Carrying a lot of bags, Kitsune Shichi returned to the garbage disposal plant. Standing under the familiar castle, he had the illusion of"coming home".

In the square, a bunch of people had just got off work and were standing in line near the teleportation array. When they saw Kitsune Shichi coming out of the teleportation array, they stopped and greeted him with a smile:

"Congratulations, Kitsuneya-san, I watched your game last night!"

"You actually went to the StarCraft Cup qualifiers! That's amazing, you did a great job!"

"I will bring a signature board tomorrow, please remember to sign for me~ maybe you won’t be able to queue up in the future, haha!"

A thin man even made a joke, and a group of people around him immediately followed suit, saying they wanted signatures, as if they would be fired if they were a step slower

"It was just luck, I'm just too lucky."

Kitsune Yachi could only respond with a smile. For the first time in her life... she truly experienced"the strong are respected".

Before this game, although the people here were very respectful to her, they were mostly polite. Now, they all used honorifics in a unified way, except for calling her"Young Master".

To be honest, Kitsune Yachi was not used to this scene. She could only put on a friendly smile, pretending that she was taking a photo, restrained all small movements, and subconsciously became steady.

……I want to run, but I can't……

"No way, you are too modest. If you give me 100 such lucks, I am afraid I can't catch them all. It is true that heroes emerge from youth since ancient times."

Another person found a point and continued to praise it.

The people around this person immediately followed suit.

"Yes, you are really excellent...Alas, I am far behind you, far behind you"

"Such a large-scale curse skill is really unheard of and unseen. It actually covers half of the field! How deep must the mental power be and how solid must the soul be!"

"The slime is so big, but you can still train it to be so obedient. It would be great if my child could be half as good as you.……"

Soon, more and more people came to the square, but no one left on their own initiative. They all congratulated and echoed. For a while, there was laughter and joy, and the scene was harmonious.

However, Kitsune Shichi just wanted to run away. This group of people was really too fake... How could she be so happy to meet her boss on the way home from work? He must be cursing her in his heart! At this moment, she suddenly remembered the famous saying of the Holy Lord:——【Everyone is my friend], oh, that's what you mean?

"Thank you, everyone. It's getting late. Let's go home. I have to go back to do something else."

Finally, Kitsune Yashichi was defeated. She smiled and issued an order to expel the people present.

However, even though she said so, no one moved - no one even turned around. Everyone smiled and said"thank you for your hard work","goodbye","see you tomorrow", without moving, as if they were collectively watching her leave.

……Too much, this is really too much!

Kitsune Yachi forced herself to hold back her expression, took off into the air, and flew to the staff dormitory at the fastest speed - fortunately she lived on the top floor - and had to maintain her demeanor in the strong wind, gnashing her teeth secretly and repeating three times"I don't care"……

‘Perfect, I will send you down when Karachi comes back. Hurry up and devour Jue in the next two days.……’

If I continue like this, I won't be able to live anymore. I have to find a place to live, preferably one that is open and undisturbed...

Kitsune thought to himself, and he opened the window of the living room and jumped into the house, taking out Crusoe and Rabbit from his pocket. When he turned around, he was blinded by the setting sun, and he closed his eyes suddenly, almost crying.

""Jiji?" The little rabbit suddenly became anxious, looking up at his master's expression, his whiskers trembling.

"Nothing, I just suddenly wanted to give you a name... How about calling you Xieyang?"

Kitsune Shichi held a little one in one hand, looked at the two cute guys, and made a joke.

"The setting sun means the sun sets and fear comes...Darkness is your hunting time!"


Crusou made an envious sound and swung his tentacles wildly. So cool! It also wants to hunt!!!


The little rabbit did not object to the new name, but... its ears trembled, it raised its paws to look, and then gritted its teeth hard - it had no skills, and its teeth were the only weapons that could barely be considered as weapons. It could only hunt cabbages and radishes.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone was very weak at the beginning. Your perfect brother could only transform into a facial mask at the beginning, but now he can transform into a bed, a chair, and all kinds of things."


The little rabbit was in the sunset, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Can beds and chairs be used for defense...?

So what did those people who bought the Gemini rabbit say?"Kill, kill, kill, is the best defense."’……?

Outside the window, the afterglow of the setting sun is like melted gold

"You two go play first. Susu, take Xiaoyang to find the room, and be careful not to fall into the toilet... We don't have a contract yet, if you fall, we won't be able to find you."

Fox Seven threatened casually, threw the two little ones on the sofa in the living room, and then ignored them, then walked to an empty space, sat cross-legged, and searched in the space.……

《One-star Alchemist Recipe (Volume 1)".

She took out the book and opened the first recipe.

First-grade Star Illusion Pill.

Required materials: three portions of Star Grass (provides spiritual energy) one plant of Illusion Mist Flower (enhances perception) half a piece of Demon-Destroying Stone (calms the mind and purifies depression) two drops of Mysterious Spiritual Liquid (enhances spiritual power)

Refining method: remove impurities from the herbs, extract the essence, and when it solidifies into a pill, engrave runes on it to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to enhance the effectiveness of the pill.

Effect: enhances mental power and perception


There are only 4 kinds of materials in total, which doesn't look difficult.

Kitsune Shichi touched her chin, why not give it a try?

Anyway, she was free...

She opened the official website of the Beast Tamer Association and quickly placed an order for 10 medicinal materials. At the same time, she made a seal and pulled out a slime that was practicing the Erosion Heart Flame in the Beast Taming Space.

Kitsune Shichi flipped through the space again and found the auction brochure of the Silver Moon Auction House.

There happened to be a medicine cauldron in it. Because it was too valuable, the auction house spent a full five pages to take a full-range and no-dead-angle photo of it.

"Come on, come on, perfect, turn into a cauldron, and get ready to cook!"

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