305 on the third floor, at the end of the long corridor, was a thick dark green carpet that made no sound when walking on it.

From a distance, a little smoke was leaking from the crack of the door. Kitsune Shichi strode over. The flowers in the corner of the wall exuded a fragrance. Before pushing the door, she took a deep breath of fresh air.


"Come in~~~"Freddy shouted.

The room was filled with smoke. Kitsune Shichi pushed the door open and saw Freddy sitting side by side with a strange woman on the sofa, smoking. There was an ashtray on the table with cigarette butts piled up like a small mountain.

Both of them turned to look at her.

There was a bar, a pool table and fitness equipment in the room. The entire rightmost wall was a wine cabinet. Three smart refrigerators were floating in the air in the shape of a Chinese character"品". When they heard that there were guests coming in, they flew over consciously and stopped in front of Kitsune Shichi and opened the refrigerator door. There were dozens of kinds of drinks in it.

Kitsune Shichi felt uncomfortable in his stomach, so he took a bottle of mint water and found a sofa to sit down.

"Have you finished registering?"

Freddy asked, holding a cigarette in his mouth. He took out a silver-white object from the side of the sofa and pressed it. A gust of wind blew into the room, and the choking smell of cigarettes suddenly faded a lot.

"Well, it's over." Kitsune Shichi replied,"I've registered everything that needs to be registered, and I've passed everything. Only the items that require certificates are said to take two days."

She even went to pay the fine. Fortunately, she was still a minor at the time. The street lamps and stone pillars were finally converted into more than 400,000 yuan, which was paid in less than two seconds.……

"The bonus should arrive in three to five working days."

Freddy said casually, while introducing:

"This is Sister Zhang, Zhang Yudi, a three-star beastmaster. Her advanced beast pet, Snow Melting Butterfly, has reached an advanced level of healing skills. We have known each other for a long time. This time I asked her to be your referee."

"This is Kitsune Shichi, a kid I just met, with an SSS soul strength, maybe he’s the next Old Xu."

The Old Xu that Freddy mentioned is naturally Xu Jinbai, another legendary 3S-level genius, a seventeen-year-old three-star beastmaster.

He is also Xu Fei's biological brother, and looks like a larger version of Xu Fei.

The two brothers seem to be cut from the same mold.

Kitsune Shichi had heard of this name several times, and of course he had also looked it up online out of curiosity.

After watching the battle video, he just felt that this guy was too pretentious, like an elite and overbearing president.

He was very handsome, but not as down-to-earth as Xu Fei.

But this is not the time to criticize others.

She stood up with a smile on her face and shook hands,"Hello, thank you for your special help."

Zhang Yudi also gave her face, pressed the cigarette butt in her hand into the ashtray, then stood up, shook hands with Kitsune Shichi, and looked at him carefully.

"Yes, the little girl is very cute."

Zhang Yudi praised. Although she was not young, she had an upright figure, wore a decent gray suit, and wore a silver watch on her wrist, which was very elegant.

Fox Seven also praised sincerely:"Sister is also very beautiful, strong and elegant, so cool."

So after a lot of politeness, the relationship between the two became closer temporarily, and they exchanged contact information, and from then on they could be considered half acquaintances.

Freddy was smoking on the side, leaning lazily on the sofa, his dark eyes glanced at Fox Seven, and said:

"The competition mode is a competition, only junior high school students can sign up to participate, the grand prize is a high-level water bell bead, given by someone else, I have no use for it anyway"

"Don't worry, few people your age have mid-level pets, and cross-level contracts have poor coordination. Most pets are not stupid and will not choose masters weaker than themselves."

Freddy waved his hand and interrupted Hu Shiqi's words with a smile,"You don't have to be embarrassed, just remember me when you find good things in the secret realm in the future, and your sister Zhang, give us priority to purchase."

Having said that, Hu Shiqi couldn't refuse, and was even a little moved, thinking: Rich people have a lot of experience, and their words are just nice……

"The materials have been submitted to the provincial government. The competition will start the day after tomorrow afternoon. You can wait for two or three games before going up," Zhang Yudi said directly, lighting another cigarette and smiling,"It doesn't matter if you are defeated by accident. We will arrange someone to replace the champion, and you can go up and continue the fight. In short, don't worry."

……This has been completely arranged...

Kitsuneya Nana expressed her gratitude with a smile on her face. Although she has always known that this society is not black and white, this is the first time she has encountered such a thing, and she is still a little... indescribable.

However, the fundamental purpose of this competition is to give her extra points, so that she can go to school. She is not so stupid as to refuse. Who made her travel through time at an unfortunate time? She doesn't recognize any of the textbooks when she flips through them. She can't even understand the nouns in the preface. She has to check her phone for everything. She has to face the big tiger in class. When asked questions by the teacher, she doesn't know anything.

In this situation, she can still insist on taking the exam, which shows that she has a very strong psychological quality.

Moreover, although she is temporarily behind in learning for a few years, fortunately, she is very interested in this world. During the days of watching online classes on the island, if it weren't for the chef delivering meals on time and Karachi monitoring her sleep, she would probably learn to forget about food and sleep, and not know day and night...

She actually fell in love with learning, which is too abnormal.


So, Kitsune drank water quietly and listened to the two people chatting happily. After a few words, they talked about the secret realm.

"The Green Eclipse Secret Realm was opened ahead of schedule. I heard that Marayun Baihe and Radman had a quarrel and the couple blew up the space wall. The association has sent people to stabilize the [door】"

"Tsk, domestic violence, they will break up sooner or later"

"I remember we had been talking about it for two or three years?"

"Almost... I remember the news came out during the military training in high school……"


Kitsune Shichi was listening while checking his phone frantically. He was shocked. It was another cross-species love story between two beast pets. Two king-level beast pets...

King-level beast pets are considered top combat power in this world, especially wild beast pets. The living environment is harsh and it is extremely difficult to advance. To be able to successfully reach the king level, they must be extremely smart and have incredible luck.

However, the Blue Eclipse Secret Realm was rated A-level, not���Not because it is small, but because it is relatively safe. Both Marayun White Crane and Radman are pets raised by humans. Their owners died n years ago, and they also returned to freedom.

It is said that Marayun White Crane was attracted by Radman and fell in love at first sight. He chased Radman madly and did not hesitate to follow him into the Blue Eclipse Secret Realm, which was completely unsuitable for his survival. He pestered Radman and even hired a human love analyst to help him chase his wife... causing the whole network to watch...

In the end, he caught Radman, but they fought every day again.

However, these two pets are very friendly to humans. They will regularly cooperate with the Beastmaster Association to break through the space barrier and let humans into the secret realm for trials and sweeps.

Yes, the higher the score, the safer the secret realm, but it also means that there are fewer good things. There is gain and loss.

There are even tour groups to the Blue Eclipse Secret Realm on the Internet, and the capitalized red advertisement pops up directly:

‘One-day tour of the Blue Eclipse! Group purchase ticket price is 399! You can bring children under six years old, and only visit the outer perimeter! Safe and worry-free, your best holiday choice!’


What should I do? I'm so tempted...

Kitsune Yashi felt itchy in his heart and couldn't help but click to order a ticket. He didn't want to listen to the two people chatting anymore. He rolled his eyes and coughed lightly.

"Um... I want to go down and take a look."

She waved the empty water bottle in her hand innocently.

Freddy turned to look at her, his eyebrows raised.

"You must not enter the secret realm. Although one-star beastmasters can go, the Cretaceous Leopard and the Holy King Bird have gone to training, so I can't accompany you today."

Fox Yaqi understood. It was obvious that he didn't want to go.

But... brother, you really think too much.

She is not that ignorant. She just wants to leave in a decent way.

People have helped her so much, she should sit here and smile, be a vase quietly, and just listen.

But the one-day trip to the secret realm is really great...

So Fox Yaqi smiled shyly,"I want to buy some clothes. I can't play the game in my school uniform.……"

Then, without waiting for the two to speak, she quickly stood up and moved towards the door gracefully and quickly.

"I won't bother you with this little thing. You guys chat first. Goodbye, Brother Zhou, goodbye, Sister Zhang! I'll definitely treat you two to a meal when I have time!"

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