"Konishichi! Level 11!"

As if she couldn't believe it, the slim female staff member repeated it again, and her beautiful eyes looked at the black-haired girl in front of the test table, but she saw that the girl just exhaled lightly, her face was calm, and she didn't see any joy. Her calm and indifferent posture was like a child from a noble family.

It seems that she knew it a long time ago...

The woman thought, unable to hide her shock. Level 10 and level 11, although there is only one level difference, the meanings are very different. The so-called difference is a genius, and this so-called difference is just this level.

Thinking of this, she waved to the male assistant on the ground, who also knew what she meant and nodded at her.

Fortunately, they didn't slack off this time and brought all the instruments they should bring. If they had ignored Liuheng Sanzhong Ordinary Middle School and didn't bring the advanced identification instrument, they wouldn't be able to test the child's mental growth rate, and they would have to go back to get it...

The audience was even more excited. Originally, everyone thought that it was outrageous enough that there were two level 10s in the school, but who would have thought that there was actually an 11th level hidden! That's level 11!

In other words, he was destined to become a high-level beastmaster, and had already stepped into the elite society!

"Qiqi! You are awesome!"

"Wow, Kitsuneya, you are really good at hiding. Why didn’t you tell me you were so awesome? I saw you looking dazed these past two days, hiding in a corner without saying a word, so I thought something happened to you. It turns out you have quietly broken through level 11 and are ready to give us a surprise?"

"Could the tester be fake?"

"Hey, did you take some magic medicine secretly? Or did you encounter a secret place? Are you from a big family like Xu Fei?……"

"Oh, I remember she had been living in a government care facility. She told me a few years ago that she was mentally damaged."

"That must be because he is not talented enough and was abandoned by the big family. Wow, another counterattack!……"

Kitsune Shichi walked back to her class, and those envious and malicious voices suddenly subsided, and everyone talked to her with a smile. However, she was sorry that she had face blindness, and she had only known them for 5 days. Although they were classmates, she couldn't even recognize all their names.

On the other hand, compared to her classmates, those students who were not in the same class as Kitsune Shichi talked about her with more envy and less jealousy.

"Level 11……"

"I don't know what kind of pet she will sign. It is a happy thing for the pet to follow a master with better qualifications.……"

After hearing this, Kitsune Shichi looked in the direction of the speaker. It was not until this moment that she realized that in addition to the beastmaster choosing the beast pet, the beast pet would also choose its owner. This is a relationship of mutual choice.

Outside the square formation of Class 4, the two level 10 students of Class 3 also looked over, trying to find Kitsune Shichi in the dense crowd, but unfortunately they failed.

Surrounded by the crowd, Xu Fei, the boy who was rumored to be the abandoned child of the Xu family, secretly clenched his fists, revealing a look of reluctance. I didn't expect that I worked so hard to train my mental strength, but in the end I couldn't even be the first in this ordinary junior high school that was unknown to the public. How could my family look at me differently...?

Another girl, Rujunna, was much simpler.

As soon as the test results came out, she clearly felt that she had become alienated from her classmates.

Although everyone was smiling, few of them were really congratulating her.

Especially the girls who used to play well with her, they even started to talk about her embarrassing things.

Although those things were not a big deal, they were particularly harsh in this environment.

Even Xu Fei was the same.

Rujunna only listened from a distance and found that this guy had been arranged to have 8 relationships at the same time, even though he didn't have the option of falling in love in his mind.

And the opposite Class 4... my goodness, she had already heard nonsense like"Kitsune Yashichi's mental power was damaged and his mental power was only level 5"...

Hey, even if you are jealous, there is no need to make up such an outrageous story, right? ? ?


Soon, the tests for the entire grade were over.

Except for the two level 10s from Class 3 and Kitsune Shichi's level 11, no new high-level mental powers appeared.

Instead, the three of them were taken away by the teacher.

The leader was none other than the big red shrimp teacher who had been severely complained about by Kitsune Shichi.

It was the high-level pet of the principal of Liuheng No.

3 Middle School.

It came from the mysterious alien waters and had mixed attributes of fire and psychic.

Like the white tiger, it had the [language] skill.

But it... its red armor was crystal clear, and after wrapping its whole body, it made it look particularly... fresh.

Shouldn't aquatic creatures be water-based?

Or, as long as it's red, it's fire-based?

Kitsune Shichi suppressed his desire to complain. Big Shrimp teacher had a bad temper and would explode if poked, which fully proved the truth that fire-based creatures should not be provoked.

"Next, I will measure your soul strength, that is, the speed of mental power growth. The result of this test is unstable. As I said before, the soul is very wonderful and will change with your mood and circumstances. No matter whether the result is high or low, you don’t have to care too much."

The female staff member in charge of the work said, and took the lead in pushing them into the room.

Kitsune Shichi only then discovered that the two Tibetan blue cat pets had been following her all the time, and they were shaking their tails affectionately. The gem on the forehead flashed with golden light, and an instrument only half a person's height appeared on the open space.

Obviously, this woman has three pets, which proves that her mental power is as high as level 30... Is it necessary to send such a big shot to test them?

Kitsune Shichi subconsciously looked at the boy named Xu Fei and told her directly that this matter was inseparable from Xu Fei.

Then she looked at the instrument���The instrument has a seat at the bottom and a transparent glass cover on the top. It looks like a heater used in hairdressing in the last world.……

"Principal Wang, let's get started."The lady whose name Kitsune Shichi still didn't know nodded to the principal standing next to her, and then looked at the three people standing at the door. Only when they got closer could they see that the woman's eyes were faintly blue, exactly the same as those of the two cat beasts.

"Girls, come first, any one you want."

Kitsune looked away. This was the first time she saw the legendary repaying one's kindness in reality. This also indirectly proved that this woman's identity was not ordinary. Of course, the more extraordinary one should be the boy named Xu Fei. I don't know what kind of big family would abandon a child with a spiritual power of more than level ten... Or is it that the junior high school she is in now is not as ordinary as she imagined?

"Then I'll be the first one."Rujunna saw that no one was moving forward, so she took the lead and sat in."But I've tested my soul strength before, and it was B- last time. I wonder if there will be any improvement."

As she finished speaking, the transparent glass cover covered her head, and golden light shot down from the top, covering her face like a spider web. Rujunna instantly showed a painful expression, frowned tightly, and bit her lips hard.

Kitsune Shichi became nervous again, staring at the numbers on the instrument that kept bouncing back. Although she couldn't understand it, this time the instrument was related to the soul. It's better to be safe than sorry...

By the way, can we not test this?

"It's still B-, no change." The female staff member said, without any surprise in her tone.

"It's your turn." She looked at Kitsune Shichi.

There was no other way, Kitsune Shichi could only walk over reluctantly. Anyway, the worst result would not be death, and she had not committed any crime, so she should not be arrested for research - there were so many extraordinary creatures in the world that had not been thoroughly studied, so how could there be time to study a mere ordinary human?

The glass cover fell, and her pupils shrank. It was like an electric drill drilling into her brain, icy to the bone, sweeping from top to bottom, as if there were no secrets in her body.

But the pain came and went quickly, and it stopped in a few seconds. Kitsune Shichi breathed a sigh of relief, but saw that the group of people outside had strange expressions, all staring at her in a daze.

……No way, is there something wrong?

Kitsune Shichi was startled, but he didn't expect that what he feared would come true. The female staff member who was originally standing two meters away came over, her eyes were a little vague, and she actually reached out and patted the glass cover above Kitsune Shichi's head, as if she wanted to fix it.

"……There seems to be something wrong with the instrument."She walked over and said, as if she remembered something,"Oh, yes, my name is Fang Ling, don't be afraid, we need to test it again."

Fox Seven held back and didn't say anything.

She was actually in pain again.

Moreover, what was the reaction of these people? Was she the legendary genius? Was her soul strength also A+? The familiar tingling pain came again.

It was not an illusion.

It was more painful this time.

Fox Seven closed her eyes directly, trembling all over, and even wanted to scream.

She had never felt such pain in her twenties in her previous life.

She had only experienced a skinned knee and a finger cut by a fruit knife, but that pain was nothing compared to this moment.

She even wanted to swear: Never do a soul examination again!

"The instrument did not make any mistakes.

Fang Ling said, this time her expression calmed down, only her trembling voice showed her inner shock.

" SSS……"

"But it's strange, if the soul strength is 3S, why is she 15 years old and her mental strength has only reached level 11?"

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