A peaceful day begins.

Location: the home theater in the corner of the room.

With hot water in her left hand and the remote control in her right hand, Kitsune sat with her legs curled up in the middle of the perfect fish tail. In order to make her sit comfortably, the latter curled herself up like a mosquito coil.

That's right, she has given up struggling. Perfection has only changed its human form, but its core has not changed... and what the Internet said is right. She can't suddenly change her attitude towards it. It's too cruel.

"Why did you put this!"

Karachi came uninvited, because the screen was playing the Beast Taming League from more than 50 years ago. The protagonist was a tender turmeric vine. It fought against the violent rock ball and kept using its only attack skill - strangulation!

Strangulation, strangulation, strangulation!

At first glance, it was swift and brutal, and the battle was very fierce...

But in fact, its opponent was the hardest rock type after all. The violent rock ball shouted, and its steel-like arms and legs suddenly thickened. Snap! The turmeric vine broke free, shattered miserably all over the ground, and was pressed to the ground and stomped on by the violent rock ball.……


——The difference in strength was huge.

At this time, the screen turned to the beastmasters of both sides, and a handsome boy was seen. The camera also gave this handsome guy a close-up. He frowned and shouted:"Xiang Xiang!"

Xiang Xiang?

So it's called Xiang Xiang...

Kitsune Shichi held back his laughter, and his hands holding the hot water were shaking slightly. He saw that the broken turmeric vine gave him a healing shot, stretching out its branches one by one. Although it still couldn't beat it, it was... unyielding.

Strangling! Strangling to death! Strangling! The turmeric vine at this period contained a trace of blood in its cruelty, and a little innocence in its blood...

Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but turn his head to look at Karachi.

The latter smiled at her, his androgynous face half hidden in the darkness, with delicate features and beautiful contours. As the screen flickered, his eyes were dim and slightly creepy.

Kitsune Qiyi shrank his neck: Be more sunny, Xiangxiang, don't think too much...

She raised the cup and drank the hot water frantically, trying to dispel the coldness on her back, and at the same time defended:"Yujin vine has a strangling skill, so I watched it, I can't let Perfection turn into a fish……"

Karachi sneered:"What's wrong with fish?"

The ocean area of Blue Star is larger than the land, not to mention that Qilin Province is close to the sea, warm and humid, and a paradise for aquatic creatures. It has never heard of any animal tamer in Qilin Province discriminating against fish.

Upon hearing this, Fox Seven looked up at Perfect, who was swinging his tail, and his irregular tail fin was surging like waves. He lowered his head and smiled at her, and her smile made her happy.

But... beauty alone is a dead end. Slime is too simple. It doesn't know what is taking advantage of others, nor does it understand beauty and ugliness, and it can't speak... Isn't this bound to suffer losses?

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. Fox Seven sighed.

"Fish only have a memory of seven seconds. I want Perfect to evolve in a smarter direction...if it eats more monkeys...is it illegal to eat monkeys here?"

Karachi froze for a second, unable to hold back his murderous intent, and squeezed out three words from his lips:"You're crazy."

It didn't know what was in her head, water?

"Oh, forget it, it's illegal, I can't do it."

Kitsune Shichi clapped his hands again, and both the man and the pet turned their heads at the same time, and continued to look at the big screen without caring.

On the ring, the taro vine named Xiangxiang was still being abused, healing itself and standing up again and again, and was beaten again and again until it sprayed out golden juice. Under the stimulation of the opponent's beastmaster's words, it went crazy and burst out violent golden light on the spot, evolving into——

"Oh my god, it's the bloodthirsty Crazy Explosion Vine!"

Someone in the audience screamed.

Well, just hearing this tribe name, the opponent is not doing well.

So the scene turned around instantly, and with the screams and exclamations from the audience, the Explosion Rock Ball screamed, and its body was twisted into pieces, which made people's teeth ache...

Fox Seven seemed to be watching a Hollywood blockbuster, sighing while watching.

Isn't this the ancient beast fighting? In the previous life, bloody and violent things were not allowed to be broadcast, but I didn't expect that it would be legal in the other world, and it has become an important competition that everyone is chasing after. There are not only high school leagues and college leagues, but also Star Cup League!

She threw a popcorn into her mouth. After perfect evolution, it can also sense the screen, so it is also very happy to"watch".

Yujin Teng evolved in danger, turned the tables, defeated the Explosion Rock Ball, crushed the opponent, healed, crushed again, and healed again...

Then it was the second game, the bloodthirsty Crazy Explosion Vine VS the blue flame two-tailed fox, they are all high-level beast pets, the bloodthirsty Crazy Explosion Vine withstands the raging fire on the opposite side, while healing itself, while continuing to crush it.……

"Your first match was at the intermediate level, why are you allowed to play against the advanced level?" Fox Seven was curious. However, she couldn't call the human-shaped Karachi 'beast pet' to its face, it always felt weird.

Karachi also looked at the screen with an indifferent expression, as if he was watching someone else's story,"So what, I won anyway."

In the dark where the two could not see, Perfect raised his head with his eyes closed, his long flowing hair slightly raised, and from a stream of water, it split into strands one by one, squirming like a living thing...

So the video continued, time passed...

When the day was almost over, Fox Seven received a total of three healing light waves and was almost revived with full blood.

In addition, it might be that her flattery plan worked, Karachi's attitude also eased a little, even if she was listening to music in the house, it didn't rush in to strangle her.

The only problem is that Perfect became too clingy after evolving. Fox Seven downloaded the beast pet identification software"Magic Mirror" and scanned it wildly. The system kept prompting:"The photo has been processed, please do not over-Photoshop.", and there was no result on the Internet, no matter how many times she tried.

She had no choice but to search for mermaids on the Internet. There really were some, but they were not transparent, and they looked a little different.

Mermaids are fairy-like pets. Some have fish heads and human tails, while others have human heads and fish tails. There are several extremely rare subtypes that are even comparable to dragons. Because they are too intelligent, like to live in groups, and even have their own language and culture, humans will not capture them ashore and think it is immoral to capture mermaids.

Kitsune Shichi... I can only say that fortunately she filed a case for Perfect on the first day, otherwise it would be hard to explain.

As dinner was approaching, she dragged the hungry Perfect to the familiar cliff and pushed it down ruthlessly.……""Go!"

Wanmei didn't move at all.

She pushed again,"Huh?"

Wanmei still didn't move at all.

The cool sea breeze brought the fishy and salty smell of seaweed. Kitsune Shichi was not convinced and pushed hard... Finally, she looked carefully and found that its tail had slipped into the crack of the stone and was clinging tightly to the rock. No wonder it was so stable.……

"Are you really not hungry?" She gave up and put her messy hair behind her ears.

Once she was alone again, she felt a little uncomfortable. If she could maintain a distance - like Karachi, she would be two or three meters away from him, then it would be fine. But Wanmei would take the initiative to rub against him, and follow him too closely.……

"Not going to the sea tonight?" She asked again.

Perfectly shook her head continuously, and with this tiny movement, the pearly light of the scales under her body flowed, pink and green, just like the pearls fished out of the sea that day, more gorgeous than the colorful clouds above her head.

Hunger is the norm. Anyway, no matter how much you eat, you can't be full. You get used to it when you are hungry...

And compared to being 'full', it is even less likely to abandon its owner during the breeding period. It feels so fragrant... How can this be possible? No matter how you think about it, it's not possible!


Kitsune Shichi had no other choice. She couldn't force it to eat. She could only continue to adjust her mentality. But she took Perfect out of the trash can with her own hands! What's wrong with touching it?

She pinched it a lot in the past two days... So she slowly touched it here and there, and then picked up its hand to study its long and pointed nails - mermaids are top predators, with long nails and sharp teeth. It's a pity that Perfect can't open its mouth.

This face is truly a work of art...

Kitsune Shichi sighed again, and pulled Perfect's arm to make it bend over and lower its head. She touched its pointed chin, poked its eyelashes, and the pair of gorgeous fin ears, which were thin and slippery, a miracle of nature...

How could a handsome guy in real life be so well-behaved?

So, this is not a human at all

"I know, Perfect, you are here to repay me!"

Kitsune Shichi suddenly realized, and her mentality changed. Her waist and stomach no longer hurt. Since it didn't want to go into the sea, that was just right. She just wanted to take a set of photos for it...

Karachi had so many videos recording its growth, but it was a pity that her Perfect evolved too fast and lost so much fun...

Kitsune Shichi didn't know how many beastmasters would hit their heads against the wall in pain because of her Versailles. She looked up at the sky. The sunset was gorgeous, with purple and orange colors intersecting, a beauty that could not be described in words.

"Perfect, let's go take some beautiful photos together!"

So, the innocent and kind (?) Slime was infected by the owner's happiness and happily agreed to her request...

A few hours later, a set of photos was"conveniently" shown off on her circle of friends by someone...

Title:"Gift for Coming of Age ~ Congratulations on the Level Up~!》


At the same time, in a hot pot restaurant in the center of Liuheng City, a girl exclaimed,"Wow!"

The girl next to her was putting meat into the pot and glanced over,"What are you looking at... Damn, this handsome guy's flowing water special effects are really good, and that's Kitsune Yashichi next to him?"

"Awesome... Look at them, coming of age ceremony, ocean beach resort island, surrounded by handsome guys and fine wine……"

The girl holding the phone couldn't help but click on the big picture. In that picture, the girl with short black hair had a bright smile, eyes like stars, soft cheeks full of blush, holding a goblet in her hand, and it was diagonally touching another cup, and the wine splashed in the picture.

In the other picture, the young man who looked like a banished immortal had his eyes closed, a faint smile, and raised his head dotingly, letting the girl pour the wine down his face...

The wine dripped down his neck... Just looking at this picture, everyone seemed to see the ambiguous and hot scene...

What the hell?

What the hell!

Is this the Kitsune Shichi they know?

Isn't that girl always with a coffin face, not smiling at anyone, as if everyone owes her money?

This... this?!

"Wait, wasn't she adopted by the government?"

"The government has enough money to let her go to summer camp?"

Another boy also frantically browsed his friends circle. They were all classmates in Class 4, and everyone got along well. Because someone pursued Kitsune Shichi but was rejected, and Kitsune Shichi really had a bad face to everyone, all the boys in the class had a lot of opinions about her.

So, according to reason, everyone should have been invited to the class dinner, but no one notified Kitsune Shichi. Only two girls mentioned it, but it was rejected.

"She can't afford the money even if they don't pay in 50% of the bill. Will you help her?"

……So it was left unresolved.

However, no matter what, Kitsune Shichi was still at level 11 in spiritual power, and she was pretty, so she might become a celebrity in the future. Not inviting her to the class reunion was really not a good thing. They had agreed to exclude her, but who would have thought that she was having fun on the sea?

"Don't look at it, don't look at it, the hot pot is about to turn into sour pot!"

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