"Ring, ring, ring——"

A beautiful (?) day started with the ringing of the bell.

Ling Beile happened to be in the first class, and when he pushed the door open, he saw Kitsune Shichi raising his face tiredly, looking at him listlessly with his chin in his hand. His face was so thin that his chin was almost like a cone, making his eyes look particularly big.

Ling Beile was stunned for a moment, raised his hand to check the watch - it was morning, not evening, that's right

"What happened to you? Who sucked you dry?"

It's no wonder he reacted so strongly. After all, Kitsuneya Nana was usually... very energetic. He would spit out every break, and during extracurricular activities, he could hold two big iron swords and slash monsters like crazy. He had practiced for more than a month and still hadn't become like this.

"……Big Sun Snake."

Why do they all use the word 'suck dry'?

Kitsune Shichi rolled her eyes and forced herself to sit up, but she heard a thump next to her.

She looked to the side: Xu Fei had smashed her head on the table and fell asleep with her eyes closed!

"Xu Fei?!"

Fox Seven reached out and checked under someone's nose. Fortunately, he was still breathing...

So she poked Xu Fei's arm and tried to wake him up. But Xu Fei didn't respond - oh, you can't say he didn't respond, he covered his face with his arm and continued to sleep.


That's not right, Fox Seven was a little confused, isn't this guy very strong... Can't he do it after not sleeping for a night?

When she went to pick up Xieyang this morning, Xieyang also looked very energetic, rubbing his little head against her palm, humming and acting coquettishly, and didn't look tired at all.

Because they hadn't seen each other for a long time, Fox Seven rubbed Xieyang for a long time, and in the happy interaction, she forgot to ask about his class yesterday. Later, she gave it to Karachi and asked Karachi to take it back to rest.

Why does Xu Fei look so... miserable?

Didn't Xieyang and Xu Fei take the same class?

Or is it that human-animal hybrids are so much worse than pure animals, and human blood is not that bad, right?

"Teacher, look at Xu Fei……?"

Kitsune Shichi raised his hand high, trying to awaken Ling Beile's conscience, but this guy was still pretending to be blind and had no intention of coming over to take a look.

"Teacher! Hello, teacher?!"

However, Ling Beile... to be honest, he didn't care about Xu Fei at all. In his eyes, this hybrid fox was a buy one get one free deal, and he didn't like to keep useless things.

He was still thinking about those four words: Big Sun Pupil Snake!

He had been away from Blue Star for too long, and he had some amnesia. After checking, he found out that this was a CCC-level secret realm with six"suns" on its head. It was a famous place for hard training!

Hard training?!

"Why are you so hardworking? Did you take the wrong medicine? You actually went to the Liuying Desert to practice! Or did that kid from the Xu family drug you?"

Ling Beile was shocked - he knew best how unmotivated Hu Yaqi was.

Hu Yaqi shouted slogans louder than anyone else, but she would just not do anything even if she shouted! She also had ambitions, but only for a second. She just had a good talent.

For the same mental breath, others were"tired to death after one circle", and worked hard in hardships. Even if there was no effect, they would work hard to wear away the stone, and they were full of joy every time they advanced.

But Hu Yaqi said:"Why is it that the breath only increases so little after one circle? I exhaled 10 times today. If I keep persisting, I should be able to upgrade this month, right?"

Someone's Quote 1: One promotion a month, isn't that normal? I worked hard!

Someone's Quote 2: What is tired? Ah, how can exhaling be tiring? I feel refreshed...

Ling Beile was also very convinced.

He would never forget that Hu Yaqi asked him for the second-grade spiritual power pill. Her reason at that time was:

"The first-grade elixir is useless to me. The increase is not as fast as my own breathing, which delays my progress."

——【Delaying my progress].

At that moment, Ling Beile suspected that Hu Yaqi was deliberately irritating him. This person is too Versailles... He has to pretend from time to time, and he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't pretend.

"If I had known that handsome guys were so useful to you, I would have changed that old man!"

Ling Beile sighed. In his opinion, the boy from the Xu family was handsome, but he was still too young and lacked some charm.

"Teacher, heal the beast pet!"

Kitsune Yachi couldn't stand it anymore. She felt that Ling Beile was poisonous. He was still a handsome guy at this time. She had to point her finger at Xu Fei and remind him loudly.

Her voice was hoarse now, but her throat didn't hurt.

Healing skills were not omnipotent. They were also powerless against"dehydration", which was not an injury.

"No, if you want to become stronger, you can't use healing skills after exercise, otherwise it will be in vain. Just let him sleep there, it's okay if he doesn't listen to one or two classes."

Ling Beile said casually, glanced at Xu Fei indifferently, walked to the small blackboard, flipped through the textbook in his hand, and began to write"dududu".

Well, he won't die anyway...

Hu Shiqi glanced to the side again, and ignored Xu Fei, and flipped through the book on the blackboard to review.

As an ancient person, Ling Beile firmly required to use blackboards and chalk in class, and he was the only one who had paper books.

This style, at first glance, seems to be an old scholar, very cultural and ancient, but in fact... it's just the opposite.

Let alone the characters, Ling Beile's handwriting is extremely ugly! The horizontal and vertical lines are not straight, and there is no cultural heritage of"living for three thousand years" at all. It makes Hu Shiqi's eyes hurt and he doubts his academic qualifications.……

"Teacher, can you practice writing?"


"I heard that you were the top scholar in a certain dynasty?"

""Okay, okay, let's start the class." Ling Beile rolled his eyes,"I'm a martial arts champion who got in through the backdoor. If you keep nagging me, I'll throw you out!"



This morning passed, and by noon, even Dovemon was shocked by Kitsuneya Nana's sudden weight loss, so he gave her two steaks and told her to eat more to replenish her body...

Meanwhile, on the school forum, a post was quietly becoming popular.……

《Shock! Fox lost 10 pounds suddenly - two SSS couldn't help themselves, had a secret tryst in the afternoon, and were caught by the class teacher!!!》


In the afternoon, Fox Seven received a forward from Karachi.

"What? Why can't I help myself? Why are we separated? This can't be true. Who wrote this?……??!"

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