Secret Realm: Liuying Desert.

There was not a single cloud in the sky.

Six blazing pupils hung high in the sky, like six suns, ruthlessly scorching the earth.

The wind was howling, and the desert was vast and boundless.


With a slight sound, a square space door opened in the sky.

Karachi poked his head out of the space door, his red eyes slid left and right, and surveyed the surrounding environment.

The air was dry and filled with the smell of sand. For plants, this was definitely not a pleasant environment. Fortunately, the sun above was good... It fell on his body and made him feel warm, which made him feel a little better.

"There are too many snakes."

Karachi stared at the bottom of the desert and said to the person behind him.

Liuying Desert was rated as a CCC-level secret realm, so it was naturally dangerous. The biggest danger came from the group of pupil snakes hidden in the desert.

Pupil snakes are greedy and can eat sand, but they prefer raw blood and flesh. As long as they smell a hint of blood, they will rush up like crazy to fight for it. Even if they can't grab the prey, they can take the opportunity to bite their own kind.

Mating pupil snakes will devour each other, lay eggs, bury them in the sand, and hatch in half a day. Moreover, pupil snake eggs are hard in texture and the egg liquid is highly toxic, making them a good material for making poison.

"How about it? Can I go?"

Behind Karachi, Fox Seven also wanted to stick her head into the space hole. She had just measured her bone age at the request of the secret realm administrator.

Because the time flow rate ratio between the Liuying Desert and the real world is too exaggerated, a bone age test must be done before entering or leaving, and the age information in the system must be modified.

"……It's barely OK, not dangerous."

Karachi muttered, and then half of his body was exposed, and his white hair like a waterfall slid down from his back.

The space door then expanded by more than twice.

Directly below, sand waves rolled, and the white sand was fine, but from time to time,"small sand dunes" bulged up. Those small sand dunes were like white eggs, which only appeared for a few seconds and then sank silently, as if they had never appeared.

These"eggs" are the [Desert Pupil Snakes] hidden deep in the sand. Although they are only elementary, they can't stand the large number. Once they smell the smell of blood, they will sweep up and almost merge with the desert.

In the sun, the Desert Pupil Snake slid in the desert, its scales glittering, as if inlaid with tiny diamonds. From time to time, it drilled out of the desert, raised its head, and"spit" at the huge life energy body that suddenly appeared, salivating.

"Is it possible...Oh my god, it's so sunny!"

Kitsune Shichi poked her head out from behind Karachi. As soon as she showed half of her face, she was blinded by the"sun" above her head. She subconsciously put her hands in front of her eyes.

Even if she closed her eyes, everything in front of her was white.

The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the secret realm was huge. In the real world, there were gusts of cold wind. She was already wearing thick clothes, but the inside of the secret realm was hot. It was so hot that it made people unable to breathe, just like forcing people in front of an oven.

"…… The 3C secret realm is worthy of its reputation."

Even if Karachi was blocking in front, Kitsune Shichi couldn't stand it.

Although she had looked up a lot of information online and thought she was mentally prepared, just now, as soon as she showed her head, she felt like someone was blowing a hair dryer directly into her eyes, and there was a fear that her eyeballs would be burned...

This was just a detection, and she hadn't really entered yet.……

"You can't die. Let the slime take you in. It can block the heat and produce oxygen."

His red eyes turned slightly, and Karachi suggested expressionlessly. After that, he retreated from the space door, leaving only one arm in the secret realm to determine the anchor point. He wanted to say something, but the person behind him suddenly grabbed his hair-

?! Karachi's body suddenly froze.

"No, Wanmei has to go eat, and it's inconvenient to bring me along. By the way, why don't you tie your hair up?"

After opening his eyes, Fox Yaqi saw someone's hair dangling in the space door, so he helped to scoop up a handful.

The white hair in his hand was as smooth as silk. Fox Yaqi subconsciously inserted his fingers into it and combed it twice, but he combed it all the way to the bottom without encountering any resistance. It was incredibly smooth.

This was really a natural action. Fox Yaqi didn't think much about it at first, and was a little addicted to combing it twice, but after playing with it twice, she suddenly found something wrong...

How did this hair come alive??? Why did it start to wrap around her arm??? Wait, wait???

When she looked up again, Fox Yaqi's heart choked, and she saw a certain plant... His eyes were out of focus, his eyes were red, his slender eyebrows were raised, and his lips were slightly open and closed.

After a few seconds, Karachi condescended to turn his gaze over, and pulled the corners of his mouth. Although he didn't speak, his face was full of urging, as if to say,"Why don't you continue?"

Kitsune Shichi looked down at the long hair in her hand and fell silent for a moment - this is the root, the root of the plant.

If she rubs it twice more, it will not bloom, right?

At this moment, Kitsune Shichi is desperate. Although she knows some things in theory - such as the fact that Karachi is a plant - she often forgets them in practice. After all, he looks so much like a human, it is difficult for her to associate him with the tulips in the pot.

Behind her is the secret inspection station of the Liuying Desert. Three-star and four-star beastmasters keep breaking through the space and bringing their beasts out of the desert. Even if a big furnace is smashed into ice water, some will even make a"hissing" sound.

Kitsune Shichi silently stroked Karachi's hair twice, and then let go without making a sound despite the latter's unhappy look.

She has to let go! This is on the street! Are plants so receptive? So frank?

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

Karachi didn't say anything. Kitsune Shichi could only pay the price for her momentary rudeness. She turned her brain and tried to find a random topic to save the situation.

At this moment, a chocolate-colored brother flew out from not far away. He was caught in the claws of a fiery red bird. Behind him was a treasure box beast pet. He was filled with a hot and visible yellow gas, which slowly spread to the surroundings...

Kitsune Shichi had seen this brother in the Star Cup qualifiers!

The moment she turned her head to look over, Karachi's eyes changed, and a blood-colored barrier covered her head, quickly isolating the terrible stench!

There are no human gathering areas in the Liuying Desert. Although everyone who enters the secret realm will carry cleaning equipment, as time goes by, most of them can't take care of hygiene, let alone the quality of life. The main feature is a hard training.

"Okay, I finally know.……"

Being interrupted like this, Kitsune looked into the space door again. This time she was prepared. She only looked downwards and was not blinded. She only felt the whistling wind like an air bag squeezing in her ears, and the heat made her feel nauseous.

"What do you know now?"

Karachi replied, spreading his wings and slightly shielding her from the sun, waiting for her to adapt.

A one-star beastmaster is too fragile.

If it weren't for Kitsune Shichi having enough elixirs and his physical fitness improving rapidly, he would never have agreed to let her come to such a place.

There are hundreds of millions of primary desert snakes, and there are also many intermediate and advanced ones.

There are even dozens of king-level ones.

The six suns above the head are just one of the evolutionary branches of the desert snakes, which is far from the strongest combat power.

If he really had to fight with this group of snakes, Karachi didn't care.

Even if a group of king-level snakes rushed up, he could run away if he couldn't beat them, but Kitsune Shichi...

In short, a one-star beastmaster should keep a low profile.

Karachi silently made plans for the future...

However, when he turned around and looked at a certain human, she was not on the same channel as him at all.——

"In the Star Cup qualifiers, I met several black guys. They were really dark and looked quite old, with wrinkles on their faces! They were obviously about the same age, they must have been practicing in the Liuying Desert."

Hou Yaqi shivered, and while his phone still had a signal, he quickly checked the repair measures.

Fortunately, sunburn can be repaired, and it is reversible.

You have to be afraid. Even if you are a three-star beastmaster, being exposed to the sun will accelerate aging, and aging is irreversible!

Hu Yaqi feels that she is still young and is far from reaching Ling Beile's level. Her face is her precious treasure and she can't give it up easily...

Why can't mental power smooth out wrinkles? But what's the use of aging slowly...

Thinking about it this way, turtles are actually quite cute, and it's not unacceptable. I'd better find some time.

"If you are afraid of being exposed to the sun, then you can only live inside me. It is also cultivation, so you don’t have to go out."

After saying that, Karachi threw down a tent with great mobility. The black plastic sheet was blown up by the wind and fluttered in the air.

""Okay! Wait for me a moment!"

Kitsune Yachi hurriedly checked his equipment!

"The cleaning device is here, and if you use it sparingly, you can use it 14 times... But what about going to the toilet? Where is my umbrella?……"

Kitsune Shichi glanced into the space door again.

After taking so many physical pills, her eyesight had improved a lot, so of course she saw the little snakes under the desert.

From such a distance, those snakes looked more like white bugs, wriggling in the sand, burrowing in and out, making people feel nauseous at the sight of them, and getting goose bumps all over their bodies.

"I'm useless, I can't do it anymore, I'm crazy!"

Kitsune Shichi endured the nausea and took another look. Before she could prepare herself mentally, Karachi didn't want to wait any longer and grabbed her arm. She collapsed instantly, and the next moment she was dragged into the secret realm by Karachi!

"Don't worry, I won't let you go to the ground!"

"Oops! Slow down!"

"Every second you stay outside, you will lose 200 seconds of training time! Now that you've decided to come, don't dawdle!"

The moment his body stretched out, Karachi spoke while half of his body turned into a vine, and abundant energy burst out from the core, like seawater pouring back, quickly spreading throughout the body.

Just like a human-shaped seed bursting into a giant tree, the slender fingers stretched out and rolled, the enlarged"arms" tore the clothes, and ripples appeared on the surface of the skin, and it almost instantly lost its human shape.

What's so scary about the primary desert pupil snake? No matter how many there are, they are just food for the slime!

The white vines stretched and swelled in the sky, and only a few of them entangled the falling tent. The rest were stacked, twisted and grown. They were called vines, but in fact they were more like tree trunks, faintly revealing some blood color, turning into a strong and tough sword in the air, stabbing vertically into the desert below.!

At the same moment, behind Karachi, the pair of white wings also stretched out, expanding a hundred times in an instant, and violent life energy rippled layer by layer. White leaves were born, growing densely like bamboo shoots after rain, rubbing against each other in the strong wind, making rustling sounds.

This is just an ordinary corner of the Liuying Desert. From the outside, it seems that a sharp sword has suddenly been inserted into the sky, and the white wings are raised to the sky, like a cross.

A closer look shows that it is a twisted and entangled vine plant, in the form of an angel, sacred and a little weird.

No one can see that this angel cross is just the shell, and there is a tent secretly hidden inside.

Yes, Karachi has built himself into an elevator. It is definitely a height that ordinary pupil snakes cannot climb to, and it is very safe.

In this way, he can also bask in the sun


Kitsune Shichi fell directly into the tent. The tent was only 15 square meters and was shaky because Karachi had hung it with a vine.

"Tell me what you want and I'll get it for you."

Karachi's voice came from the top of the tent, as if he was sitting on it.

"Please give me a bottle of water, I'm going to evaporate."

Fox Seven collapsed completely, like a reincarnated salted fish.

A vine lifted up the curtain and handed in a bottle of water.

As a vine with space skills, Karachi can compress a large number of items and hide them in the gaps of its body.

Of course, there are not many beast pets that can do this, because Karachi's space skill is not called [Space Storage], but [Space Transfer]. It was too hot, Fox Seven sighed, climbed up, drank a sip of water, and regained some vitality.

Then, she found the solar charging panel she had prepared in advance and asked Karachi to hang it outside so that the tent could be powered.

Soon, the small solar air conditioner started to turn, the temperature dropped slightly, and Fox Seven finally came back to life.

"It's so hot here. No matter how much water I drink, I won't go to the bathroom. It all evaporates into sweat.……"

Kitsune Shichi muttered while summoning perfection, and without hesitation threw it with all his might, just like throwing a bowling ball!

"Go Pikachu! Your journey is to the stars and the sea! Please, eat the snakes around you quickly, or I would rather die than go to the toilet... It's too hot, I can't sleep at night……"

"Why are you thinking about resting right after coming in?"

Karachi was speechless. He thought someone was finally going to work hard and be motivated. He was so moved that the sky was about to clear up. But... she was actually sucking water with a straw while blowing the air conditioner on her face... she closed her eyes and fell down!

For a moment, Karachi gritted his teeth.

Who would have imagined that he, as a king-level beastmaster, would have to urge his master to learn?……?!

"Hurry up and get up and breathe! Wait for the slime to come back, and start refining the medicine! Don't waste time!"

"Ahhh, don't take my air conditioner! Give it back to me! Give me my life back——!"

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