Warm reminder: 2k words added to the previous chapter


This year's StarCraft Cup qualifiers were particularly dark.

Especially in the No. 13 arena... The curse skills were flying around, with a wide range and strong effects, almost making everyone complain.

Because [Purification] is not a common skill.

Not everyone has a psychic beast pet.

No one expected that someone in this arena would actually contract an evil spirit...

And this evil spirit happened to be the evolution of a slime, and it happened to be named: [Blessing Slime】!

……No one was prepared!

Question: What do slimes do?

Answer: They clean up garbage.

Every day when you go downstairs to throw away the garbage, they jump in the trash can, colorful, round and harmless.

They are stupid and dumb, and their skills are released with almost zero accuracy. Any skill that leaves their body is uncontrollable and basically cannot hit anyone.

As an energy body, they can only attack at close range... This is not a joke, they are really stupid and hopeless!

So, [Blessings of Slime]】……

Who cares? Just take a look and it's over.


Yes. This is the fault of underestimating the enemy.

In fact, the slime is not that strong. If it is a one-on-one match with defense, it will definitely not knock out the three-star beastmaster team in seconds.

This kind of exciting scene can only happen once, because the contestants are completely unprepared.

It's just a slime, who knew that it would become so outrageous after being paired with an SSS beastmaster?

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while experts see the doorway.

Those who understand will naturally understand. Bridge, co-adjustment... These powerful weapons are played to perfection by the one-star beastmaster.

They all know that in the 13th arena, the one who really uses the curse skills is not the slime, but the one-star beastmaster sitting in the slime, Kitsune Shichi.

The slime is like a puppet, unconsciously controlled by her palm, allowing her to knead...

Looking at the 13th arena again, countless beast pets are in chaos because of the curse, becoming extremely violent and impulsive, and even ignoring the instructions of the beastmaster and starting to act on their own.

Of course, there were three lucky teams that had purification skills, and two teams that blocked the curse. They were not affected and quietly hid away, watching the fight...

At the same time, these five teams all used their skills to detect outside as much as possible. Before long, they all discovered the slime round cabin at the edge of the arena.

……It was that one-star beastmaster!!!

The faces of the five three-star beastmasters all turned green, and they suddenly realized what was going on, as if they were woken up by a heavy hammer.

Because before the game started, they were still joking about the little girl in red who came to the wrong place... They originally thought that she was just a bystander and was beaten down in the first wave, but they didn't expect that there were only a dozen people left on the field, and this girl was still there! And she dared to use her skills in the whole field...

Aren't you afraid of being attacked by everyone?


So for a moment, the five people's minds were full of thoughts. They looked up and looked at the two four-star bosses above their heads...

Otherwise, they should wait... Wait until those possessed by evil spirits fight each other, then they will have a better chance...

Yes, three-star beast masters are also soy sauce. If they are lucky, they may be able to enter the list at the end, but once they enter the official competition, they will be eliminated in the first round.

The main force of the Star Cup official competition is the four-star beast master.

The champion of the previous session was an alien six-star beast master, who was exactly 54 years old, with only three days to his birthday.



On the other side, Kitsune Shichi was also confused.

She had clearly used fifty or sixty skills, and it had been more than ten minutes, so why had no one come to bother her?

Didn't the Internet say 'Don't panic, purification can solve it'?

Kitsune Shichi had checked before going online. Healing skills are generally divided into four types: healing the body, healing the soul, healing emotions, and all-around healing.

Purification, on the other hand, tends to heal the soul and emotions.

Basically, at least 1/4 of healing pets that have reached the general level, as long as they have good qualifications, can awaken this skill... This is the official statistics. This is the

Star Cup qualifiers.

Could it be that the third brother's [Dawn Blessing] worked, and all the contestants without the [Purification] skill were concentrated in the 13th field? ? ?

Kitsune Shichi had a complicated expression. As an earthling who didn't believe in ghosts and gods and just talked about it casually, she really didn't think that [Blessing] could have this kind of use...

If you think about it carefully, the frequency of the perfect [Curse Counterattack] being activated is also frighteningly high.



Perfect suddenly opened his mouth.

The continuous consumption of skills, the energy that only went out but not in, plus the food that was just snatched from its mouth, made it very irritated.


Kitsune looked around. In order to avoid being affected by the gods, they were now at the edge of the place, surrounded by nothing but sand.

So they decided to eat sand, since the sand was silver and shiny, and it looked pretty...

So, in full view of everyone, the slime capsule slowly sank, and the originally transparent part turned back to silver, and it sank silently into the sand.

——Hiding his merits and fame.


Honey, this is a competition, what are you doing?

How come the chair turned into a bed and you lie down?

"I think she was sleepy and went to sleep."

"She is indeed a little sleepy, and no one is looking for her."

"Aren't you afraid of suffocating if you sink underground? Without air, you will have to come up sooner or later.……"

"I suddenly felt that this blessed slime was indeed very lucky. There were only a few [Purification】"

"Did you notice? Arena 1 is full of holy characters and is the farthest away from Arena 13……"

"Well, this No. 13 stadium is still the venue of Huangyou Province... Isn't it just like returning home?"

"……I really want to go up and grab her. Without this girl, this game is boring. In the 13th round, Yin Ling will definitely take first place. There is no suspense."

"I agree. Go ahead and pull the sleeping evil spirit out of the ground. I'll be responsible for calling you."

"……Oh, now I'm so curious, who will pull her out, who will be the lucky one……"

At venue 13, the audience was talking about it, all with smiles on their faces, as if they were not watching a beast taming competition, but a comedy competition. They were gloating over the misfortune of others, and their words were overflowing.

Only Yu Xin felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

As a counter operator at the beast pet registration center in Qilin Province, Liuheng City, she seemed to have done something wrong.

——What to do?!

Marking the evil spirit as [Normal], without raising the danger level, caused all the contestants to believe that [Blessed Slime] was real [Blessed Slime】……

"I am doomed……"

Yu Xin grabbed her hair, her eyes dull

"What's wrong?" asked the boyfriend next to her

"……Registration error...I'm going to lose my job……"

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