"Ms. Kitsuneya Nana, how do you feel about winning this game?"

"Could you please briefly introduce yourself, including your family background and personal experience?"

"How do you cultivate blessed slimes? Why don't you disclose this information on your official website?"

"Please ask you……"

"Ms. Kitsuneshichi, may I ask……"


The exit area for the contestants was full of reporters, with all kinds of floating camera equipment squeezing around overhead.

The reporters in this world... were like balloon sellers, with a bunch of ropes tied to their hands, holding their own floating cameras, for fear that their competitors would take them away.

Kitsune Shichi had never seen such a scene before, and couldn't help but take a few more glances out of curiosity, and then he was surrounded.

"Excuse me, excuse me... Thank you."

She struggled forward.

As for the reporter's questions, it was not that Kitsune Yashichi didn't want to answer, but she really couldn't answer them.

She didn't know the experience of her original body, let alone how she won. This time it was a pure win...

At this time, a tall and strong male reporter broke in, holding a microphone as big as a hammer, and asked quickly:

"Ms. Kitsune, what do you think of Ms. Yin Lingling using [Erosion Flame]? It's only been a week and your super-level skills have been copied. Are you not willing to accept it?!"Is this person here to cause trouble? Kitsune was stunned.

"Heart-Erosion Flame... Can't you learn it by eating mushrooms? This isn't a skill that only belongs to anyone, anyone can learn it."

The reporters present were stunned to see that Kitsune's expression was sincere, and the confusion on his face was just right, and he completely withstood the test of a close-up live broadcast, not to mention anger and hostility, and not even a hint of gloom...

Heart-Erosion Flame, indeed, everyone can learn it.

……It seems that this is indeed the case.

Suddenly, the group of people quieted down: a hot spot was lost.

Kitsune took the opportunity to push through the crowd and run wildly - that's great, she originally thought that the Heart-Erosion Flame was too dark, and the descriptions on the Internet were also exaggerated, but now it seems that it is not that special, everyone is using it!

Someone was instantly relieved and prepared to go back and develop a few tricks, such as making an intermittent wave burning to enhance the user (?) experience……


The male reporter was stunned for a moment, and all the words he had prepared to add fuel to the fire were stuck in his throat. After a few seconds, he was pushed aside by others and then he stretched out his hand and roared——

"No, no, I! I have another question!"

The reporters also ran away. A female reporter squeezed to the front row and stretched out her diamond microphone.——

"Wait a minute! Ms. Kitsuneya Nana! What do you think of the title of 'Civilian God of War'?"

Civilian God of War? Who is this?

Kitsuneya Nana glanced at him, but was distracted by the dazzling microphone. In order not to expose her ignorance, she smiled and shouted to the camera:"Handsome! So handsome!"

At the same time, she gave a thumbs up.

——Anyway, it sounds like a good word, so just praise it!

Fortunately, at this time, another winner was teleported out, and he was a handsome guy. The reporters instantly changed their targets.

So Kitsune Shichi successfully broke out of the encirclement, avoided being tracked, and came to the door of the women's restroom...

She never thought that she could win, and made an appointment with Karachi in advance: meet in the restroom after leaving. In order to make it easier for Karachi to find her, she even made an appointment in the most remote restroom.

As a result, she actually won...

How did she win? Replay urgently!

Kitsune Shichi sighed. Life without a mobile phone was not easy. She waited and waited, but she didn't see the shadow of Karachi.

Karachi... where are you?

Ten minutes later, Kitsune Shichi spread out [Perception], but"saw" Karachi confronting a stranger at the stairs at the end of the corridor, talking in a very restrained manner.……

"There is nothing to talk about. I am not going.

Karachi was impatient.

"……Let's meet for the last time. The master misses you very much. I heard that you are working in the hospital.……"

The man advised

"Why does he care about me? We haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, and it doesn't matter if we have to wait for another few hundred years."


What, someone from the Zhou family?

Karachi, a good horse never turns back!

Fox Seven screamed inwardly and ran over, running out of breath, but the damn corridor was a fake U-shaped corridor. After finally running to one end, he was blocked by a wall.

……You are on this side, I am on that side...

The tragic BGM floated, and Kitsune Shichi ran back again, and only stopped and slowed down when he saw a figure in the middle of the run.

Across from him, Karachi was standing face to face with a shorter woman. Karachi hugged his arms, leaned back, and his face was extremely bad, full of resistance.

The woman had long brown hair, a black turtleneck sweater on the upper body, and an emerald green long skirt on the lower body.

Kitsune Shichi immediately guessed the identity of the woman, probably the Yu Jin King of the Zhou family...

At this time, Karachi also looked across

"Come, come, come!"

Fox Seven waved his hand quickly, and the next second, Karachi moved over, his shoulders obviously relaxed, and his arms were lowered.

"You actually won."

Karachi stretched out his hand and conjured up a bunch of rings and bracelets, as well as a sleeping Crusoe.

"……Really? Actually, I didn't expect that either."

Kitsune followed his words, but his eyes fell strangely on Karachi's chest. It was bulging before he set out, but now it's flat again...

Are all plants so willful?

Karachi's eyes also fell, but he didn't care too much,"Too many humans have come to chat with me, it's annoying"

"But you're obviously not human."

"The wings are too big and block the view from the back row, so I folded them up."

After chatting casually for a few words, Kitsune couldn't help but look across the corridor. The woman with brown hair had already left.

"……That's Su Yi, the King of Double Tulips."

Karachi sighed, even though he really didn't want to talk about this topic,"It's so boring. I didn't break the contract before because I hadn't lived enough. It seems that they misunderstood that I still miss the old relationship.……"

Fox Seven stared at Karachi's expression for a few seconds, and a bold idea came to his mind.

"otherwise……?"She thought about it and said

"Or else?"Karachi raised his eyebrows and stopped what he was about to say.

Kitsune Shichi hit him on the arm with a"snap", making a crisp sound and making Karachi stun.

"Let’s go! Let’s change places, one for one!"


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