The sea breeze whistled, carrying a bit of uneasiness and tension, and stirred up waves on the vast sea.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the waves, but failed to dispel the solemn atmosphere permeating over this sea area.

The huge fleet of the United States was like a black steel behemoth, slowly approaching the territorial waters of the Xia Kingdom. Each warship exuded a majesty and power that could not be ignored, and the muzzle was pointed straight ahead.

The warships of the Xia Kingdom were like loyal guardians, silently and firmly arranged in formation. Each ship was equipped with the latest weapon system, and the crew had firm eyes and was ready. They knew that this was not just a military confrontation, but also a contest of dignity and interests between the two countries.

Arthur Grayson, the senior commander of the United States, wore a customized military uniform, and the golden epaulettes shone in the sun. Every word he said seemed to carry an irresistible force, echoing between the sea and the sky.

His eyes were cold, as if he could penetrate all the fog and look directly at everyone on the Xia Kingdom warship.

"Our beautiful country, as the world's leading technological power and beacon of freedom, will never tolerate any harm to our citizens."

His words revealed an unquestionable toughness.

"Manic Pratt, our outstanding beastmaster, fell in Xia Country. His fall is a heavy blow to all of us. Xia Country, you must be responsible for this!"

The commander of Xia Country stood on the deck of his flagship. Facing Arthur Grayson's aggressiveness, he did not retreat, but responded with a more calm attitude.

"General Arthur, we understand your grief and anger, but the truth of the incident has not yet been found out, and any unilateral accusation is irresponsible. Our Xia Country has always adhered to a peaceful and friendly foreign policy. We will resolutely fight back against any violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Arthur Grayson's eyes flashed with arrogance and confidence. He raised his chin slightly, as if the fleet of Xia Country was as small as an ant in his eyes.

The sea breeze gently blew the hair on his forehead, but failed to wipe away the contempt on his face.

His words, like a sharp blade of ice, pierced directly into the heart of the Xia fleet.

"Humph, what do you think you can do? Resist the iron hoof of our beautiful country? It's just wishful thinking!"

His voice echoed on the sea, with unquestionable authority and power.

In his view, the United States is not only the most powerful country in the world, but also an invincible overlord, and other countries can only bow down.

He deliberately paused, and his eyes slowly swept over the Xia fleet, as if he was admiring the prey he was about to conquer.

Then, he continued: "However, I will give you a chance, two simple conditions, as long as you meet them, I can be merciful and withdraw my army."

"First, hand over the culprit who killed Manic Pratt. He is the pride of our beautiful country. His fall is a loss that we cannot accept, and someone must pay the price for it."

Arthur Grayson's voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, full of anger and desire for revenge.

"Second, let the United States station troops in Linyuan City. This is not only a punishment for your Xia country, but also a measure we must take to maintain regional stability and security. Moreover, I heard that there have been mysterious visions in Linyuan City recently, which may be related to the key to promotion to the mythical beastmaster. We are stationed here to explore the truth and protect the world's peace and order."

His words were full of cunning and calculation, and he obviously regarded this incident as an excellent opportunity to expand his country's interests and influence.

In his view, although the fall of Manik Pratt was regrettable, it could also be transformed into a tool for pressure and control over Xia.

However, the commander of Xia was not intimidated by his threats.

He straightened his back, looked back at Arthur Grayson with a firm gaze, and said in a deep voice: "General Arthur, our Xia country is never afraid of any challenge or threat. We respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every country, and will never tolerate any infringement of our interests. We can't agree to your request."

His words were full of firmness and determination, as if telling Arthur Grayson: the people of Xia country have an indomitable spirit and strong cohesion, and any attempt to infringe on their interests will be resolutely counterattacked.

The confrontation between the two sides continued. In addition to the sound of waves hitting the side of the ship on the sea, there was a tense and subtle atmosphere between the two armies.

On the warships of Xia country, the soldiers held their weapons tightly, their eyes were like torches, ready to deal with possible conflicts at any time.

The fleet of the United States seemed more confident, as if it had already won.

However, under this seemingly calm sea, undercurrents surged.

"Humph, if you don't accept the toast, you will be smashed to pieces by the strong ships and powerful guns of my country!"

Arthur Grayson said in a cold tone.

The two sides were on the verge of a fight, and the wind on the sea was full of tension.


Li Qingzhou leisurely strolled with his mother Yang Xiaoyun in the sunny courtyard. The two chatted while walking, enjoying this rare mother-son time and the tranquility of the night.

However, this tranquility was suddenly broken by a distant and complex atmosphere mixed with anxiety and urgency. It was the subtle changes that his extremely keen perception inadvertently captured after he was promoted to a legendary beastmaster.

Being promoted to a legendary beast master not only means that he has mastered the ability to control powerful spiritual beasts, but also allows his perception ability to reach an unprecedented height.

Now, he only needs to gently activate his mental power, and he can feel all the subtle movements around him and even further away like his arms and fingers, as if the entire world is invisible to him.

Ever since he learned that the beautiful country had secretly assembled troops with unknown intentions, Li Qingzhou had planted seeds of caution in his heart.

He knew very well that as a top beast master in the Xia Kingdom, he shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting the safety of the country and its people.

Therefore, he is always vigilant and uses his perception ability to pay close attention to the disturbances at home and abroad.

At this moment, the sudden breath became clearer, carrying an indescribable sense of oppression, which made Li Qingzhou frown slightly.

He quickly mobilized all his mental power, expanded the range of perception to the limit, and finally confirmed the source of the aura - the direction of Xia Kingdom's seaside.

There seems to be a crisis quietly brewing there.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Li Qingzhou gently said to his mother: "Mom, I have some urgent matters that need to be dealt with immediately. I may have to leave for a while."

Hearing this, Yang Xiaoyun looked up at his son and said softly: "Qingzhou, Mom knows you have your mission and responsibilities. Go ahead, but be careful. Mom is waiting for you to come back for dinner at home."

Li Qingzhou nodded and took a deep look at his mother, as if he was imprinting her figure deeply in his heart.

Then, he turned around and walked quickly towards the exit of the courtyard, his figure elongated under the moonlight, looking both lonely and determined.

He knows that what he is about to face may be an unknown battle and challenge, but he also believes that with his own strength and belief, he will be able to protect this land and the people he loves.

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