Who doesn't like foxes?

A handsome face, soft paws, fluffy tail, and cute voice, elegant and well-behaved...

Besides, although these two brothers and their uncle are from the same family, they are not the same style at all, with different fur colors and body shapes...

Xu Fei is gray and fluffy, a beginner fox ball, with short arms and legs, super cute, and can be held in one hand, referred to as a palm fox;

Xu Yinli is an intermediate little moon fox, white and fluffy, with a body like a small dog, and can"meow";

Xu Jinbai, although Fox Shiqi has not been petted yet, he has grown into a high-level fire moon fox, with a shiny red fur, slender limbs, and an elegant body. Even when sitting, he is taller than a person, and has three big tails...

High-level fluffy, must feel especially good.

To be honest, it's hard to choose Fox Shiqi, I want to pet them all

"Anyway, it was just a touch, and I didn't do anything. If you don't want me to touch you, forget it."

In the dim space, the lights flickered, emitting a hazy light.

Kitsune Shichi also drank the wine in the glass, feeling only a little excited, as if he could have another glass.

"I didn't expect you to be so fickle."

Xu Jinbai's lips curved slightly, he lazily withdrew his arm, and pulled over the wine list and ordered two glasses of wine.

"Then I'll give you a glass of 'Nonsense'. This is my treat."

"Who is talking nonsense?"

Hu Shiqi was not convinced. She looked at the top of Xu Jinbai's head and was about to ask him if he could turn into fox ears, but she heard hurried footsteps coming from the side. So she turned around and saw someone who definitely shouldn't be here...

Xu Yinli...and Xu Fei?!

"Why are you two here?"

Fox Seven was stunned and speechless. She saw that the two men also had strange expressions, frowning at her, as if she had committed a heinous crime. That expression was like... looking for trouble?

Although it was not a good thing to do, Fox Seven subconsciously made a seal with one hand and called out Perfection. The soft touch of the slime fell on her head, and she finally felt a little safe.

She quickly turned her head to look at Xu Jinbai, blinked, and asked him with her eyes - what are these two people here for? Did you call them?

Xu Jinbai shook his head imperceptibly, the arc of his mouth corners became more standard, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile on his face was a little gloomy as he lowered his eyebrows.


Xu Yinli asked in a cold voice. His face was cold and his black hair was neatly combed behind his head. He looked back and saw Xu Fei.

It was obvious that Xu Fei had followed him all the way here. She didn't even change her clothes and went out in her tribe clothes.

"I just happened to be passing by."

Xu Fei regained his composure after a brief pause.

He walked over with one hand in his pocket, strolling leisurely as if he was strolling in his own backyard. Seeing Xu Yinli standing next to him, he didn't feel embarrassed at all. He smiled and said"Excuse me", then he turned aside, pulled out the chair next to Hu Shiqi, the one closest to him, and sat down directly.

"Long time no see, big brother."

Xu Fei nodded and greeted Xu Jinbai, and then, without waiting for Xu Jinbai to reply, he looked at Hu Shiqi again, with a smile on his face - and a hint of gnashing of teeth:

"Like to touch furry things? Huh?"

Kitsuneya Qi rolled his eyes at him,"Why are you here?"

"Passing by."Xu Fei still said these two words

"Passing by a bar?" Kitsune Shichi didn't believe it.

"Yes, not only did I pass by the bar, I also passed by your place.……"Xu Fei said, looking up at the table number on the table, and added lightly,"……‘Strawberry Sweet' table."

Opposite Xu Fei, Xu Jinbai leaned back, his smile faded, and his expression suddenly became cold.

""Ha." Xu Yinli sneered. He was more direct. He didn't stand anymore. He pulled open the seat next to Xu Jinbai and sat down. He pushed Freddy's unfinished drink aside and crossed his legs naturally.

"I see you three are quite familiar with each other?"

"We are all friends, so of course we are familiar with each other."

Fox Seven also looked at him. She was amused by Xu Yinli's strange tone, so she simply leaned back and put on a non-violent and non-cooperative face.

"Only you, you are shameless."

What??? Xu Yinli's eyes widened, his chest rose and fell violently, he almost choked to death because he couldn't catch his breath - who is shameless?!

Hu Shiqi rolled his eyes at him. Although she was also wrong, the main fault was that a certain fox had no moral integrity, relying on his good looks to get her pills for free.

If it weren't for her quick reaction and the support of Ling Beile (mainly Wensi Aurora) behind her, this loss would have been in vain. Not only did she lose more than half of the pills, but she also had to bear the after-sales responsibility... and was madly relied on by this fox afterwards.

Xu Yinli suddenly lost his previous calmness - maybe it was because he was too stimulated a few days ago. As long as Hu Shiqi was involved, he would be particularly prone to anger. It was as if his brain was muddled and completely stopped working. Reason and calmness were all thrown out of the window.

"What kind of medicine are you making? Which good person would make that kind of medicine? You know I... Forget it, be careful! Don't let me catch the chance to turn you into a man, otherwise I will make you taste that kind of pain!"

"Oh, what are you saying? Who said I'm a good person? I didn't say that."

Fox Shiqi shrugged and immediately retorted sarcastically.

Xu Yinli took a deep breath and forced himself to calm his anger... After all, he was a generation older, he had to show the dignity of an elder, and couldn't be like a madman who was making trouble.

So, the scene instantly became quiet, and no one spoke for a while.

Fox Shiqi felt a little strange. Originally, she was facing Freddy, and now it was Xu Yinli. And facing Xu Fei was Xu Jinbai. Now the two brothers were facing each other but didn't say a word, just quietly looking at her and Xu Yinli... Their expressions were not right.


Fox Shiqi looked at this, then looked at that... and finally looked at Xu Yinli... The latter had closed his eyes.

But this person would rather sit quietly with his eyes closed than leave.

……It was outrageous.

Kitsune Shichi took the Perfect from her head, held it in her palm and kneaded it. After a while, she kneaded a silver-white little nine-tailed fox in front of everyone. It was very lifelike, with hair as fine as silk and teeth as big as rice grains, but clearly visible.

The Perfect Puppy Fox (?) licked its paw in her hand and yawned lazily. The nine overly fluffy tails swayed back and forth like a fan behind it.

"Look, it's so fluffy... so nice to pinch."

Fox Shiqi poked Xu Fei, grabbed his own tail and put it on the table, pinching it as if no one was around. Taking advantage of the fact that the slime fox was only the size of a palm, he ravaged it to his heart's content, inserting his slender fingers in and out of those big tails...

For a moment, everything was silent.

The waiter brought new wine, but there were four people at the table, but only two glasses of wine were served, and the three men all had strange expressions...

The waiter's instinct took over, and he didn't ask, he put the tray on the table, turned around and wanted to leave

"Hello, what's up with you all? Why are you all here so suddenly? Xu Fei... Oh, and Uncle Li?"

Freddy just happened to come in after finishing his phone call. He still smelled faintly of cigarettes and had a smile on his face. He was obviously in a good mood.

"Have you ordered anything to drink? Anyway, there is no class tomorrow. Uncle Li, do you have any social events tomorrow? How about we have a few drinks together?"

Seeing that his seat was taken, Freddy didn't ask why. He just grabbed another chair from the side, pulled it over and put it in the aisle. He stretched out his long legs and instantly filled the space under the small table.

"What's going on? You're in such a good mood, is it because your blind date eloped with someone else?"

Kitsune Shichi turned his head and looked over, jokingly saying,

"Almost. Originally, the young lady was going to come to Blue Star to play this weekend, but now, for some reason, she said she has no time to attend the blind date and wants to go to the secret realm to practice with her friends!"

Freddy said, his eyebrows were bright.

As a master of livening up the atmosphere, he certainly saw that the atmosphere in front of him was not right, but what does it matter?

""Boss!" Freddy turned around and called the waiter who was about to leave, stood up, took the wine order in front of Xu Jinbai, and raised his hand proudly.——

"Give me five of each of these drinks! We won't leave until we're drunk!"


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