After the familiar dizziness, Kitsune Shichi and others landed on the outskirts of the garbage treatment plant.

This is a barren grassland, separated from the castle-shaped garbage treatment plant by a wide stone road. The green plants that should have sprouted branches are all withered and yellow. Perhaps it is a psychological effect, it looks a bit eerie.

The wind in the early morning is also a bit chilly.

Kitsune Shichi looked around, and although he was uneasy, he didn't find anything unusual, so he went to check the perfect condition again.

Under the moonlight, the slime faded from blue, and the slender body was faintly gray. The solid chest did not have a trace of ups and downs, the lines were deep, flexible and elastic, the muscles were full but not exaggerated, and they were strong and thin.

Kitsune Shichi was very serious. Starting from the top of the head, he checked along the pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, and mermaid tail. He even lifted the wave tail fin at the tip of the tail to check carefully, and finally confirmed:

——This Mu is in excellent condition and can evolve.

Wanmei was immediately overjoyed and excited. He took the initiative to move over and turned into a weird nine-headed cat. He hugged Kitsune's thighs and rubbed each head vigorously.

This scene was really terrifying.���Only two of the cat's heads were intact, three were rotten to varying degrees, and the remaining four... had broken necks and were hanging precariously, but the ears and whiskers were still trembling, as if they were still holding their eyes open.

Kitsune Shichi felt sad and had given up hope on this evolution, but this was something she had done herself, so she could only touch the cat's head with tears in her eyes and rub its ears one by one:

"Actually, cats aren't that cute... They don't have to have four legs, it's fine to just keep the way they are now……"


Karachi returned to his human form. He couldn't bear to watch this scene of love and affection, but he couldn't comment. After all, when he evolved... it was even more excessive.

So he just turned a blind eye.

So Karachi stretched his shoulders, spread his wings, and flew into the sky. He calmed down and attracted a large amount of moon power, which instantly brightened the surroundings.

Kitsune Shichi took a few steps back and clicked on the system.

Heaven and earth, God bless you!

It was at this moment that Kitsune Shichi decided that the perfect name for the new race was——【Blessed Slime!

Yes, it must be given a festive name!


Evolution begins.

The wind suddenly gets stronger, the dry grass sways in the wind, rustling, and gloomy dark fog surges up from the ground. For a moment, the cold wind whistles sharply, as if thousands of creatures are swept up in a nightmare, rushing towards the slime in the sky, and turning into a dark cocoon. The decaying leaves are swept up by the storm, and the tiny gravel crashes in the wind. Cries are heard everywhere, and wailing is everywhere.

This scene is definitely... not good.

System: [Evolving...]

Kitsune Shichi rises into the air with a"swish", shoulder to shoulder with Karachi. He appears calm on the surface, but deep down he is screaming like a groundhog.

"It looks like it's going to turn into a ghost. You really chose the right place. There's probably a cemetery nearby. There's a lot of resentment. I guess a lot of creatures died with hatred and died with regrets."

Karachi stared down. He was also curious about what the slime would look like.

"……"This time, Kitsune Shichi didn't answer, and she was completely out of the mood to chat.

There was no way. In her previous life, she didn't believe in ghosts and gods. She knew nothing about gods, Buddhas, and Taoism. Seeing that dark cocoon getting bigger and bigger, and the entire ground being controlled by the dark fog...

Kitsune Shichi could only recite the core values of socialism in her heart... madly.

Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendliness... help, help, help! So many good words superimposed... perfect, fighting!



Half an hour later, the wind was strong at high altitude, and Fox Seven's eyes were dry. He silently moved behind Karachi's wings.

Ten minutes later, someone became bored and took out his phone from the space and opened"Beast Love Synthesis"》——A favorite synthesis game for school children. Three primary pets combine into an intermediate one, three intermediates combine into an advanced one, and so on. You can also freely choose the evolution chain.

Kitsune Shichi chose [Xiao Xiangyu] and began to synthesize [Yue Kara], occasionally glancing down.

It was dark below, and there was no movement.

Five minutes later, Kitsune Shichi frowned and stared at her phone intently, but it was a pity that the three [Bloodthirsty Violent Vine] she had synthesized with great difficulty were too far apart, and there were countless [Xiao Xiangyu] in between. Seeing that the gap was getting smaller and smaller...

The game interface darkened: [Failed] ~




【Failure] ~

What’s wrong with this crappy game?! Kitsune Yachi smashed her phone in anger. She has never succeeded before!!!

"Hey, stop playing."

Karachi looked down, the black fog was dispersing, and his mental detection failed again, because as soon as his mental power probed down, it was forcibly cut off and decomposed by some ominous energy body.

What did that slime evolve into?

Karachi grabbed Kitsune Shichi who wanted to fly down, with a bit of vigilance in his expression. He turned over countless information in his mind and finally corresponded to a kind of underworld creature.——"Darkness".

It is an unknown black fog that can swallow up a planet. The principle of its formation is unknown. It mostly appears on a planet destroyed after a war. It has no wisdom or reason, is immortal, and is not afraid of any attack. Even if the planet is blown up, this ghost thing will return to its original state and float in the universe.

Even if it is sent into a black hole, Darkness will randomly descend on any planet, continue to decompose and devour, and collapse everything.

So later, in order to prevent the appearance of"Darkness", the Interstellar Supreme Court would rather smash the entire planet destroyed by war. The two existing"Darkness" have survived for tens of thousands of years and are still alive, trapped in a distant interstellar prison.

Could it be that……

"Dark is the evolution of Slime?!

Karachi was shocked

"I suggest you don't go down yet, make a seal to summon it and make sure it still has thoughts.……"

"No, it's fine."

Kitsune Shichi raised his hand, and in his hand lay a small ball of flowing silver light, like a handful of liquid metal, sparkling like broken diamonds from the Milky Way.

"Cool, super cute……"

However, there is a problem...

Kitsune's eyelids jumped and he looked at the system.

【[Name]: Blessed Slime

【Attributes: Dark

【Level: Advanced

【[Racial Level]: Disaster

【Skills]: Devour (Grandmaster 1231/50000), Sprint (Advanced 670/2000), Immunity (——)、Perception (Advanced 1301/2000), Flying (Low 56/200), Heart Flame (Intermediate 902/1000), Oxygen Generation (Low 0/200), Evil Detonation (Low 0/200), Curse Tracking (Low 0/200), Soul Marking (Low 0/200)

【Status]: Giant (normal), Transformation (excellent), Curse Counterattack (normal), Dark Body (——)

【[Evolution Degree]: 0%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime - Sunshine Slime - Blessed Slime——???——???——???——???


All physical attack skills are gone.

The new skills...seem a bit weird?

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