenly exploded, Huang Shanjun tried to dodge but was pounced on. The shadow of death made him scream instinctively:"Dodge!!!"

Zhang Guangrui's eyelids twitched when he heard the command of Devour. The star array under him lit up, and a three-meter-tall fish pet slowly emerged.

He himself said louder:"The game is suspended!"

Everyone paused. The game was in full swing. What are you doing, teacher?……

"Ah! Overlord!"Li Angxin also screamed, took a step back in anger and fear, and pointed at the yellow flash that was caught in the water with trembling fingers. The latter had almost melted into a bald bird, flapping its wings and struggling desperately.

"Put it down! Are you going to kill it?!"

"Perfect!" Kitsune Shichi shouted hurriedly, and then apologized immediately,"I'm sorry my pet is a bit stupid... Did you hear me, perfect! Let it go! Quickly!"


What do you mean stupid?

Don't tell us you mean that...

So everyone in the audience watched the extremely violent mysterious pet"puff" spit out the yellow flash, and the latter was like a tattered hairless chicken,"click" falling from the air and hitting the ground. Damn.

So brutal.

What the hell is this thing...

A group of people didn't know what to say, looking at the pet that turned from a tornado into a big water ball, their faces were different.


Why does this mysterious pet feel a little familiar?

Round, transparent, like a water ball... As if it is a really cute creature... It seems very similar to the slime they often encounter when taking out the garbage


"Stop, stop, stop! Stop fighting!"

Zhang Guangrui took two steps at a time and ran up to the ring. His Silver Winged Pufferfish also jumped up and covered the yellow flash lying on the ground with soft white light. After a few seconds, the yellow flash slowly opened its eyes and slowly shed a tear.

Fox Seven, who has very good eyesight:!!!

""Sorry! Sorry, sorry! I'm so sorry!"

She hurried over and looked at Huang Shanjun's miserable and lifeless appearance. She felt sick and patted his perfect and huge body.

"Sorry... I heard this is a mid-level pet, I thought it wouldn't be so easy to be swallowed……"

Apologizing for a good kid is something that is easier said than done. How many days has the contract lasted?

However, it shouldn't work.

She has read the analysis posts online. This kind of cross-level attack should be just a tickle. How could it be successful?

"It was only two days old, still a baby, but it was hit by such a big thunder ball.……"

Kitsune's eyebrows drooped, and she touched Wanmei's unscathed body vigorously, as if she was in great pain - but she was not pretending, she was really afraid that the other party would ask her to bear the medical expenses. Hair transplant for humans is so expensive, and if it is a pet, the cost will more than double.

As for why Wanmei was fine after being hit by the thunder ball...

She just saw that its [Immune] skill proficiency increased a little, becoming 4...

More than 20 people in the audience were shocked. Who would have thought that the competition among junior high school students could be played like this, with a dragon and two intermediate beast pets, and the key is that strange and powerful beast pet...

Water attribute? Psychic system? Dark system?

The most common beast pets in Qilin Province are water attribute! Everyone has been learning the classification of water attribute beast pets since elementary school, how could they have never heard of such a powerful beast pet?……


"This is a skill that only high-level pets can awaken."

"How could a high-level beast pet be so obedient to a one-star beastmaster? My father's water leopard still won't let me touch it."

"Just two days old, swallowing... um……"

"It shouldn't be a slime, it's too big."

No matter what the audience thinks, the treatment on the stage continues, and on the other side, the Noli Pterosaur is still tied with redbud vines, and the two pets are staring at the fat slime not far away, and for a moment they even forget the existence of each other.……

"Come back." Xu Fei said, just coming back to his senses, raising his hand to call his pet back.………It's actually Slime……

【Do you know what talent difference is?】

【Even if your brother can only control a piece of water grass, he is better than a fool like you! 】

He stared at Kitsune's back in silence for a few seconds, and his heart suddenly tightened when he heard his father's harsh words.

It was not pain, but hatred, unwillingness and anger.

He raised his leg and walked towards Yang Ke and the others.

"You actually contracted a mid-level beast pet."Xu Fei frowned, folded his arms and stood five meters away,"Is it worth it to win me once?"

This can only be prepared by the parents of these two people. In a short period of time, they can gain combat power far beyond their peers, but in the long run, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Beast pets are also intelligent creatures with intelligence and thoughts. They are like humans and will not surrender easily.

""Tsk. Take away your bad intentions." Yang Ke rolled his eyes at him. He was originally quite jealous of Xu Fei, but now he didn't feel that way at all.

""Beauty, where did you get your beast pet?"

His eyes lit up, and he walked towards Hu Yaqi, taking out his mobile phone from his pocket,"Can you add your contact information? My family runs a beast training ground, and I can give you a discount~"

Hu Yaqi swallowed the refusal that was about to come out of his mouth, and smiled at the diligent young master No. 2.

There was no way, poverty made her polite

"I found it in the trash can," she answered honestly, and pinched the perfect jelly-like body again. The feeling was as relaxing as ever, making her unable to stop pinching it."It's a primary pet slime. Its skills are [Sprint] and [Devouring]. They're pretty common, right?……"

Yang Ke was stunned."Slime?"

Li Angxin was immediately depressed."Impossible!"

Although it looks very similar, you can't fool ghosts like this! How can this great killer look like a slime?

"Because it has awakened the passive ability of [Giant] bloodline... By the way, Young Master Yang, the friend request has been sent."

Face is nothing.

Of all things in the world, only discounts and price cuts cannot be wasted.

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