In a blink of an eye, the summer vacation was over.

In the second half of this summer vacation, Kitsune Shichi rented an island again and lived a stable and free, but very painful life. The depth of his pain can only be mentioned briefly.

The reason is that after that night, perhaps in order to repay someone for feeding him medicine, Karachi quickly mobilized the"King-level Healing System" network resources.

With the help of money, the next day, the whole team of tutors arrived

"You are not a human being!"

Kitsune Yachi screamed

"Yes, I am not a human being."

Karachi was very calm.

There were eight courses in total, and he hired fifty-one teachers for Huya Qi. These people filled the room, and everyone carried a thick stack of textbooks and test papers, ready to work hard and win the final"big prize".

Yes, these teachers belonged to different teams.

Eight courses, eight teams, and finally the bonus was awarded according to Huya Qi's test scores. The amount was as high as one million, which was astonishing.

"Working behind closed doors is too inefficient. Don't take online courses. You need to learn systematically."

Karachi was also very confident.

He got his salary. Because of his outstanding contribution and frequent overtime work, the hospital gave him an extra bonus.

He could just split a fraction from that astronomical figure, which would be enough to hire this professional tutoring company for a whole year.

Kitsune Shichi almost fainted. This is summer vacation!

She has traveled through time! Shouldn't she go and see the beautiful mountains and rivers?

Even if she doesn't plan to participate in the Star Cup, she can go to outer space to play and watch other people's games...

She is given so many classes at once, what can she do?

"You... you are really my brother……"

"You're welcome, I've already said I'm not human."

Karachi was very calm, just a lazy human.

As his master, Karachi, it's okay to fall behind temporarily, but not forever.

It doesn't matter if you can't, make up for it! Make up for it right now!

"During this holiday, you just need to finish your primary school courses. I won't force you to finish them all."

Karachi glanced at me, raised his delicate eyebrows, and showed a hint of just the right amount of doubt on his face.

——Yes, this is the provocation method

"You shouldn't be unable to finish the elementary school curriculum, right? That's what you said yourself. You had already graduated from college before you crossed over, so it should be more than enough for you to learn the elementary school curriculum."

Kushiya Qi was speechless and choked.

What can she do about the evil she had done?

Who made her confess so quickly?

So, she could only accept it with tears, and saw herself go from a free person to an unfree person, with a full schedule from 8 am to 10 pm.

The schedule that Karachi arranged for her was simply a devil... eight classes a day, three evening self-study classes, all one-on-one.

Not only in class, but even when Kitsiya Qi did her homework during the evening self-study, there were teachers watching by her side. The three of them took turns on duty, just staring at her doing the questions, in high spirits, ready to answer her questions at any time.

In order to be on duty in the first evening self-study class (theoretically the most efficient), this group of people even fought!

Kitsiya Qi:... people do things???

All teachers: Study quickly! If you do well in the exam, we will give you a high bonus! Please! I beg you to study!!!


This is really not a human thing to do.

Kitsune Shichi was completely ruined.

Because, in this world, starting from elementary school, everyone has to learn eight courses, not Chinese, math, English, history, geography, biology, politics, physics, chemistry, art, and music, but eight completely new and completely different courses.

They are...

Basics of Beast Taming: This course is an introductory course that introduces basic concepts and principles and masters basic beast taming skills.

Beast Pet Identification and Classification: Learn the characteristics, habits and abilities of various beast pets, and through case analysis, let people accurately identify and classify different beast pets. Skills and Superpowers

: Learn the common skills of various beast pets, and produce various effects through combination and matching, so that beast pets and beast tamers become more powerful and contribute better to society.

Beast Pet Psychology: Deeply understand the inner world of beast pets, learn how to establish a deep emotional connection with beast pets, and enhance the tacit understanding and trust between each other. Beast Pet Evolution:

Explore the principles and mechanisms of beast pet evolution, help beast pets break through their own limits, achieve higher levels of evolution, and gain more powerful abilities.

Beast Taming Culture and History: Understand the cultural background and historical origins of the beast world, learn the status and role of beast pets in legends and myths, and feel the unique charm of beast culture.

Beast Taming Energetics & Combat Strategies: Learn the basic rules and strategies of beast fighting, and improve command capabilities through simulated battles.

Interstellar World History: Explore the interstellar, experience the customs and habits of different planets, and experience the differences in the world


At first glance, it seems pretty good and interesting.

But in fact, except for"Beast Taming Energy Science", the above courses are all memorized, and the content is ridiculous.

Let's talk about the classification of beast pets first. According to race, they are divided into: beasts, wings, water, insects, dragons, souls, plants, rocks and minerals, machinery, elements, and elves.

This is already eleven types.

Each race is further divided into major categories according to its attributes: wind, wood, water, fire, earth, holy light, darkness...

Under this major category, there are subcategories: fog, ice, electricity, super power, curse, poison...

And these categories... have been scientifically and thoroughly divided into various courses and have become part of the memorization.

The most important thing is that it does not play by common sense. For example, plants can also spit fire. And ice-type beast pets may evolve and become holy light pets.……

"Is there no pet in this world that can keep its memory?……"

Under such intense torture, Kitsune Shichi... lost her dream and became a walking corpse.

She quickly completed the basic courses from the second to fifth grade of elementary school, and scored 725 points in the final graduation test. But to be honest, it was still far from the requirements of Kirin High School. After all, she had studied hard for nine years, and it was impossible to catch up in one month.

"I have tried my best, no one can force me……"

Kitsune Shichi rubbed the rabbit like crazy.

The pain was positively correlated with her increasingly refined (?) medicine refining skills. The reason was that learning was too painful, which made people want to burn, crush, crush, rub, and destroy anything. Refining medicine was especially in line with Kitsune Shichi's needs. It would explode like crazy with a"boom boom boom" sound... It was very stress-relieving to hear it.

And it wouldn't be wasted.

The medicine that was destroyed was swallowed perfectly.

The medicine that was refined, those with strange appearances, were all sent to Karachi's stomach; those with good appearances were not dared to be tasted by the two juniors, so they all went into Karachi's stomach.

Perhaps because of practicing too many times, Kitsune Shichi actually gradually learned the three first-grade elixirs, and seven or eight times out of ten, she could make pills that were similar to the description in the textbook.

But the effect...

Well, first-grade elixirs, don't ask for too much.

As for Karachi, he tried medicine until he was calm and didn't learn the [Fireball Technique]. But one day, after swallowing a bunch of fire-attribute pills... he inexplicably obtained a high-level skill of the Holy Light system: [Calmness】

【Meditation: It can temporarily eliminate one's own desires and distractions, make thinking quick and clear, and improve self-control and willpower

……Theoretically, this is a skill that only creatures of the Holy Light element can learn, but... this shouldn't be the case? ? ?

Kitsune Shichi took a bunch of fire-attribute pills, observed them repeatedly, and studied the textbook for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out.

《It was not taught in the"Evolution of Beast Pets", nor was it written in the prescription... Most importantly, she did not refine the Holy Light Pill?

In the outside world, the reputation of"Pure White Karachi" has risen to a higher level. When [Calmness] was released, all the people who were watching believed that it had completely transformed and became a pure healing type.

Kitsune Shichi:"No, he is not a healing type at all, he is a depression type!!!"

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