Patting Perfect's head gently, Hu Shiqi turned around and saw a young man in yellow sitting on the viewing platform in the distance, surrounded by five people sitting or standing.

This group of people looked down from a high position.

The man in yellow in the center sat casually, with his feet on the chair in front of him. It was obvious that he was not from the Xu family.

He came up to provoke, so he was definitely below five stars. He dared to provoke Xu Jinbai from the Xu family, so he must be at least three stars - at least he should be on the same level as Xu Jinbai, otherwise he would be a fool.

Hu Shiqi glanced at it and thought about the list of Zhongyong members in his heart.

It seemed that the only four-star beastmaster under the age of 50 was...

Liu Fuwen from the Liu family.

The Liu family was also a big family.

The eldest was striving for eight stars (it had been striving for six hundred years), and the Liu family had produced many alchemists in recent years.

It was said that the blood of Wisteria was mixed into the family members, but this was a rumor, and there was a question mark on the note.

Under normal circumstances, humans and plants cannot have babies. Even if they must have one, it is the plants who have to find a way, and humans can't help.

Of course, there are all kinds of things in the world. There is also a skill called [Pregnancy Sense], commonly known as"Whoever you stare at will have a baby", so the Liu family's story... may not be false.

However, wisteria flowers are boring

"Can we go up and sit down?"

Fox Seven turned her head away without interest. Seeing Xu Rao nod, she randomly found a direction - that is, the audience stand opposite to the group of people on the opposite side, and pointed at it - and grabbed Xu Rao's sleeve with her other hand.

The next second, Karachi activated the space transfer, and Fox Seven and Xu Rao appeared in the stands just now.

Fox Seven randomly found a seat and sat down.

"Are all these dragons yours?"

"No, some of them are wild, look at those… the biggest blue dragon, it’s pursuing my grandmother Gao’s Frost Blaze Dragon, so it brought some of its friends here to show its support, the four over there."

Xu Rao pointed to the dragons on the left side of the ring.

At this time, Hu Shiqi’s phone began to buzz.

She looked down and saw that it was Ling Beile who forwarded her a song:"If You Don’t Seek Death, You Won’t Die."

Hu Shiqi clicked on the song and just after listening to two sentences of the prelude, the space in front of her shook, and a figure stepped out, and the young man in yellow clothes actually followed.

Coincidentally, the singer began to sing:

"If you don't commit suicide, you won't die, but you insist on committing suicide.……"

""Haha." Xu Rao laughed for no apparent reason.

Hu Shiqi also curled his lips, looked at the young man in front of him, and asked softly:

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"The young master of Shengxu is here. Since I have seen you, I must come over to visit you. I am Liu Fuwen.

The young man pulled his hand out of his pocket and looked at Hu Shiqi's phone.

"Seeing is believing, the young master has good taste."

This"young master" is definitely not a respectful title, the tail tone is lightly raised, and it sounds like a mockery.

"No, no."

Kitsune replied with a smile, turning up the volume on his phone, and then slowly turned off the music after the lyrics were sung for two more lines.

"This was sent to me by my teacher. He is a little older and can't stand my high profile. He always says that I can't see the enemy's background clearly and insist on going ahead. Not only will I kill myself, but I will also hurt innocent people."

"Have it……?"Fox Seven sighed, then smiled and asked to herself,"It must be his illusion, right?"

Then, she pushed her hand aside and said,"Please sit down." She acted like the owner of this big venue.

Liu Fuwen's expression changed, and for a moment he didn't know how to complain - the young master of Shengxu came to visit the Xu family's venue every day, and had a scandal with Xu Jinbai. Xu Jinbai seemed to be dead and avoided talking about this topic. His brother and sister were good friends with Fox Seven...

Could it be that the rumors were true, and Shengxu and Zhongyong were really going to merge?! What on earth was Xu Jinbai trying to do!

After a few seconds, Liu Fuwen put on a smile on his face again, and narrowed his eyes hypocritically:

"No, I don't like sitting, I just want to stand."

Fox Shiqi looked at him:"But, you are blocking my view of the ring."

Liu Fuwen also laughed wildly:"I am blocking it, what are you going to do?"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Fuwen's face froze, and a violent energy rushed towards his face. He only saw a black shadow in his peripheral vision, and it was hit hard all over and flew backwards in the air!

At the same moment, the people who were originally around Liu Fuwen suddenly came to their senses. One of them quickly chased out and caught his unlucky master in a few flashes!

If it was just one more second, Liu Fuwen would fall headfirst into the large audience stand a hundred meters away... and opposite Fox Shiqi, another woman in silk also had energy flames on her hands. She frowned and said forbearingly:

"Miss Kitsuneya, you are the one who gets physical when you disagree with someone.……"

Before she could finish her words, a pitch-black coffin appeared out of thin air behind the woman. In a flash, it engulfed the three people and the two people who had just fallen in the distance. The violent energy was like an evil dragon, rolling and surging on the surface of the coffin. It was dark and cold, with a hint of murderous aura.

Several dragons on the ground turned their heads at the same time, wagging their tails and making a few dragon roars, as if they were communicating.

The railings and the ground made a"cracking" sound of shattering, and other than that, it was quiet.

Kitsuneya Qi blinked, and suddenly became curious about what happened in the black coffin. However, when she listened carefully, she did not hear any screams or the like.

"A group of generals dare to bark."

Karachi sneered and threw the group of people who came to cause trouble outside.

Hu Shiqi looked at Xu Rao again:"Do you need to compensate for this ground and railings?"

"No need."Xu Rao choked, his palms sweating, his worldview seemed to be overturned.

Liu Fuwen is a four-star beastmaster after all, why is he so vulnerable? No, it shouldn't be"after all", Liu Fuwen is a very powerful four-star beastmaster... Is it because he is only forty years old and too young? But this pure white Karachi seems to be in his forties...

For a moment, Xu Rao felt like sitting on pins and needles, and he couldn't help but straighten his shoulders, with cold sweat on his back.

A few minutes later, waves of space distortion appeared around the stands, and groups of people fell on the stands. At the same time, a group of people were chatting, Enter through the main gate.

Among the group of people at the main gate, there was actually Xieyang's martial arts teacher. Kitsune Shichi remembered that she was a five-star beastmaster.

It was at this time that a man in the center of the team caught Kitsune Shichi's attention, because this man looked a bit like Freddy, especially the upper half of his face, and his narrow eyebrows and eyes were almost a one-to-one replica.

Zhou Yuye!

At this moment, he was talking to the woman next to him with a smile, looking very mature and steady.

As if noticing Kitsune Shichi's gaze, the man looked up, but just glanced and retracted his gaze.

Kitsune Shichi touched his chin.

68 years old... it seems that he is indeed not old

"Karachi, what kind of beast control space do you like?"

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