There was a dark sky above and a gray cliff below.

The wind was howling, too loud.

Karachi blinked, wondering if he had heard it wrong.


Can these two words be connected together?

"Yes, but in our world, there are no beast pets, no spiritual power, and no interstellar shuttle. Plants can't talk, and animals are not smart enough."

Kitsune nodded and patted the futon on the ground.

"Yes, there are no slimes either."

The perfect moment exploded:Σ( ° mouth °|||)︴?

……No Slime……?


Kitsune sighed, his face sank, and he was a little disappointed.

"So, I am just an ordinary person, not a mysterious killer, not the queen of arms, and not a peerless doctor. My studies are ordinary, and my school is also ordinary. The only advantage is that I look okay... I can be a model to earn some extra money"

"My parents' words. My mother started a new family. My father went abroad and I haven't seen him since I was a child.——"

After Kitsune finished speaking, because Blue Star had no concept of a country, he thought for a while and explained:

"Yes, in my original world, because the interstellar map was not developed, there were hundreds of countries on one planet, and everyone spoke different languages. In contrast, it is similar to my father living in other provinces. Anyway, I have never seen him."


Karachi held his chin up and fell into deep thought.

Where exactly is the planet she was talking about? Why is it so backward? There is not even an interstellar network, and pets don't go there. It even makes humans have the illusion that"I am a time traveler"...? It is too poor, unimaginable

"……In conclusion……"

Kitsune sighed again,"I don't have any regrets here, I just graduated and went to a new city, wanting to start a new life. But before I knew it, I was in the classroom here.……"

There was a tiger on the podium!

The tiger could speak!

I couldn't understand anything he said!

And he even asked her to answer questions?!

Kitsune Shichi covered her face and shed a line of sad tears.

……The past is too painful to recall

"These may be your hallucinations."

Karachi thought for a few minutes and said, after all, he is old and has been working in a hospital recently. He has seen all kinds of strange diseases, so it is not surprising.

"Generally, mental damage can be recovered by itself and is easy to treat. What happened to you before should be considered soul damage. This disease is difficult to treat. Even if it can be treated, no one is willing to... Let me give you an example. If I want to treat you, I can only cut a piece of my soul to fill the gap in your soul, otherwise you will not get better."

Karachi frowned.

He has [Eternal Flower] and [Endless Life], but... these are not popular skills.

"It's not an illusion."

Kitsune Yashichi denied it. No matter how much of an illusion it was, it was impossible to create a completely different world out of thin air.

But that's not the point.

She clenched her fists and a smile appeared on her face again!

"The point is, although I am ordinary, I also have a cheat! Although my cheat is also ordinary……"

"From now on, delete the word"ordinary" from your dictionary!"

Karachi couldn't stand it anymore and shouted loudly!

You, an SSS, are shouting"ordinary", how can other creatures survive?!

Karachi pinched his temples hard.

No, he really couldn't maintain his composure. This was like a once-in-a-lifetime card drawing game. He bound the crappy R master with the first shot, but he didn't expect that his life would not end. The second shot drew the luxurious UR... It would be fine if he couldn't bind it for the time being, but he had to listen to this UR's self-slander...

Where is justice?

The human contract was wrong, and there are still many chances, but they only have one chance, and basically have no choice.

Forget it, he is just a small fragrant plant with mediocre qualifications, and he can't rob the dragon at all...

Karachi sighed, feeling like a ball of weak cotton, with a trace of fatigue in his eyes

"Well, since you can even cultivate slimes so well, just wait and see if those emperor-level old guys can break through your door."

"What do you mean?" Kitsune Yashichi was stunned.

This sentence was amazing. It sounded very serious. The first half of the sentence was understandable, but the second half...what did it mean?

"Why would an old emperor come to her doorstep?"

Kitsune Yachi was startled and asked quickly.

Could it be that the old ones who beat up the young ones came to seek revenge on her?

"Of course because……"

Karachi was speechless, feeling that all his speechless moments were about to be used up.

"Don't you know? Then why did you participate in the StarCraft Cup? What do you think this competition is for?"

"Me? I'm just tired of studying and want to go out and have some fun.……"

Kitsuneya Nana sat up straight in a trance, but as soon as he finished speaking, damn! Karachi was cheated again! He he he he he! He was cheated again ah...

"Isn't the purpose of playing games to show off your strength, become a star, and get some advertising money?……?"

Kitsuneichi racked his brains, but couldn't figure it out.

"What else? Isn't the purpose of playing games to become famous and make money? What else could it be for?"Isn't that what other novels say? She's not a caveman, of course she's read novels, all about cultivating immortals, the end of the world, taming beasts, the world of beasts, all kinds of routines...

Isn't that right? Kitsune Shichi was silent.


Karachi... This time, he finally believed someone - that outrageous identity of a time traveler.

No wonder he got 100 points in eight subjects...

It's a miracle that he got 100 points.……

"You are wrong, it is not for money."

Karachi exhaled slowly again. He thought she knew that she had something in mind and could not wait to participate in the Star Cup.

But it turned out to be for... fun?

Who would participate in the Star Cup for fun?!

And they won like this, it is outrageous!!!

"like���It's just for money. The people from the Yin and Xu families don't lack money at all. Why would they go to the competition stage for people to watch?……"

"If you just want to show off, there is no need to set an age limit of 55 or below. As long as you are strong enough and your moves are flashy enough, you can do it at will.……"

"Therefore, the real target audience of these competitions is not you humans.……"

It's those mother dragons who have lived for thousands of years, have excellent offspring in their hands, but just don't hatch dragon eggs.

Whether it's the high school league, the college league, or the StarCraft Cup, they are essentially for the mother dragons to see!

Those hard-working performances are actually shouting to the mother dragons: I can raise babies, I am good at raising babies, give me your good babies quickly, and I promise to raise them to the emperor level for you!

Kitsune Shichi:"?"

She manipulated it perfectly and formed a big question mark.

Seeing this, Karachi was so disappointed:

"Isn't this easy to understand? Real dragon eggs are laid by the mother dragon. Why would an emperor-level mother dragon, who laid dragon eggs with great difficulty, throw them out in the wild for you to pick up? It's even more impossible to sell them for money - how could it be that short of money?"

Kitsune Shichi: It seems to make sense

"But those hybrid dragon eggs……"

Karachi rolled his eyes:"It's not a big deal for a male dragon to go out and take a nap. It's not his child. He can sleep with him or with others. It's probably not a dragon anyway."

Any beast pet that has slept with a dragon and got pregnant can claim that it is carrying a dragon egg. As for how many other males were involved in the process, no one knows.


Okay, this is just too much to complain about.

The wind was strong on the cliff, and Kitsune Shichi rubbed her ears hard, and goose bumps appeared all over her body.

No, no, she would be frozen to death if she kept sitting still... She had to go back...

She patted her skirt and stood up, but she always felt that there was something she hadn't finished saying... What was it? It seemed very important?

"Oh, by the way! Karachi, there is one more thing. I was just interrupted by you in the middle of my speech. I actually have a joke.……"

Kitsuneya Nana finally remembered!

"In fact, it is just a broken system that can only be used as a reference, so you don't need to envy the dragon too much. It should be the dragon that envies you. From my point of view, you can reach the god level.……"

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