[Tips]: Chapter 144 adds some settings for Crusoe, non-plot, pure settings


"Combing hair is an expression of love and a serious interaction, definitely not something to be ashamed of!"

[Isn’t it about reproduction?]

"Stupid, humans and non-humans cannot reproduce."

[Can’t have children, but can be happy together]

"Theoretically, yes, but we didn't... Susu, you should be able to feel my emotions, right?"

[Yes, I feel that you are very happy]

Crusu nodded wildly, so it called everyone to watch together at the bathroom door.

"No, it's definitely not the same feeling.……"

Kitsune Yashi covered her face. She was really helpless.

That's why she said that Crusoe didn't understand at all. These two kinds of happiness are clearly two different things... Even if Kitsune Yashi hadn't tried it, she knew that they were definitely different!

[What is that feeling?]

"Well... I'm sorry, your master, I have been single since birth and I really haven't tried it.……"

[I want to try it! Ahhh, please, let's try it!]

"No no no no no no no! I refuse! You can’t do that kind of thing so casually! It requires two people to love each other and be of sufficient age!"

[Don’t we love each other? QAQ]

"Those are two different kinds of admiration! They are different, and you... and you are not old enough! I am not old enough either!"

[Master, you are an adult]

"But you didn't! You didn't become an adult until you were a king!"

Just like that, in the living room, Krusu frantically raised his sign, and Kitsune Seven - she was so desperate! She had to spend a lot of effort to explain to Krusu, but she always felt that the more she talked, the more wrong she was...

On the other side, Karachi had changed his clothes and came down from upstairs. Kitsune Seven heard him coming downstairs, took a look over, and almost fell off the sofa.——

"Why are you wearing my clothes?!"

Karachi was wearing one of her black T-shirts. Kitsune Shichi remembered that it fit her perfectly and had a little drop shoulder, but it was too short on Karachi, revealing a part of her waist and abdomen.

Although it covered her abdominal muscles, her mermaid line was faintly visible near her hips. Her arm lines were also very beautiful, and her skin was so white.

This was the first time Kitsune Shichi saw Karachi wearing this on a male body, and she couldn't help but stare at him and was speechless.

If she said she wanted to touch, would it be rude?

"My clothes are wet, so I'll lend you a set first."

Karachi explained, glancing over. Because the effect of [Calmness] was still going on, there was no extra expression on his face, and he had a kind of cold feeling of seeing through the world.

"You should also change your clothes quickly."

Karachi said. Then he went into the kitchen and started washing the dishes, taking out all the remaining desert snake meat from the refrigerator and disposing of it.


At that moment, Kitsune Shichi suspected that he was the reincarnation of a sex maniac, and he actually had all kinds of thoughts about pure plants.

"Oh, forget it, Susu and Wanmei, you two should go to your own space first, we have guests coming to our house. Karachi, do we need to pour tea for the sun?"

"Need not"

"Let me think, light elemental pets should like hot drinks, just pour them a cup of hot water……"

So after a few dozen minutes, everything was ready. Hot water was placed on the table. Kitsune Shichi also changed into new clothes. Karachi went to open the door. She sat solemnly, ready to welcome the visit of the suns.

To be honest, Kitsune Shichi suspected that the two suns were coming for Karachi, because last time they kept staring at Karachi's prototype.

Liuying Desert is a CCC-level secret realm, and the six suns - that is, the six big sun snake pupils, are the masters of the secret realm. They have a neutral attitude towards foreign beastmasters, neither welcoming nor hating them, and will not take the initiative to attack, nor provide rescue. In general, they are"not interested in the human world."

Soon, Karachi invited the two suns in.

But unexpectedly, after the door was opened, there was no heat wave. When the two [people] walked in, the room even instantly cooled down by several degrees...

Yes, in order to avoid being sunburned or blinded, Kitsune Shichi also specifically asked Karachi to open the door. If she really couldn't stand it, she shouldn't let the two suns in.


Kitsune stood up from the sofa.

"Hello, young human beastmaster."

The Sun Snake pupils also greeted politely.

These two suns looked exactly the same, and their appearance was obviously randomly transformed. Their faces were average among humans, and their statures were not tall. They wore common white sportswear - probably simulating the common clothing of humans in the Liuying Desert.

But they were not human at first glance, because their eyes were bright orange-red, and their hair was like a blazing flame. Although it was very short, it was burning and floating upwards. If you stare at the hair, white double images will appear in front of your eyes.

……It really is the sun, so magical. Kitsune couldn't help but blink his eyes hard.

Karachi also came back and sat down, crossing his legs naturally.

He has been paying attention to his image recently, especially his"male image", trying to correct his"sister image" in someone's eyes. For this reason, he had to change his habits, such as some feminine sitting postures - squatting with legs hugged; and those"ah, ah, ne" intonations and sounds.

"Actually, we came here this time because we want to trouble you with something. Because we heard that you are a famous beastmaster in the human world, who has evolved a new form of slime and promoted the evolution of Venus Aurora."

After a moment's silence, Sun No. 2 spoke.

Hmm?! Fox Seven was stunned, and her fingers clenched involuntarily. She really didn't expect that the name of Wen Si Ji Guang would be mentioned here.

Although several months have passed in the Liuying Desert, only a day and a half have passed in the real world. And Fox Seven knew Wen Si Ji Guang, which was actually"yesterday".

How did these two suns know? Could it be...

Fox Seven remained calm, and suddenly remembered Miss Alice's attitude towards the Liuying Desert - it can be described as"avoiding it as much as possible".

And these suns are elemental bodies with the same properties as Wen Si Ji Guang... According to the Internet, there are at least four suns that have existed for thousands of years...

Ling Beile has lived for 3,600 years. Such a long time is enough for dozens of dynasties to rise and fall, so it is normal for him to know a few suns, right?

The room was quiet for a moment.

Fox Seven was very patient.

Fortunately, the two suns did not hide anything, and one of them couldn't help but directly said the purpose of coming:

"In fact, our evolution was tested by Lord Ling Beile, and he did not find a way to make Wensi Aurora evolve. And after so many years, we still did not find a way to impact the emperor level. Wensi Aurora said that you are very good at the evolution of elemental creatures, and it suggested that we seek your help."

The other sun was silent for a few seconds, and then added:

"Although we haven't evolved to the emperor level, we think we should have the strength to impact the emperor level. We just can't find the conditions for evolution, so we come to ask for advice."

After saying that, one of the two suns took out a ball of radiant golden substance and placed it on the table.

"This is our split offspring, which can split once every 500 years. Because they have no birth consciousness, they are called [Gem of Light] by humans and are said to be of extraordinary value. If you are willing to help us, the six of us and the future Great Sun Snake Eyes will continue to provide you with this gem."

Okay. Kitsune Shichi finally understood that the other party came for her in order to evolve.

But... to be honest, this is too difficult for her - she knows nothing about evolution! She doesn't understand it at all, okay?

Wensi Aurora... you are such a big leak...

Kitsune Shichi fell silent. She stared at the"gems" on the table for a long time before she realized that they were a few transparent things. Because they were so shiny, they looked like a ball of light.

The room was quiet, without any sound, and the air seemed to be frozen.

After a long time, Kitsune Shichi finally figured out how to say

"It's not that I don't want to help you, but I'm sorry, I haven't participated in the evolution of a king-level beast pet. As for Wensi Aurora, it was more of a coincidence."

"You are too modest."

One of the suns replied, seemingly not believing it at all - everyone knows what happened to Venus Aurora, who had been unable to upgrade for 3,600 years, but the little human girl in front of him spent an afternoon studying it and actually found a way to upgrade - Venus Aurora, it was so happy that it went crazy!

"No, actually I can’t do it at all," Kitsune Shichi couldn’t help rubbing his face and refused again."You don’t see many humans in your daily life. In fact, I am just an ordinary one-star beastmaster. You can’t even see me in a crowd of people. I’m definitely not as powerful as you think."

Yes, Kitsune Shichi didn’t want to pick up a sun and take it back, not to mention six suns...

Karachi hasn’t evolved to the emperor level yet, perfect is the advanced level, not to mention that Crusu is difficult to upgrade, and Xieyang doesn’t even have a skill so far... How can she care so much about other people’s affairs?

What’s more, she really doesn’t understand evolution!

She has only traveled here for half a year at most, and she doesn’t even know rare beast pets like the Big Sun Snake Eye, and she has to check the Blue Star Encyclopedia... In order to confirm their dangerousness, she searched the forum crazily, and the forum only wrote: They are"simple and harmless, and do not fight with the world"

"You don't have to be so modest. In fact, we also know how to surf the Internet."

Sun No. 2 added, and it took out a transparent smoke-like strip, which you might even overlook if you didn't look carefully.

"This is Lingle Technology's gaming device. As long as the space is connected, you can continue to surf the Internet, so we are not as isolated from the news as you humans imagine."

Hmmmm??? Fox Yaqi couldn't help but open his eyes wide, the sun is also surfing the Internet??? So you stare at the sky every day just because you are playing games on your phone???

As if seeing Fox Yaqi's surprise, Sun No. 2 smiled and raised the device in his hand

"I only play it occasionally, but recently"Beast King" released a big welfare package for the whole server, and Wensi Jiguang was very happy. I rarely see it so happy, so I asked it why, and it said that you are training in the Liuying Desert, so let us take good care of you."

Fox Shiqi:"……"

No wonder they were so low-key and well-hidden this time, but the Sun came to them... But the situation is different. Wensi Aurora is a primary pet, and its request is to upgrade to the intermediate level. And Da Ri Snake Eye is a king-level pet, and they want to upgrade to the emperor level.

Besides, Ling Beile gave currency in"Jing" in one breath, and the Suns... had nothing, and only brought a few gems, how could they catch up with Ling Beile's direct money, unless... unless...

Wait, the gems of the light attribute elemental body split?

A flash of lightning flashed through her mind.

Fox Shichi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She glanced at Karachi, and in the latter's puzzled eyes, she slowly picked up the"gem" on the table. It was not scorching-although it could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, it felt like a stone!

If the elemental life has accumulated enough energy but has not evolved for a long time, in order to avoid the body being squeezed by energy, it will be forced to split into new individuals. And those"new individuals" are essentially overflowing energy.

Kitsune's pupils slightly dilated, and she carefully looked at the gem in her hand - that is to say, these beautiful things in her hand are actually the crystallization of energy accumulated by the king-level beast pet for 500 years!

So the next moment, Kitsune smiled, the end of her almond-shaped eyes slightly raised, and the whole person showed a smile of confidence.

——Who wouldn't pretend?

This is an energy crystal! Even if Crush couldn't absorb it, it would definitely be a great tonic for Perfect! And there are seven of them... Incredible, really incredible!


Since he's an acquaintance... then there's nothing we can do."���He pretended to be very embarrassed and hesitated for a few seconds, then slowly stood up and stretched out his hand to the sun.

"The friends of Vance Aurora are my friends. Although my power is small, since you are willing to trust me, I am willing to give it a try for you. Regardless of whether this thing succeeds or not, we can be friends."

——That’s right, get the good stuff first, and as for the evolution method, take some time to study it, just in case it works?

"Really? Thank you so much!"

The two suns smiled innocently upon hearing this. At this moment, they really fit the human stereotype of light-attributed creatures. They seemed to have completely forgotten their high-ranking status and stood up in a hurry, as if they were meeting a senior leader, and at the same time extended their hands to the human girl in front of them.

Fox Seven... for the sake of politeness, he could only grab one with each hand, shaking both hands at the same time.

The next moment, two light screens lit up, one purple and one red.

Fox Seven's eyes dropped and he quickly looked at the red light screen

【[Name]: Big Sun Snake Eye

【[Attribute]: Light

【Level]: King

【[Racial Level]: Excellent

【Skills: Sacrifice, Holy Light Explosion, Web Weaving, Light Speed, Perception, Judgment of Light, Light Illusion

【Status]: Light Incarnation (Excellent), Directional Mimicry (Normal), King's Shock (Excellent)

【[Evolution Degree]: 99.9%

【[Evolution Path]: Desert Teng Snake - Golden Teng Snake - Calm Snake - Golden Calm Snake - Big Sun Snake Pupil——???


Kitsuneya Nana was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head and looked at the sun in his left hand.

This guy seemed to be about to evolve...?

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