Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 490: Defeat Them One by One

The remaining three members of the exploration team are searching separately in the canyon.

Although Luo Hongyuan had doubts, he did not give up the search. Hatred had gone to his head. Now he just wanted to catch Li Qingzhou and cut him into pieces.


The two people chasing him shouted to Luo Hongyuan.

"Look for him separately. You must find him for me." Luo Hongyuan said angrily.

The three of them separated again in the canyon, searching for each other.

Luo Hongyuan was looking in the direction of the cave, the other person was looking near the deep pool, and the remaining person was walking out along the mountain stream.

In their opinion, there were three people guarding the entrance of the mountain stream, which were as solid as iron barrels. Li Qingzhou was definitely still in the mountain stream.

Following the mountain stream, the beast master looked outside, trying his best to see things in the dark night with his eyes as he walked.

His expression was startled and uncertain. The night was really too dark. In the dark night, most things looked full of dark shadows, making it easy for people to misunderstand.

Several times, he thought it was a human figure, but when he got closer, he realized that it was just a stone or a pile of grass.

After searching for a while, it was like this every time. After a few more times, he was no longer so surprised, and soon reached the entrance of the mountain stream again.

"Who??" The man saw the figure in front of him and asked.

"It's me." Fatty Hu slowly walked closer to the flashlight's range.

Seeing that the person coming was Fatty Hu, the man felt relieved, and his vigilant expression immediately faded.

"Did you find anything?" Fatty Hu asked cheerfully, walking towards him.

"No, that kid is very cunning. Nothing was found inside. Not only is this kid as tolerant as a tortoise, he is also as cunning as a rabbit." The man complained.

"He must still be in the mountain stream. You can always find him if you look carefully." Fatty Hu said.

"Why did you come inside alone? Where is the entrance?" The man asked suddenly. He clearly remembered that Luo Hongyuan assigned him the task of guarding the entrance of the mountain stream.

"Hey, don't you want to help? There are two people guarding the entrance. Not even a fly can fly in." Fatty Hu said with a smile.

"That's true." The man nodded.

He looked around with the torch, then handed the flashlight to Fatty Hu, "Hold the flashlight for me, I'll go and make it easier."

As soon as he turned around, he felt something cold piercing his body.

It was a dagger, stabbed directly into the heart from the back.

The platinum level one Willow Leaf Viper behind him didn't even react before his master was killed.

The Willow Leaf Viper opened his mouth and wanted to fight back, but suddenly a powerful mental power exploded in his mind. The severe pain of the pet beast after losing its master was too much for him to bear, and his body was paralyzed.

The physical abilities of platinum-level pets are naturally extremely powerful, but the same cannot be said for their mental abilities. Although they are mentally stronger than ordinary pets, they are also limited.

The body can be exercised, but the mind is difficult to exercise.

The Willow Leaf Viper was paralyzed on the ground and could not move for a while. Li Qingzhou did not hesitate and immediately let Ping An attack.

Ping An Wuwei moved his tail, and a stream of gravel directly wrapped the snake, and then squeezed inwards.

Bright red blood seeped out from the sand, and the willow-leaf viper was crushed to pieces in the coma.

"There are two more people." Li Qingzhou murmured.

He controlled Fatty Hu again and continued walking towards the valley.

Walking forward, after a while, we came to the vicinity of a deep pool.

Near the deep pool, the beast master who was responsible for searching around the pool was still searching nearby with his pet beast.

When he saw the person coming, he couldn't help but say, "Aren't you at the door? Why are you here?"

"There was no movement at the door, so I thought we would look for it together. Aren't there two more people?" Fatty Hu said.

"Hurry to the door. What if he runs out?" the man said.

"Don't worry, we are surrounded like an iron barrel, how can we escape? You and I are both quasi-master beast masters." Fatty Hu said with a smile.

"Of course, but this kid is very cunning. First he hid in this pool of water, and now he took advantage of the darkness to kill two of our brothers. If I don't catch him, I will feel uneasy," the man said.

"I'll help you look for it, too." Fatty Hu held a flashlight and pretended to search.

"I'm wondering if he went into the pond again." As the man said, he shined the flashlight into the pond and bent down to look in the direction of the pond.

Fatty Hu kicked him in the butt and knocked him into the pool.

"Fat Hu, you fucking..."

Before he could say the next words, his whole body fell into the pool.

In the next second, a huge vortex pulled him downwards.

The pool of water was like an evil spirit pulling people to the bottom of the pool. The man screamed repeatedly, but it had no effect, and he soon sank into the pool.

His pet beast, a platinum level 1 corrosive flower, saw something was wrong and immediately activated its skill to spit out corrosive liquid.

However, before the corrosive liquid could be spit out, a powerful dizziness hit it.

Taiping rushed forward and broke the neck of the Corrosive Flower.

The ripples on the pond dispersed and the usual calm returned.

"There's only one person left." Li Qingzhou murmured.

Luo Hongyuan, who was searching in the cave, heard the sound of falling water and ran over quickly.

Then he saw Fatty Hu standing by the pond.

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to guard the entrance?" Luo Hongyuan was a little angry.

"There's no one there, I came to help." Fatty Hu explained.

"No one, is that why you came here? Go back and guard." Luo Hongyuan was very dissatisfied with this kind of person who didn't obey the command arrangement.

"Okay, but before going back, I want to report something." Fatty Hu didn't leave immediately.

"What's the matter?" Luo Hongyuan frowned slightly.

Fatty Hu walked slowly towards Luo Hongyuan, "I found a problem?"

"What's the problem, tell me quickly." Luo Hongyuan frowned and spoke in a very aggressive tone.

What's wrong with Fatty Hu today? His actions are a little weird, and his way of speaking is different from usual.

"That is..."

Fat Hu said as he approached Luo Hongyuan, then raised the dagger and stabbed.

Luo Hongyuan was startled, but he reacted quickly and immediately sidestepped the dagger. The dagger was originally aimed at his heart. When he avoided it, the dagger deviated from the heart and only stabbed his arm.

Blood spurted out, and his arm was covered in red.

Luo Hongyuan kicked Fatty Hu away, "You are crazy."

The dagger was stuck in his arm, and the severe pain made his face twitch.

"I'm not crazy, but today is the day you die." Fatty Hu got up with a grim smile on his face.

Luo Hongyuan's face changed drastically, and he looked shocked and doubtful.

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