This time, the perfect evolution took longer than Kitsune Shichi had imagined.

After the phone snatching incident, she didn't dare to continue reading comics. She could only look around aimlessly, trying to find something to do, but there was nothing else in the sky, and the ground was"buzzing", so she looked around and finally looked at Karachi. ? Karachi didn't want to move at first after noticing the sight, but in the end he turned his face to the side as if rewarding her, his red eyes tilted, and his white hair flew back, shining like jade in the night.

"Your hair is loose."

Having been caught peeking, Kitsune Yachi was stunned for a moment and tried to find something to say.

She had just noticed that Karachi's hair was loose. He always took the initiative to comb her hair, but his own hair was loose... Was he hinting at something?

"Can I comb your hair for you?" Kitsune asked.

Karachi's pupils dilated, and after a few seconds, he turned his head uncomfortably and cleared his throat pretentiously.

"That's fine."

So Kitsune Shichi finally found something to do. Karachi's hair was as smooth as silk and almost didn't need to be combed, so she... ahem... actually just wanted to play with his hair.

There are also differences between plants. Some plants have hard roots and can use them as weapons, while some plants have fragile and sensitive roots. You only need to comb them down and occasionally rub and twist them, which will make them feel so good that the whole plant will stretch.

PS The above techniques are all learned from textbooks - the books not only have text descriptions, but also detailed explanations with pictures and texts!

This is the knowledge point that Kitsune Shichi has memorized with great effort. She studied aquatic botany hard back then and still remembers it vividly.

And a certain plant... after its hair was held, it suddenly became extremely quiet, as if a cat was having its chin rubbed. Although he had to pretend that he didn't care, as time went on, he squinted his eyes in satisfaction.

It turned out to be true... knowledge is power.

With skilled techniques, even if Kitsune Shichi secretly braided a pigtail for Karachi, he didn't make a sound of resistance.

In this way, time passed slowly.

The night faded, and a faint orange glow appeared on the horizon, and the clouds were hazy.

Kitsune Shichi waited and waited. She could hardly open her eyes after not sleeping for two days, and she also lost interest in her mobile phone. There was no movement on the Perfect side.

The shaking of the mountains did stop, and the ruined jungle was filled with ghost sounds, and the shadows of ghosts floated from time to time. It was very quiet.

"Did you hear the singing?"

At some point, Kitsune Shichi suddenly woke up and heard a distant melody in his ears. The sound was neither hurried nor slow, like some kind of sacred echo, intertwined with the gentle sound of the wind, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing.

Was it the sound of wind chimes in the dream?

Or was someone singing?

"I heard it. Slime evolution is over?"

Karachi doesn't need to sleep, he is very awake, and he also heard that strange and ethereal sound.

But this sound doesn't sound right. Karachi frowned, and added a [Calm Mind] to himself and Kitsune Shichi.】

"It's not ready yet... Why is there music?"

The BGM-like song never stopped, and Kitsune looked at the system screen - it still showed"Evolving"……"

For a moment, her curiosity reached its peak.

Could it be that Perfection could finally speak? Or... this time it evolved into a [Choir Slime]?

Kitsuneya Nana was thinking wildly, and the small slime ball in her mind... also split into a slime band, playing all kinds of music.

The sky was shrouded in mist, and suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the ground, penetrating the dark clouds, and instantly dyed the nearby sky a gradient of purple and pink.

"Perfect evolution is over!"

Fox Seven said in surprise!

At this moment, theoretically, she should look at the system interface first, but the scenery in front of her caught her attention and made her unable to look away.

——I saw purple light spreading in the sky, like the Milky Way pouring down from the universe, interweaving brilliant colors. At the same time, in the deepest part of the mountain range, a streamlined liquid flew out from the pitch-black darkness and jumped over the mountain top.

The connection of the soul became clearer at this moment, and the cold energy seemed to be backflowing from the sea, roaring and surging along the bridge of the soul, stronger than any other time!

It's feeding back!

Obviously it's a good thing, but Kitsune Shichi's scalp tingled, and she subconsciously held her breath, letting the tide-like energy turn into mental power and flow into her soul. These energies were cold and charming, but they were not threatening at all. They could be called"melt in the mouth" and quickly merged with her own mental energy.

Feeding back continuously!

No, this is just like being forced to drink ice water, tons, tons, tons, tons - under normal circumstances, one cup of tons is over! But now it's"tons" endlessly!

Kitsune Shichi also realized the concept of [soul capacity] for the first time. It turns out that the description of"the soul is like a balloon filled with mental power" is so appropriate!

It’s full, it’s full, ahhh, stop, it’s full... Huh?

"With a"puff", the world suddenly changed.

Kitsune Shichi forgot to breathe, just like a blind person suddenly gaining light, everything in front of her eyes became clear, the darkness could no longer block her vision, looking down, the scenery on the top of the mountain was so clear, every tree, every leaf, even the changes in the shades of the leaves were clearly visible.

And... for example, the perfect appearance, it was in the distance, still closing its eyes to absorb energy, and under it was still the huge fish tail, but the tail became larger, layered, like silk and satin drifting in the wind.

The difference was that its arms turned into wings, like the wings of a crane, folded elegantly in front of it. In front of Kitsune Shichi, the light screen unfolded——


【Attributes: Dark

【Level: General

【[Racial Level]: Disaster

【Skills] (data folding): Devour (secret), Sprint (ultimate), Immunity (——)、Perception (Ultimate), Flying (Intermediate), Heart-Erosion Flame (Advanced), Oxygen Generation (Intermediate), Evil Detonation (Intermediate), Curse Tracking (Low Level), Soul Marking (Low Level), Fireball (Low Level), Elegy of the Dead (Low Level), Nightmare Coming (Low Level), Deathly Curse (Low Level), Breath of Despair (Low Level)

【Status]: Giant (normal), Transformation (excellent), Curse Counterattack (normal), Dark Body (——)、Foley (Excellent)

【[Evolution Degree]: 0%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime - Sunshine Slime - Blessed Slime——???——???——???——???

"Fairy Slime."

Kitsune Shichi named it with confidence.

Wanmei has awakened so many skills this time, and they all seem to be related to music (?). Although it doesn't look good at first glance, as long as you use the name to boost it, it will definitely be fine!

That's right, Fairy Slime, it's you!

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