After the day, Kitsune took Karachi and Perfect to take photos and have a party. After eating and drinking, she forcibly sent Master Friday away and began to worry about where to stay for the night.

There was no other way, the island was bombed.

If she didn't book a room, she couldn't sleep on the street, right?

"Perfect, turn into a fish cake, and then change back into a human when you enter the room~ Your current human form will kill me, and I won't be able to open a room properly……"

Fox Seven held one in each hand and persuaded them kindly

"And you, Karachi, change into a vine quickly! Stop showing off, and become a woman, quick!"

Karaachi turned his eyes, glanced at a certain slime that looked like a dog-skin plaster, and directly refused:"I won't."

And a certain slime, with a face like black ice and a slightly depressed corner of its lips, followed by the side of Kitsune Shichi, with a steady pace, not fast or slow.

If someone who didn't know clearly saw this, they would think that it was the oldest among the three"people".

In fact, Wanmei had just learned to walk - this is a miracle, he was still jumping in the last second, and in the next second he had legs and walked freely - the reason was nothing else, it was all due to the stimulation of his peers. Kitsune

Shichi shed hot tears〒_〒

It was only one day, and Karachi and Perfect, two guys of different levels and species, were always competing with each other, and Kitsune Shichi...she really couldn't hide her love for handsome guys! Who doesn't like handsome guys?

So, in the end, the situation became like this.

Kitsune Shichi burst into tears and had to take two muscular, 1.9-meter-tall"big men" to the hotel to get a room. Her moral integrity was shattered to the ground, really, shattered to the ground

"Miss, who is behind you?……"

"I am the only one who is human, and they are both beast pets."

Fox Seven"slapped" two beast pet ID cards, smiling generously and decently, without dodging or avoiding eyes.

If she continues like this, if she travels back one day, she can change her major and go directly to acting.

"Plants, pure energy bodies, self-division and reproduction!"

The hotel receptionist nodded, observed the three people who were drunk, and smiled professionally. With a wave of her delicate hands, she pulled out a transparent light screen in a professional manner. It was full of strange props.……

"Miss, look, these are all things that can be used by plants and pure energy bodies... Hey?! Please don't leave, sir!"

The night was warm and the dark sky was dotted with stars. Fox Seven decisively changed hotels.

This time, she did not encounter any strange sales pitches, and got into a two-living room, three-bedroom king-size bed room as she wished.

Because the room was not high enough, Wanmei was the first to change back to her original form, and curled up in a corner of the bedroom.

Karachi also turned into a genderless state.

Men and women are not suitable for running naked, only genderlessness is suitable for it to just wrap a bath towel around and float around.

Fox Seven simply packed up her things and turned on her newly bought laptop.

1. Registration for Tagor College, no reply.

2. Interstellar Cup·Blue Star Qualifiers, registration passed.

3. High school entrance examination bonus review passed: SSS mental power +30 points, discovery of a new intermediate evolution of slime [Sunshine Slime] +50 points, advanced evolution of slime +5 points, Kirin Province Junior High School Student Arena Championship Champion +20 points, discovery of a new king-level evolution of Karachi [Pure White Karachi] +500 points

"What added 500 points?"

Kitsune Yachi felt like he was blind, rubbed his eyes, and stared at it again, taking a closer look.——

‘Discovered a new evolution of Karachi King [Pure White Karachi] +500 points’

"……So my total score is now……"


705 points.

At this moment, she was stunned where she was, and she just wanted to shout out - Aa...

"There's a school to go to!"

In the end, Kitsune Shichi calmed down. She didn't scream or act crazy. She just reached out and grabbed a bottle of water from the bedside. Only then did she realize that her hands were shaking. She had to shake.

705 points + SSS-level talent + 13th-level mental strength + advanced pet (perfection will definitely evolve before the end of the summer vacation, Kitsune Shichi is very confident) - after listing all the conditions, she can pick any high school in the entire Blue Star. There is no way she can't sign up. Is there any need to think about it?

Kitsune Shichi immediately gulped down a bottle of water, threw the bottle away, and with excitement, she opened the official website of the number one university in Qilin Province with trembling hands - that was the legendary high school where she had just traveled through time and saw the genius girl from the neighboring city so-and-so being admitted in advance: Qilin High School.

Pa pa pa, she typed frantically on the keyboard.

Fill in the information and click [Register】!

【The information popped up on the official website.

Since it was a new computer and the sound was not adjusted, there were constant"ding dong" and"ding dong" sounds.

【Review passed】

【Final approval】

【Admission has been confirmed. Mr. Kitsune Shichi, your electronic admission letter will be delivered soon, please pay attention to your mailbox.

Soon, the mailbox rang again. Kitsune Shichi was stunned for a moment, clicked to open it, and the aqua blue page... It was indeed the admission letter from Qilin High School.

……Speed... so fast?

She looked up at the clock on the wall. It was half past eight.

Kitsune was worried. She put the number on the admission letter on the official website and checked it again.

……It's actually true

"Very good, very good... Then let's go to the next one."

Foxy Qi exhaled slowly and calmed down.

No matter whether he was dead or alive, no matter how happy or excited he was, he had to go on with his life.

Then the next one was the StarCraft Cup...

First he would check the strategy, then ask Xu Fei...

At this time, Foxy Qi remembered the bottle she had thrown away. She was too excited just now. So she got out of bed to pick up the bottle, but couldn't find it after turning around. She lay down under the bed to take a look.

A Q-elastic tail came over and poked her.

Foxy Qi was stunned for a moment,"Perfect?"

Perfect's eyebrows drooped, and that face as cold as the moon showed a look of dejection.

Foxy Qi had no choice but to open the system interface again and take a look, but it still didn't show [Click to evolve]

"It's not the right time yet, the energy is not full. If I let you evolve now, I don't know what you will evolve into, but it will definitely not be the strongest state... Just bear with it for a while."

However, Kitsune Shichi was a little hesitant.

Because she didn't want Wanmei to eat fish anymore, she was afraid that the more she ate, the dumber she would be. It would be better to eat something else. What is there that is powerful and doesn't cost money to buy...?

Kitsune Shichi glanced at the trash can.

Like lightning, an inspiration rushed into her mind.

A few minutes later, Kitsune Shichi logged into the official website of the Beastmaster Association and found a phone number in the mission center.

"Hello, I am the one-star beastmaster Kitsune Shichi, my contracted beast pet is Sunshine Slime, and my [Devouring] skill is perfect. May I ask if you still need to deal with high-risk radioactive waste?"

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