
As the sky gradually brightened, Kitsuneya Nana was rubbing her perfect new wings, but for no apparent reason she suddenly shuddered and sneezed.

"Someone... must be scolding me behind my back.……"

The cold wind blew, Kitsune Shichi rubbed his face, his back felt slightly cold, and he subconsciously looked down, but the nearby hilltops were empty, not only were there no people, even the ghosts had gone to heaven. The wind was strong at high altitudes, did she catch a cold?

It was during this distraction that the perfect tail was about to curl up. As a slime that had just evolved and was blocked (misunderstanding) and abandoned (big misunderstanding) by its owner, it now desperately needed to be touched - and it was the owner's initiative to touch - for comfort.

"Want a hug……"

Perfect spread out its wings, and immediately scattered a cloud of starlight. However, although these wings were beautiful, they were not very convenient for hugging people, so after a few seconds, the wings squirmed and disappeared, and turned into human hands again.

After this evolution, Perfect's skin was close to human skin color, but it was pale with a little bluish, like a malnourished sickly beauty. If it turned its fish tail into legs and put on clothes, it would be almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

However, if human hair was loose, it would definitely be blown around by the wind, but the slime's hair was itself, and like its arms and fish tail, it did not move in the wind, and every strand stayed in its original place.

Kitsuneya Nana grabbed a handful of Perfect's hair, and just after playing with it for a few seconds, she heard an unhappy"hum" from Karachi, but when she turned her head to look over, she found that Karachi was looking at his mobile phone, and it seemed that his attention was not on them.

……That cold snort just now must be an illusion, right?

Kitsune Shichi wasn't sure.

As the saying goes, the heart of a plant is like a needle in the seabed... humans can't grasp it at all.

"Okay, okay, let's go back first. I'll go back and take a nap, then I'll bring you back to finish the rest of the ore.……"

However, before Kitsuneshichi could finish his words, Karachi looked up and interrupted coldly:

"The slime has already reached a certain level. If it evolves one step further, it will be able to go to other galaxies to work by itself. Doesn’t it dare to cross provinces to find food by itself?"


Kitsune Shichi was stunned for a moment - although this was true in theory, Wanmei had just been promoted to the rank of general and had never had any contact with the outside world before, and had never even spoken to other creatures. How could he be allowed to go out on his own?

"Pure White Karachi, you are trying to sow discord."

Perfect answered.

Although its expression was still smiling at the moment, it was smiling for beauty and could not represent its mood.

"The master likes me the most, you can only be second."

The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Pah. Kitsuneya Qi slapped his face,"Can we not fight over this... This is meaningless……"

Karachi seemed not to hear it. He looked up at the slime, and his face seemed to be frozen. But the next second, the glacier suddenly melted, and Karachi also laughed:

"You only eat and eat, what else do you know? Do you think all humans are the same as you?"

Is good-looking useful? Yes.

But is there anyone who is ugly? No!

So Karachi was too lazy to compete with the slime - when Kitsune Shichi contracts nine beast pets, will the slime still want to be the first? Haha, no one will care if he cries. But he has no obligation to remind it


Wanmei didn't want to pay any attention to Karachi. This broken plant was so delicate and would only annoy its owner...

Thinking of this, Wanmei rubbed it again, and its tail rolled around Kitsune's legs. That flexible movement - a fake Qilin, a real snake——"It wraps itself around the pet with its hands, declaring its sovereignty!

That’s right, it is the owner’s favorite pet!

"Humph." Karachi sneered, hugging his arms tightly,"childish."


Fox Seven was more than speechless.

However, seeing that Wanmei was getting tighter and tighter, and Karachi's skin color was faintly green, she cried out in her heart that something was wrong, and hurriedly squeezed Wanmei madly, until she kneaded it into a small water ball and threw it on her head, and then she barely settled a family crisis.

The feng shui here is not good, it is not suitable to stay for a long time... I always feel hairy all over, as if someone is staring at me.

So Fox Seven grabbed Karachi's arm, faced the latter's treacherous eyes, and said seriously:

"Let's go, let's go back quickly!"

Karachi rolled his eyes: Ha, just pet the slime!



Anyway, more than ten minutes later, Kitsune Shichi arrived home safely, finally getting rid of the feeling of being followed.

"We are back!"


Hearing the sound, Krusu ran out of the kitchen happily, jumping up and down, holding a dull light stone in his arms, showing it to Kitsune Shichi as if showing off.

"Wow, is Susu so great?"

Kitsune Yachi was also in a good mood. He opened the system screen of Crusu and saw:

【[Evolution Degree]: 99.2%

"Susu works very hard~"


In the innermost bedroom, Xiyang pushed open the door and half of his head popped out. His golden eyes moved, his white beard trembled, and he looked timid.

""Xiayang, are you going to Xu's house today?"

While asking, Kitsune also took a look at Xiayang's panel.——【Evolution level]: 78%


Go, go, go, of course you have to go!" Xieyang almost nodded.

Oh... Fox Seven sighed.

Help, after such an explosive news, she really didn't want to go to Xu's house...

Karachi walked directly to the sofa, and after a few seconds, he turned into a vine that collapsed on the sofa cushion.

Of course, Karachi also has his own bedroom, but he doesn't need a bed, which makes that bedroom more like a study, filled with various schedules and professional books of terrifying thickness.

At this time, Crusoe suddenly found something wrong, stepped back in shock, and jumped around Fox Seven in a whole circle - what's going on? The master's hair... How did it turn blue?! It was still black before going out this afternoon! It must be the light, right?! But the lights at home are not blue? Why does this blue look familiar? It's blue in purple, and there is a faint glow...

No, why does this color look a bit like slime?!

"BAA Baa baa~?!"

Crusoe was shocked. Was it because he was dazzled? Or was there something wrong with the Stone of Illumination that made him color blind?

"No, I don't understand what you said. How about we communicate with our souls?……"

Kitsune was helpless. She could only guess"yes" or"no" for the language of baa-baa-baa.

Crusou was stunned, but he understood immediately,"Master, your hair has changed color!!!"’

"Eh, is this true or not?"

Kitsune Yachi was also stunned when he heard this.

‘Really! Master, you turned blue (ㄒoㄒ)!’

Crusoe's sorrow was like a river! What happened?! It must be the Slime's doing!

Blue? Kitsune was really surprised.

She rushed to the bedroom, stood in front of the full-length mirror, stared at herself in the mirror with wide eyes, and after a few seconds, she decisively pulled the hair tie, and her long blue-purple hair, like the vast universe, fell like a waterfall!

And those eyes were also... blue-purple.

"Damn it, I have become a non-mainstream person!!!"

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