What? A fox? In heat? Owe money?

And in a hotel? Damn, this must be another hateful little dick, looking for an excuse to marry me!

On the other end, Karachi was furious when he received the call. His blood was boiling, his red lips were tightly pursed, his face darkened instantly, and his red eyes were burning with rage!

"Pudding Bear, hold on! I need to take a leave!"

"Wait, don't go! Doctor Karachi!"

Pudding Bear, who was called by name, almost fainted. She was the intern assistant assigned by the hospital to Karachi, and she had just started working for two days. Because she had just evolved two days ago, she had somehow changed from a combat-type beast pet to a healing-type beast pet. She was sent to the hospital by her master with paid skills... She was also the only intern who would not tremble with fear when being frightened by Karachi.

But at this moment, Pudding Bear was shaking like a sieve.

"Dr. Karachi, you can't leave! The patient is still outside, and my healing skills... are not good enough.……"

"I said you can do it, and you can do it! There are only three people with myopia, one with toothache, and two with common colds outside. You go and treat them. If it doesn't work, just use a few more skills!"

Generally speaking, this minor illness does not require an expert's appointment, but Karachi's [Endless Life] is a very rare all-round healing skill that can not only treat physical diseases, but also calm the patient's mood.

So as long as Karachi is on duty, all patients will try their best to get an expert's appointment.

"Doctor, but…but I’m just here for an internship!"

Pudding Bear held her face, her ears popping out in fear! She was good at punching her enemy’s head!

However, Karachi had made up her mind, and she packed her clothes on the spot. Her figure changed in an instant. In just two breaths, her figure changed from a woman’s curvy figure to a man’s broad shoulders and narrow hips.

At work and off work, two moods, two genders.

Even if she changed her gender in public, Karachi had no pressure.

"Pudding Bear, I'll leave it to you this time!"

Karachi said, leaving without even turning his head.

"Please, don’t!!!"

Seeing that the backbone of the department was about to run away—and there were only the two of them in the department, Pudding Bear finally hardened his heart and shouted out his secret with his eyes closed:

"Doctor Karachi! My healing skill is [Healing Fist of Brutal Brawling], which is too violent and cannot be used on humans! The master asked me to come here to be influenced by you so that I can become gentler... If you leave, the master and I... will be complained by humans!!!" In the quiet and tidy treatment room, the roaring sound continued for a long time, echoing.

Under the bright light, the poor pudding bear turned into a stone sculpture in despair - yes, this is her defensive skill [Petrification], which is just right to be used here at this moment. Maybe the patients will treat her as a decoration, pass by her and ignore her.

Hmm? [Healing Fist of Brutal Brawling]?

Karachi's eyes changed, and the action of space transfer that was about to happen also stopped. He walked around the spacious examination bed, and a... good idea came to his mind.

""How is your skill level?"

Karachi asked, picking up the work clothes and skillfully putting them on his head.

The clothes were pulled down smoothly, and Karachi's figure also returned to its charming and slim figure.

"Uh... elementary, not very good... this is a new skill that just awakened... and I can't control the strength of the attack……"

Seeing that Dr. Karachi was not leaving, Pudding Bear was no longer petrified and breathed a sigh of relief.

……If Karachi insisted on leaving, she didn't have the space transfer skill to follow him, so she could only wait to be complained.

But Pudding Bear never expected that she would let out a sigh of relief too early.

Because Karachi came over and patted her head, and the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a bloody and elegant smile.——

"Let's exchange, I will heal the human here, you help me go to my home...heal a fox. It's very simple, the fox must have eaten something wrong and is in heat."

Pudding Bear:"???"

Is this reasonable? Asking her to beat up a fox in heat? Does this have anything to do with"gentleness" and"the benevolence of a doctor"?

Pudding Bear shook her head wildly. She came here to practice. She wanted to change her warrior mentality and become a"broad-minded and tolerant" healer!

However, she shook her head too early.

"I know the Holy Light Bear Emperor Clara. He is single, a member of your race, and has the same evolutionary direction as you. You should have a lot of common topics."

Karachi smiled and threw down the pie calmly.

"Clara?! Really?!"

"Of course it's true. As long as you listen."

Pudding Bear's face changed instantly, and he slapped his ear, his piercing eyes emitting golden light:

"I listen! I will do whatever the doctor says!"

Karachi smiled with satisfaction when he heard this.

"Heal more often, don't show mercy"

"Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it!"

"Remember to use the prototype"

"——Mission accomplished!"



A few minutes later, beside the bed in the hotel, the space twisted, and a black and white creature fell to the ground, landing on its butt, making a"plop" and"woof" sound... dog barking

"who?"……Dog barking?

Kitsune Shichi was leaning against the window to smell the fresh air. He turned around and was stunned. He looked at the giant panda in front of him, staring at the latter's fluffy face and dark circles under his eyes."???"→"!!!", my mind went blank.

My first reaction was: What's going on? Where's Karachi?

My second reaction was: Karachi is amazing! He actually sent her such a cute thing!!!

A giant panda, this is a real giant panda!

I saw the panda patting its skirt and standing up - this panda was actually wearing a hospital uniform skirt and round-toed black leather shoes, as if it was a girl!

Ah!!! The dream bear!!!

"You...what's your name?"

Kitsune Shichi started to flutter, forgetting that there was a fox twisting wildly in the quilt.

Pudding Bear was also stunned, and then flattered:"Oh? Me? I'm Pudding Bear! Honorable Doctor Karachi's Beastmaster! I heard that you are an SSS genius. My master's child is taking the high school entrance exam this year. Can you sign an autograph for me so that he can also get some of your good luck!"

……This... the high school entrance exam? Kitsune Shichi's smile suddenly disappeared. The record of 100 points in eight subjects was still vivid in her mind. She didn't seem to have the ability to bless others.

But this was the request of the giant panda!

Kitsune Shichi's eyes changed, and she turned around to pick up the paper and pen on the table, quickly signed her name, and wrote:

【Come on! You can definitely surpass me!】

"Come, give it to you"

"Thank you! Honorable Dr. Karachi's super kind beastmaster!"

Kitsune Shichi took a step closer and handed it out with both hands.

Pudding Bear also took a step closer and took it with both hands.

Haha! Kitsune Shichi was secretly surprised. It was too late. She seemed to touch the bear paws inadvertently, but she heard the sound of lifting the quilt behind her, and a hoarse and dry male voice:

"——You two, get out of here!"

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