Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 266 Advanced Professional Assessment

The pointer on the machine's needle watch swung rapidly and reached the red zone.

That's the area that indicates a passing test.

But the pointer did not stop, but continued to swing forward.

Cross the red area, reach the far right side of the needle meter, and stop at the maximum range position.

The pointer trembled slightly, obviously it had reached the limit of the instrument, but the limit of the wind pressure was beyond the ability of the instrument to measure.

The staff member responsible for the measurement recorded the value with a surprised look on his face, and then said: "Pet energy test, passed."

Next, is the content of the last assessment, the battle assessment.

As long as the assessment is successful, you can obtain the professional qualification certificate of a senior professional beast master.

The examiner who faced Li Qingzhou was a middle-aged man with slightly gray hair.

The man was wearing a gray jacket and stood upright.

"Are you ready?" the middle-aged man said slowly.

"Ready." Li Qingzhou smiled and nodded.

The blue clouds of the peng bird floated beside him, but they did not turn into Yu Kun.

"Okay, let's get started."

As the middle-aged man spoke, the summoning array pattern in front of him flashed, and then a huge snake-like beast appeared in front of him.

[Name: Water Patterned Python]

[Attribute: Water]

[Level: Gold Level 2]

[Qualification: Platinum]

[Skills: Life-Sacrificing Coil, Venomous Fangs, Rapid Water Gun, Turbulent Water]

[Weakness: Earth]

[Evolution route: 1]

[Introduction: A python with a huge body has water-like patterns on its surface. It usually lurks in the water and can almost completely hide its body in the water. It is good at sudden attacks. 】

The giant water-patterned python coiled its body, its head held high, and its cold vertical pupils stared directly at the roc in the sky.

Zhou Ling outside the window also felt suffocated for a while.

Two gold-level pet beasts were facing each other, exuding extremely powerful auras.

She looked at the big bird floating in the sky, her face full of surprise.

Could Yu Kun evolve into such a big bird?

Yu Kun, who had not evolved for so many years, actually transformed in the hands of Li Qingzhou.

From an ordinary ornamental fish, he became a soaring and powerful bird.

The wind pressure caused by the casual attack of this big bird was countless times more powerful than her blue-winged bird.

Zhou Ling looked at Li Qingzhou through the window glass, wanting to see what else he would do next.

Battle room.

The water-patterned python suddenly opened its mouth, and a stream of water suddenly shot out from its mouth.

Skill rapid water gun shooting!

It can emit a high-pressure water flow, which is extremely fast and under great pressure.

Even steel can be shot through easily.

The bird Qingyun flapped its wings and flew sideways to avoid the rushing water.

The wind pressure driven by the wings caused the furnishings in the entire room to shake slightly.

But the mouth of the water-patterned python was kept wide open, and countless streams of water spurted out from his mouth.

It's like a machine gun with unlimited bullets.

Pengniao Qingyun had to keep moving to avoid the rushing water.

“Bang bang bang!!!”

The water hit the wall, making a dull sound.

This battle room is made of special materials and can withstand battles with gold-level pet beasts.

But even so, after the rapid water gun hit the wall, it still left several marks on the wall.

Zhou Ling looked frightened.

Even outside the battle room, she could feel the powerful power of the rapid-fire water gun.

If she were the one participating in the assessment, I'm afraid the Blue Winged Bird would have been shot down directly by the rapid-fire water cannon.

Li Qingzhou looked calm and calm.

The rapid fire water gun is quite powerful though.

However, Pengniao Qingyun has not yet shown his true strength!

I saw Qingyun changing again, from the state of a roc to the state of a feather.

As a Kun, it has an extremely powerful ability to control water flow, which is not comparable to that of a water-patterned python.


Just as Qingyun transformed, another rapid water gun shot out.

But Yukun Qingyun didn't dodge at all, but stayed in place.

The rapid-fire water gun directly hit the water ring around Yu Kun Qingyun.

The water ring ripples slightly.

"How is this possible?" the middle-aged examiner exclaimed.

The water-patterned python's rapid-fire water gun hit Yukun Qingyun straight away.

The water gun that could shoot through the steel plate only caused a slight turbulence in the water ring around Yu Kun!

How can the middle-aged examiner believe this!

Zhou Ling's pupils also shrank. A second ago, she was worried about Li Qingzhou. After all, changing from bird form to Yukun form was not a wise choice.

Birds can rely on their ability to fly to avoid the attacks of rapid-fire water guns, but Yukun cannot.

Its speed is much slower, and once it is hit, all previous efforts will be wasted.

However, what she didn't expect was that Li Qingzhou's Yu Kun was so powerful.

The water ring around him can actually withstand rapid water gun fire!

"Your Yukun is quite interesting!" The middle-aged examiner reacted from his astonishment and couldn't help but praise.

He has served as an examiner for senior professional beast masters in the Beast Masters Association for several years. Over the years, he has seen many candidates, including many talented people.

But no one's pet beast has ever been able to withstand the rapid fire of the water-patterned python.

Li Qingzhou's Yu Kun Qing Yun was the first one to take the rapid water gun head-on and remained intact.

"However, this move depends on how you deal with it!"

"Water Ripple Python, use Water Flow!"

The middle-aged examiner's eyes condensed and he said loudly.

The cold vertical pupils of the Water Ripple Python became even colder, and at the same time, the water patterns on its body began to change.

It was like the surging waves in the sea.

Then a huge stream of water formed in front of the Water Ripple Python's body, like a huge wave caused by a typhoon, rushing towards Yu Kun Qing Yun.

Moreover, there was a faint purple glow in this huge wave, which obviously contained a deadly poison.

Seeing the surging waves, Zhou Ling felt as if she was at the seaside, facing the tsunami caused by the typhoon!

The power of the tsunami was so terrifying that it made her legs weak.

Although she knew that she was outside the battle room and there was no danger, she still couldn't help but feel fear.

"Faced with the terrifying waves, what should Li Qingzhou do?"

Zhou Ling's heart was hanging, and she was worried about Li Qingzhou.

Li Qingzhou was still calm and composed. From beginning to end, his expression was very indifferent, as if the huge waves did not exist.

Yu Kun Qingyun was also suspended in place.

Except for spitting out a bubble, there was no movement.

The bubble slowly rose from the water ring and flew forward.

It grew bigger while flying.


The bubble burst.

The sound was crisp, but it was so insignificant in front of the huge wave.

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