[Tip: This chapter is a little bit strange. If you think too much, you must be thinking too much. The author does not take any responsibility. If you don’t like it, please click the cross. Please have mercy on the humble author. Thank you.……】


Bitter, spicy, and cool.

The sticky wine slid down the esophagus. It was obviously cold, but it left a hot and burning feeling.

It was the first time that Kitsune experienced this feeling. Her throat was connected to her stomach, and this"pipeline" was so long. The length was completely beyond her expectation.

"I've never drunk such a strong alcohol before."

After all, she's pretty and has no relatives, so she tries not to drink when she goes out to play. Who knows what will happen after getting drunk...

Karachi hugged one leg, his back was bent into a bow shape, and the bun that he had tied on his head for many years was a little messy. Several vines poked out from his clothes, one wrapped around the cup, one poured wine, and another stretched out to Kitsune Shichi, poking her.

"What are you doing?"

The vine poked her leg, and Kitsune Shichi reached out to grab it. The base station on the island was bombed, and her cell phone had no network or signal. She didn't check whether the 600-year-old wine was drinkable.

When she grabbed the vine with barbs, the black thorns softened and shrank obediently, leaving only a little bulge, which felt hard and cold.

The vine itself was warm.

Kitsune Shichi stroked the vine, and the bulges felt very healing. After touching it a few times, he scratched it again, but it didn't move after a few tries. Suddenly, he had a clever reaction:

"Oh, no, I'm drunk after just one glass?"

Karachi had already drunk half a bottle, and wanted to laugh but couldn't. He turned around and saw a human girl with a blush on her face, staring at him with sparkling eyes.

Karachi was silent for a while,"You are so fragile.……"

What?! Kitsune Shichi was of course not convinced,"I'm not! I don't feel dizzy! I'm just a little excited!"

After that, she held out the glass,"Fill it up!"

Karachi was even more depressed, and with a vine, he lifted the bottle high and away, and began to list them one by one:

"……Really, look at you... your legs go numb when you squat for too long; during the reproductive period, you can't get out of bed because of the pain; when playing volleyball, you fall on the beach and cut your legs; you eat late and have low blood sugar... When you fall asleep, you look like a corpse and don't even know that a slime has crawled into your bed……"

Kitsune Yaqi was stunned,"Are normal people like this?"

What if... for example, she fell down and her skin was not broken but the stone broke it, then is she still a human being?

"Your legs will definitely become numb if you squat for a long time. It’s impossible that you will become more flexible the more you squat... It’s normal to feel pain during menstruation. Many people feel pain. If I can still react when I fall asleep... then it’s not called falling asleep, right?"

"It's not normal."

Karachi shook his head, lowered his eyes to look at the beach, stuck out his tongue, and licked the wine in the glass.

"The strong must be strong, otherwise they will be looked down upon"

"……They lied to you!"

After a pause, Kitsune Shichi retorted, and suddenly, as if enlightened, he came over and patted Karachi's shoulder.

"A strong person can do whatever he wants. No matter what he does, he will not be looked down upon. I am already very strong among one-star beast masters. Even if... my legs are numb and I have low blood sugar, who dares to look down on me?"

After saying that, Kitsune Shichi patted Karachi's shoulder again and straightened it solemnly (?)

"Don't worry about what others think. There are so many fools in this world. If you care about what they think one by one, you will be exhausted. You told me to work hard, so I must work hard? You told me not to die, so I can't die? Why? We can only live once, why should I listen to you so much?"


Doesn't sound right?

Karachi paused and burped. The six hundred year old moon shadow has a bit of aftereffect.

The summer days are long, the sky is orange and purple, burning with a group of bright clouds, and the sun gradually disappears.

"No! You just want to be lazy!"

Kalachi straightened up suddenly and said loudly

"How could that be?" Kitsune Yashichi was also startled and immediately retorted,"How am I lazy? Today... uh, I didn't do anything today, but I... but I was frightened and I deserve to have a good rest.……"

Karachi realized it later and couldn't believe it - this SSS! He actually wanted to be lazy again!!!

Absolute! Absolute!

Absolutely amazing!

At this moment, Karachi only hated that he had never been to school and had a limited level of education. He couldn't find a better word than"absolute" in his mind to describe the turmoil in his heart.

Being attacked and captured at any time, even the slime was anxious - slime! That's a slime! Even the slime was anxious! It rushed into the sea with a burning butt, wishing to jump two levels and bite the general-level one - but the one in front of it was actually able to happily drink and enjoy the sunset! ?

? ?

Karachi's mind was full of question marks.

Could it be that the nine-star beastmaster was just here to chat and didn't threaten Kitsune Shichi at all? Maybe the two of them have a deep friendship, like father and daughter, like a close friend regardless of age...


Why is the slime so nervous?

"So shouldn't you stay up all night to improve your strength and chop your enemies into pieces as soon as possible? With so many dangers hanging over your head, how on earth can you sleep?"

"Just lie down, and you will fall asleep.……"

Her vision was a little blurry. Kitsune covered her mouth with one hand and yawned. She finally realized something was wrong. It seemed that this wine had a lasting effect. Her eyelids were fighting.

Karachi had no choice but to give her another [Healing Light Wave】"Hey! Wake up, wake up!"

His body felt hot, and Kitsune blinked, becoming energetic, his vision refocused, and he was suddenly amused by Karachi's angry and nervous look.

"……You, what are you laughing at?"

Karachi rubbed back uncomfortably, feeling a strange emotion rising in his heart, making him feel at a loss.

"No... I just think you're really pretty."

Who doesn't like a beautiful sister?

Kitsune Shichi moved forward again. Karachi was tall and a little thin, but she had a stunning face, green cat eyes that were charmingly upturned, facial features that were picturesque, and skin as white as snow.

"……"Karachi lowered his head and muttered something in a low voice.

"What did you say?"Kushinashichi didn't hear

"I said,"Karachi looked up again and glanced at her unhappily,"This body is fake, it's a transformation, I made it for those beautiful stars of your human race."

Fox Seven immediately knew that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly grabbed a cane and pulled it hard.

"Rattan is also very cute, you see……"

After all, they are plants, so they are cute no matter what.

Kitsune Yashichi didn't lie. She used to love to raise cacti, although she always watered them to death. Just like there is a kind of cruelty called: Your mother thinks you are thirsty.


Karachi's mind was heated, and he hesitated for a moment. It might be the aftereffect of the alcohol that made him feel uncomfortable and a little sour. He seemed to be a little proud, which dispelled some of his sadness.

He looked up at the sky. The beautiful color seemed like an illusion. It was getting dark. Maybe he should take advantage of it before it gets dark... After all, without light, he couldn't see anything.

"I...actually I……"

Karachi paused, but still found it difficult to speak, but... for humans anyway... theoretically it's no big deal.……

"What's wrong with you?"

Fox Seven stared at it curiously and asked

"Actually, I, my prototype, is very beautiful! But...but you can't tell anyone else! And you are not allowed to post it online! Otherwise I will definitely kill you!"

Karachi said stumblingly, as if he was afraid that people would not believe him. He stood up and took a step back. White smoke filled the air, and a huge rattan ball rolled down on the beach, like a tall house. Countless vines"swished" apart, revealing a dark gap more than three meters high.

Huh? Kitsune Shichi hurriedly got up, ran over and grabbed the vines to look inside - it was actually empty inside?!

She thought there were internal organs and flesh and blood inside... but it turned out to be empty inside? It turned itself into an empty ball?

At this moment, the rattan ball completely dispersed, accompanied by a crisp explosion like bones breaking, and a glowing golden flower appeared. The delicate and fragile golden petals trembled in the wind, full of energy.


Kitsune Shichi walked over slowly, staring at the fist-sized flower bud with burning eyes, stretched out his hand, and gently poked it.

The flower bud suddenly shrank as if it had received an electric shock, and even the golden color faded slightly, covered with a layer of pink.

"So beautiful……"

Kitsune Shichi was mesmerized by the crystal-like flower. He stroked it slowly, watching the flower twist and turn, the buds opening and closing, reluctant but reluctant. He never expected that Karachi would be so pitiful...

The cold wind blew, and Karachi's roots floated.

Suddenly, those thick and intertwined vines made a tiny explosion, and turned into ashes, emitting a strong rotten and fishy smell... as if they were soaked and festered.

At the same time, wisps of white moonlight also turned into energy visible to the naked eye, swirling towards those floating roots, as if they were sucked in, and the suction force became stronger and stronger!


Kitsune Shichi sobered up half of the time. Half a day ago, Karachi's evolution degree was still 88%……

Didn't they say that it would evolve only after being beaten half to death?

Could it be that this flower was its weak spot, and she had just accidentally... injured it?

Seeing the flower turn from pink to red, the color was so bright that it looked like blood, Kitsune Shichi was horrified and quickly grabbed the relatively intact green rhizome under the flower.

The golden screen unfolded:

[The contract has been broken, evolving...]

Kitsune Shichi was stunned, and the alcohol had completely disappeared.

The moon had completely emerged from behind the clouds.

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