Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 454: One-shot, straight to the ninth floor

Ping An fought with the Hellfire Lion for a while, and he also understood the key to this battle. It was not to defeat the Hellfire Lion, but to find a way to cut off its connection with the surrounding Hellfire.

Otherwise, he would never be able to defeat the Hellfire Lion.

As soon as he thought of it, Ping An suddenly had an idea in his mind.

The four tails swung at the same time, and he used the skill Shaton.

Countless gravel suddenly whistled up from his side, and the whole cave suddenly became confused, like a sandstorm.

Gravel flew more and more.

But it was not towards the Hellfire Lion, but towards the wall next to the cave. The gravel was like a layer of protective film, sticking to the wall.

The burning Hellfire was covered by the gravel and slowly extinguished.

Flames need air to burn, and Hellfire is no exception.

If the air is cut off, even Hellfire will go out.

Ping An took advantage of this and used gravel as a fire extinguishing tool. The gravel cut off the air and extinguished the Hellfire on the wall.

The cave gradually dimmed.

After a while, the entire cave was covered with gravel, and the Nether Fire was completely extinguished.

Only the Nether Fire Lion was still burning with Nether Fire.

Seeing this, the Nether Fire Master also roared and rushed directly towards Ping An.

Ping An slowly raised his head, and a huge mental pressure filled the cave.

The Nether Fire Lion's movement was hindered by the mental pressure and stagnated a little.

Then two dim lights jumped in Ping An's eyes, skill Fake Sleep!

The Nether Fire Lion, which was running, suddenly stopped, then its feet softened, fell to the ground, and slid forward a few meters.

Ping An's eyes condensed, and a spark exploded in front of the Nether Fire Lion, skill Red Flame Fire!

The red flames suddenly enveloped the Nether Fire Lion.

The red flames and the blue flames competed with each other, but at this moment, the Nether Fire Lion had lost consciousness, and the blue flames were instantly engulfed by the red flames and gradually disappeared.

The Nether Fire Lion was burning with blazing red flames.


The Hellfire Lion woke up from the high temperature of the flames and wailed.

He rolled on the ground, trying to put out the flames, but it was no use.

The red flames had already burned, and it was not something that could be put out by simply rolling.

After a while, the Hellfire Lion's body became charred, like a piece of black charcoal.


The surrounding barriers suddenly exploded, and countless tiny fragments flew in the air and then disappeared.

Ping An's legs softened and he lay on the ground, his physical strength was exhausted.

The gravel on the wall fell down like a gravel rain.

Li Qingzhou walked into the cave with Qingyun, touched Ping An's head, and then said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The body of the Hellfire Lion slowly dissipated, and a white light appeared where the body disappeared.

Li Qingzhou saw the light and was happy. Finally, another prop dropped.

He walked quickly to the place where the light was emitted, and saw a small cube lying quietly on the ground.

He picked up the cube gently, looked at it carefully, and asked in doubt: "What on earth is this?"

He flicked his hand, and the cube slowly unfolded, like a cloak.

"What is this?"

Li Qingzhou was a little confused, and put on the cloak, but he didn't feel any changes.

"What is the use of this thing?"

Li Qingzhou was full of questions.

The cloak didn't change in his eyes, but in the eyes of Qingyun and Ping'an, it had changed dramatically.

They looked at the situation in front of them in doubt.

Li Qingzhou was still standing here in the last second, but he disappeared the moment he put on the cloak.

Disappeared out of thin air, just like turning into transparent glass!


"Beastmaster, why did you disappear?"

Ping'an waved his four tails, puzzled.

Qingyun was also surprised and spit out a string of bubbles.

It was a big change. Right in front of them, a good beastmaster disappeared.

"Can't you see me?"

Li Qingzhou's voice rang in the void.

Through the spiritual connection, Li Qingzhou also felt the doubts of Ping An and Qing Yun.

He stretched out his hand and looked around. He could still see his hand, but it was a little illusory and transparent.

"Is it an invisible cloak?"

Li Qingzhou nodded.

This cloak looks pretty good. It can be invisible. In some environments, it can also have unexpected effects.

I just don't know if it can only make one target invisible, or if it can make multiple targets invisible.

Li Qingzhou took off his windbreaker, looked at Ping An, and said, "Ping An, jump on me."

Ping An nodded, jumped, and jumped into Li Qingzhou's arms.

Li Qingzhou hugged Ping An with one hand, and then the cloak unfolded. The next second, he and Ping An disappeared at the same time.

Qing Yun was surprised again and spit bubbles.

Wow, this is too strong. It can not only hide the beastmaster, but also Ping An.

"Qing Yun, can you see us?" Li Qingzhou's voice sounded.

Qing Yun shook his head, indicating that he couldn't see.


Li Qingzhou took off his windbreaker again, and he and Ping An appeared at the same time.

It seems that this invisible cloak can hide the wearer and the things he touches.

In certain specific environments, it will have a miraculous effect.

He is very satisfied with this prop.

After all, he had experienced the situation of no props dropping on the previous floor, so he was very happy that props were dropping now.

"Let's go, let's go straight to the 9th floor."

Li Qingzhou suddenly felt heroic.


Ping An wagged his tail and responded.

Although he also felt tired, his physical strength had almost recovered after Li Qingzhou fed him a few mulberries.

The same was true for Qingyun. After eating a few mulberries, it also recovered to full condition.

Li Qingzhou summoned Taiping again.

Although he had never been to the 9th floor, he guessed that the monsters inside were not simple after seeing Mu Qing'er stuck for so long.

That was Mu Qing'er who had a platinum-level pet, and she had been on the 9th floor for several months.

Taiping was the strongest pet at present. Only with him, Li Qingzhou would have the courage to challenge the 9th floor.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Qingzhou said with a confident smile.

I was full of confidence in the three pets, and followed Li Qingzhou to the 9th floor.

The scenery in front of me changed again.

The bizarre light spots dissipated, and Li Qingzhou found himself in a huge square, where a big bird stood, and the bird was blazing with flames.

The moment it saw Li Qingzhou, it screamed sharply, and then fire rain fell from the sky.

"Oh my god!"

Li Qingzhou exclaimed, he had just appeared, and the fire bird directly launched an attack, not giving him any chance to prepare and adapt.

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