Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 341 Blue Dragon Order

I heard that Xu Xianhe wanted to check the fire safety inspection of the video game city.

Li Debao was stunned in place at that time, as if he were mourning for his heir.

That video arcade is his newly opened branch, and the decoration and equipment have been completed.

We only need to wait for the fire safety inspection to be approved before we can start business.

Now that Xu Xianhe has given him the fire protection acceptance card, he doesn’t know when he will be able to open his business.

All the money invested before was spent there.

Xu Xianhe stood proudly in the field, with a big belly and his hands behind his back.

He looked like he was strategizing.

It is only through him that the Li family's industries can be opened. If he doesn't nod, all their industries will be lost to him, and all the money invested before will be wasted.

It can be said that he has strangled the Li family by the throat.

If the Li family dared to treat his daughter badly, Xu Xianhe would not show mercy to them.

Xu Xianli looked arrogant and triumphant. She looked at Li Qingzhou and the others and said, "I'll give you one more chance. Now kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake. I will forget about it. What my father just said can be discussed again, but if... ......."

Xu Xianli sneered twice, feeling very proud.

"Kneel down!" Li Debao yelled at Li Deyun.

"Kneel down!"

Li Guangyun pointed at Li Deyun and shouted with a gloomy expression.

Mr. Li leaned on a cane and said, "Niezi, Niezi, if you don't kneel down with your family members, do you want to see my Li family overthrow?"

Li Deyun's face was solemn.

Yang Xiaoyun was also pale and his body was shaking slightly.

They all feel pressure, pressure from their families.

If it is really because of them that all the Li family's properties suffer losses, then this family will never be able to come back again.

"Kneel down? If you kneel down for me now, I can consider sparing you!"

Li Qingzhou said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Li Qingzhou's originally businesslike, handsome and handsome face now exuded a fierce murderous aura.

He helped his parents sit down on the chairs next to them, and then said: "Leave this to me. As long as I am here today, no one can bully you."

"What did you say?"

Xu Xianhe smiled instead of getting angry, as if he heard a joke, he laughed, "Haha, it's up to you. Where did you come from, you dare to challenge me!"

The short-haired young man behind him also sneered, "What? You want to fight."

The short-haired young man was waiting for Li Qingzhou to take action.

He is the team leader of the County Public Security Bureau, Wang Lang.

He is Xu Xianhe's follower. He wants Xu Xianhe to lead him and let him take the position of captain of the Public Security Bureau.

So I was very serious about Xu Xianhe's affairs.

Wang Lang looked at Li Qingzhou, then took out an ID and said, "The Public Security Bureau now suspects you of disrupting public order and will detain you for 5 days."

Wang Lang looked at Li Guangbei and said, "You can testify to this matter!"

"Yes, yes, he hit people and disturbed public order." Li Guangbei nodded quickly and said.


Wang Lang nodded, very satisfied.

With witnesses, it would be much easier for him to take action.

Although he said he could do it without witnesses.

After all, he is the captain of the Public Security Bureau. With any name, he can arrest a civilian and put him in jail for a few days.

This little thing is not a big problem.

Wang Lang suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Qingzhou, with a cold smile on his face.

As the captain of the Public Security Bureau, he is naturally no ordinary person.

The beast control talent is strength enhancement, and he has two silver-level pet beasts.

He is also considered a good player in the entire Public Security Bureau.

However, his sure shot failed.

Li Qingzhou just turned his body slightly to avoid Wang Lang's lightning-fast grasp.

"You are not qualified yet." Li Qingzhou said.

Then a hand knife fell and hit Wang Lang directly on the neck.

Wang Lang snorted coldly and fell to the ground.

On all fours, like a dead dog.

Xu Xianhe was shocked and angry. He looked at Li Qingzhou and said, "How dare you attack a public servant? Who gave you the courage to rebel?"

"Rebellion?" Li Qingzhou snorted coldly, looking disdainful.

"I want to make you look good. I will report this matter to the county. You will not be able to leave Anping County today."

Xu Xianhe said angrily.

As he said that, he dialed a phone number and said, "Director Gu, someone is making trouble here. Bring someone over quickly..."

Xu Xianhe briefly said a few words to explain the situation.

Li Qingzhou stood there and looked at him calmly.

Li Deyun and Yang Xiaoyun looked pale.

Although he said that his son had just made a handsome move, he was facing a powerful person in Anping County after all.

If you mess with them, you may not be able to leave Anping County safely today.

Moreover, it doesn't matter to them, they are just afraid that it will affect Li Qingzhou's future.

He is still a student after all.

Li Deyun and Yang Xiaoyun's eyes were full of worry, but they were helpless. This was beyond their capabilities.

The rest of the Li family looked at Li Qingzhou's family with gloating eyes.

It was because of them that the Li family was angered by the district chief.

If they can be handed over to the district chief, there might be a chance to save them.

After a while, the police siren blared outside.

Several police cars drove over, and a group of men in uniforms walked out.

The leader, dressed in a uniform, strode in, "Brother Xu, what happened?"

When he came in, he saw Wang Lang lying on the ground, and frowned slightly, "What happened?"

"Someone is making trouble here, and openly attacking public officials."

Xu Xinghe looked at Li Qingzhou.

Li Qingzhou stood in front of him calmly, and he was not panicked at all even when he saw a team of uniformed security personnel coming.

"Name, age, information!"

The man in uniform looked at Li Qingzhou and said coldly.

"Gu Anping is here, and they will definitely be in trouble this time. It's not as simple as detention."

Someone in the crowd recognized the leading man, Gu Anping, the director of the Anping County Public Security Bureau.

Outstanding ability and strong strength, it is said that he is one of the only few senior beastmasters in Anping County.

When he was young, he made many military achievements, so he was able to become the director of the Anping County Public Security Bureau.

"Li Qingzhou, 18 years old!"

Li Qingzhou reported his information very cooperatively.

Gu Anping looked at Li Qingzhou. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen or heard it.

"You are the director of the Public Security Bureau here, right?"

Li Qingzhou looked at Gu Anping and said calmly.

Then he slowly took out a token from his pocket and threw it directly to him.

Gu Anping was full of doubts, but he still reached out and grabbed the token.

He spread his palm.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression changed drastically.

"This is the Canglong Order!"

Guo Anping's face was horrified.

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