The lights were off in the living room, and the Moon Crystal placed on the ground emitted a faint light.

Xu Fei evolved, and Kitsune Shichi had nothing to do, and was embarrassed to be too casual in other people's homes, so he could only lie on the sofa and touch the rabbit.

Xieyang still had to go to training, and was resting at the moment, with his ears drooping and his eyes closed. Even if he was rolled and flattened by his master, he would only hum and protest half-heartedly.

Kitsune Shichi pinched it, and Kitsune Shichi:"Chi."

Kitsune Shichi pinched it again, and Kitsune Shichi again:"Chi."

This move seemed to abuse the rabbit, but it was actually more like giving the rabbit a massage. The person was happy, and the rabbit was also happy, and both parties were very satisfied...

So there was peace in the house, and the"Chi Chi Chi" sound was heard incessantly. Although the sound was small, it was super rhythmic.

It must be mentioned that the feel of rabbits and foxes is very different, and rabbits have no meat pads, and their entire paws are furry, which is very healing to pinch.

"By the way, Xieyang has always been very hardworking, right?"

Kushiqi pinched Xieyang's little paw, tried to pull out the latter's tiny nail tip, and asked with some doubt.

"Are you talking to me?"

After a pause of two or three seconds, Karachi finally spoke.

In the vegetative state, Karachi's voice was indistinguishable, like a cool spring.

《Human Behavior Explained says: Most humans don't like to touch plants. They don't have this habit. When it comes to plants, they are more likely to look at or smell them, but when it comes to fluffy and delicate animals, humans will→↗↘←……I rubbed and caressed it like crazy, and couldn't stop.

What the book said was actually true.

This made Karachi very unhappy.

It had turned into a seedling, and it had hidden all the hooks and thorns. Isn't this cute enough?!

"Yes, no one else can speak except you."

Fox Seven glanced at his wrist and stopped what he was doing.

Suddenly, Xiyang woke up and opened his eyes.

In the darkness, the little rabbit's eyes flashed with golden light. He looked around for a few times, and then slowly rubbed the palm of his master's hand. He kept rubbing until the stroking began again, and then he closed his eyes, relaxed his nerves, and continued to rest.

——Hehe, it will be able to talk sooner or later! When the contract is completed and it gives back to its master, it will tell the master that it has been suppressing the level... In this way, it will sooner or later become the master's favorite pet!

Xieyang's ears trembled, a little proud.

Every day, dozens of new baby rabbits are introduced to the Gemini Rabbit Garden, and hundreds of rabbits live together. In order to be picked up by human beast masters as soon as possible, each one is more pretentious than the other, and they are completely two different rabbits in front of people and behind people. Xieyang has lived in the Rabbit Garden since he was a child. Under the influence of his surroundings, he certainly knows how to compete for favor.

In the past, it was physically disabled, and no one paid attention to it even if it pretended to be cute. It would only be squeezed and ridiculed by its own kind.

But now it is different!

Let's take a look at the configuration of the beast pets of the Kitsune family: [Stupid Slime] [Tsundere Karachi] [Chuuni Crusoe]】……Almost no threat!

Thinking of this, Xieyang was very proud.

Yes, the other pets are weak, in the final analysis, it is still the cutest, the only sweet and caring little cotton-padded jacket of the owner!

"It's okay. This kid has been hiding in the room and not going out. I think he has become autistic, but he pretends to be good in front of you."

On the other side, Karachi glanced at Xieyang with disdain. He really didn't like this little fur rabbit...

Xieyang also heard it, but didn't react at all - the owner wouldn't believe it if he said bad things in public! Saying so will only have the opposite effect! Please, keep talking, say more!

"……Why did you shut yourself off?……"

Kitsune Shichi was worried. She knew that Xieyang liked to lock himself in his room the most. No matter whether it was day or night, the curtains would be drawn tightly and he would not even turn on the lights.

Rabbits of this age are the most lively and should like to make friends.

Oh, right!

Kitsune Shichi suddenly remembered something:

"Oops! How could I forget?! I should have taken Xiyang to get sterilized this week!"I can't forget this! It's very troublesome to sterilize a pet... I finally found a store willing to help with the surgery... I made an appointment with them, but she forgot!

It's strange that this weekend was too full!

Kitsune Shichi quickly called the veterinarian she had made an appointment with.——

""Beep, beep, beep... beep!"

The first call didn't go through and was hung up directly.

Fox Seven looked at the time. It was 10:30...

It was really not nice to talk to someone about work in the middle of the night.

So Fox Seven used his money ability - he gave a big red envelope. Then he waited for ten seconds, but the other party didn't accept it.

It didn't matter if he didn't accept it, as long as he saw it.

Fox Seven hurriedly called again.

This time, the call was connected.

""Hello, I'm on vacation and going out to watch the StarCraft Cup finals! I'm drinking here now, if you have anything to say, please tell me!"

On the other end of the phone, there was the sound of"clanging" of wine glasses, mixed with the laughter of men and women.

Just by listening to the voices, you can tell how happy they are.

"……Sorry to bother you, when will you be back?"

The Star Cup finals will be played until at least the end of the month...

Kitsune Shichi sighed, no longer holding out hope.

As expected, the other party replied:

"I will be back in the middle of next month. It's a rare opportunity for me to go out and have fun. I want to give myself a long vacation. If you can't wait, forget it. I will return the deposit to you and you can find someone else to do it!"

Then, the phone of Fox Seven made a"ding dong" sound, and the big red envelope that had just been transferred out was returned by the same route.


After hanging up the phone, Fox Seven sighed again

"How about I do it myself?"Karachi suggested, twisting the vine happily,"Make sure it's cut cleanly. I'm very familiar with the structure of rabbits.""

Family... familiar with rabbits...?"

Kitsune thought of the dancing spider and shuddered, throwing the image out of his mind.

The setting sun also shuddered, and instantly shook his head like a rattle.

Determined not to���!! Rabbits can be killed but not humiliated!!!

"Shake your head? Don't need me? Oh, I'm too lazy to do this. Otherwise, find a doctor at the Xu family. Look at this bunch of mixed-bloods... they are definitely good at it."

Karachi suggested with a sneer.

Hmm, why are they still fighting? Kitsune Shichi touched the rabbit while touching the vine on his wrist. He used two methods at the same time and skillfully appeased the two at the same time:

"That's fine, let's wait until Xu Fei finishes evolving."

As soon as the words fell, the faint light wrapped around the little fox ball suddenly weakened, as if the words came true.

For a moment, dark energy surged, and the dark ink gathered in the center, as if a brush covered with thick ink was splashing back and forth in the air, and in the energy vortex, a slender gray-white creature was vaguely revealed.

Soon, the energy dissipated, and the gray little fox fell to the ground, shaking its two fluffy tails, with ghostly transparent fire burning at the ends of the tails.

"Xu Fei, how do you feel now? You don't look like Little Moon Fox? You are smaller than Little Moon Fox.……"

Kitsune Shichi immediately became interested - the human instinct of liking something new and disliking something old took over, she pushed Xieyang into the sofa, and walked quickly towards the freshly baked little fox, taking advantage of the fact that the latter had just finished upgrading and was still studying its new body, she bent down and grabbed it into her arms.

The system interface popped up, and there were indeed a bunch of question marks.

【[Name]: ? ? ? [Mixed Blood]

【Attributes: Psychic

【Level: Intermediate

【[Racial Level]: Ordinary

【Skills: Charm, Fox Temptation, Fire of Greed, Soul Drain, Dodge

【Status]: Moon Alliance (Excellent), Holy Scripture (Activated)

【[Evolution Degree]: 0.1%

【[Evolution Path]: Little Fox Ball——(To be named???——???

Skills……【Soul Absorption]?

No, how come the evolutionary paths have become fewer?!

Kitsune Shichi's pupils shrank, and she almost thought she had seen it wrong. However, she looked again and again, and Xu Fei's evolutionary path was indeed reduced. She was not wrong!

Originally it should be: Little Fox Ball - Two-tailed Little Moon Fox - Three-tailed (Fire/Poison) Moon Fox - Four-tailed (Fire/Poison) Moon Fox - Five-tailed (Fire/Poison) Moon Fox King. At least it can evolve to the King level, but now the end point has become advanced!

Did the evolution go astray?

Did it embark on the path of degradation? ?

It shouldn't be, it obviously has such an advanced skill as [Soul Absorption]... How could it be degraded?

Also, the Holy Scripture has been activated, what is this, is it also a system?

Kitsune Shichi's heart stopped beating for some reason, at least at this moment, she sincerely hoped that Xu Fei could activate a counterattack flow system...

In just a few seconds, Kitsune Shichi thought a lot in her mind, but her face didn't show anything, and her hand was still stroking the little fox's big tail - really, this tail is particularly good to touch!!!

"Wow, so soft! So cute~ Xu Fei, what kind of fox are you now? You're so cute~"

The little fox looked up. Its face was a little sharper than that of an ordinary little moon fox. The fur near its lower eyelids was particularly black, and there were silver lines like tear marks, mysterious and sad.

It uttered a soft"ow" in response.

Fox Seven felt bad when he saw it.

The only good news was that compared to the little fox ball, Xu Fei's new form had long legs, and he could finally run fast. Maybe he also had a chance to fight to the death with Aaron ()...

Fox Seven played for a long time, and when his mood finally eased, he carried the little fox into Xu Fei's bedroom and threw it on the bed.


The mattress sank, and the little fox's four legs gracefully moved, flashing a faint cold light in the air, and then crawled into the quilt.

The quilt squirmed and began to expand.——

"No! Wait, brother? You don't treat me as an outsider!"Is he a human now??

Fox Seven realized it later and ran out quickly, closing the door with a bang.

However, as soon as she closed the door, she heard Xu Fei's voice faintly coming from behind the door:

"Didn't you read it this morning?"

Suddenly, Kitsune's wrist tightened, she cried out"Ouch", and pulled Karachi hard to stop him from strangling her.

"What are you looking at? What did you look at?"

Karachi was very upset. The whole white vine began to turn green and soon became emerald green...

Xu Fei you...! Kitsune Shichi's face also turned green!

"A fox... just a fox!"

"He obviously wasn't talking about the fox!"

"It's really a fox... just a little too much……"


"Ah... Karachi, you really think too much, God knows, really! I didn't do anything! I just drank too much last night... and then woke up and found many foxes……"

"You are going to piss me off. Listen to what you are saying. This explanation is worse than no explanation at all.……"



In the bedroom, Xu Fei put on his clothes while listening to the noise outside.

After he was dressed, he walked to the mirror and looked at himself. The man in the mirror seemed to be split into two halves. The left half had black hair and black eyes of a human, and the other half had silver hair and silver eyes of an extremely light color. Even the skin color was cut and separated.

Xu Fei suddenly smiled.

He had seen this face in the mirror, this exact face, at Xu Jinbai's place.

And the human part of Xu Jinbai was the right half.

What was the reason for this? Or was it just a coincidence?



Ten minutes later, Kitsune Shichi finally calmed Karachi down and agreed to some of his strange requests - for example, he had to plant it next to his bed when he went to bed at night (……)

For example,"Orange juice is too sweet and unhealthy, drinking tea is the most healthy" was a sentence that Fox Seven was forced to repeat three times.

Of course, none of this mattered.

What mattered was that by the time Xu Fei had packed up and came out, Fox Seven had already resolved the internal conflict in the family.

——Yes, it was resolved by force.

"By the way, Xu Fei, can I ask you a favor?"

"You say."

Fox Seven found that Xu Fei was in a good mood. Maybe he really had an adventure, such as awakening the system?

So, Fox Seven told her that he wanted to sterilize Xie Yang, and Xu Fei naturally nodded.��

It was just a small matter. Xu Fei agreed directly:

"You leave it here and I'll take it away, and you can pick it up tomorrow morning, or I'll take it to school."

"Can I start training right after the surgery?"

No way, Kitsune Shichi was stunned for a moment, the world of beast pets is too complicated!

"……What are you thinking about?" Xu Fei was speechless for a moment."Of course, we should train it first and then do the surgery. It's a good opportunity to let it rest for a day. To prevent the organs from growing, it will not be able to receive systemic treatment later. Otherwise, it will have to be sterilized again."

""Okay." Fox Seven was very grateful.

The healing skills in this world are invincible.

Sterilization is a kind of harm to the body. If a healing skill is used, the operation will be in vain.

To be honest, Fox Seven felt sorry for Xieyang, but there was nothing he could do, because of Xieyang's current situation, born with a disability and no skills... Even if it doesn't want to be sterilized, no female rabbit is willing to be friends with it.

Therefore, sterilization is the best way, which can not only give it more time to practice, but also not hurt its self-esteem.

Fox Seven silently stroked his own rabbit and decided to wait until Xieyang successfully upgraded, then dress it up so that it can go to the blind date beautifully.……

"Then I'm leaving~"

Everything was over, Fox Seven and Xu Fei waved their hands, declining the latter's kindness to send her off.

"No need to send me off, really. I'm so familiar with your island now that I can walk out with my eyes closed."

Snowflakes were still falling outside.

Kitsune Shichi stepped on the snow and walked towards the teleportation array. He passed by the fountain without looking back, but he didn't expect that there was a"splash" sound from the fountain, and a girl with fox ears emerged from the fountain on her own initiative.

Kitsune Shichi:???

What's going on? Could it be that this fountain... is the fixed refresh point for the foxes?!

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