When Feng Ling woke up, she was extremely hungry. Fortunately, Feng Ling always knew the importance of food. She was often hungry in the orphanage. After growing up, Feng Ling would put a lot of food and some candies in her backpack.

Today's technology is much better than in the past life. The candies here can actually fill the stomach and replenish the energy needed by the human body. Of course, its price is also very attractive, 20 star coins each.

Although the prices and currency here are similar to the purchasing power of the previous life, anything related to spirit beasts or secret adventures will be inflated. This candy is one of them, and it is said that one can be worth a meal.

After Feng Ling ate a mineral candy, she drank a sip of water before asking Cong Cong about the situation outside.

*It's almost noon, and the honey bees have gone to collect nectar."Although I don't know what the host wants to do, as a grasshopper on the same rope, Congcong knows that in the current situation, he can only help Fengling get more information as much as possible.

God knows when the sun shines through the leaves on the ground in the morning, Congcong can feel a lot of buzzing sounds. Not long after, groups of honey bees passed by. Congcong was so scared that he almost garbled his data...

After roughly understanding the situation, Fengling made a summoning seal to summon the Night Hidden Butterfly, asked Congcong to continue to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and continued to expand the underground cave with the Night Hidden Butterfly.

When the sun set and the honey bees returned, Congcong told Fengling to be ready.

Because of the tight time last night, In the afternoon, Feng Ling had already told Cong Cong about her plan.

Feng Ling planned to stay in this underground cave for a while, and when all the Mimi Fengs returned at night, she would let the Night Hidden Butterfly use the poisonous phosphorus powder. Although it should be impossible to catch them all in one fell swoop, it is better than fighting with other wild beasts to get points.

After listening to Feng Ling's plan, Cong Cong also understood what it meant to seek wealth and honor in danger. Indeed, after hiding underground, the Mimi Feng basically could not find them.

And as long as they are poisoned, they will always lose their combat ability, and then all the points will belong to the Night Hidden Butterfly. Although the points given by a single Mimi Feng are few, there are a large group of Mimi Fengs here.

*It's OK. It's time to dig the hole yesterday. There's no Mimi Feng around. *Cong Cong was a little nervous. After all, even if something happened to the host in the past, it could get away unscathed.

But now it can be said that it is experiencing these things by itself. This is a brand new experience and mood that it has never had before.

Feng Ling looked at the data of the poisonous phosphorus powder on the Night Hidden Butterfly spirit beast panel [Poisonous Phosphorus Powder (Mastery 425/500)], thought about it and directly added points to the minor success [Poisonous Phosphorus Powder (Minor Success 1/1000)].

Feng Ling first moved the board made of silk, observed for a while, and released the Night Hidden Butterfly when there was no problem.

The Night Hidden Butterfly remembered what its beastmaster said, flew high into the sky first, and then released the poisonous phosphorus powder.

After flying high into the sky, the Night Hidden Butterfly released the poisonous phosphorus powder in several directions and used the wind skill. Under the cover of the night, the poisonous phosphorus powder floated silently to the nest of Mimi Feng.

After doing all this, the Night Hidden Butterfly immediately flew to its beastmaster.

Feng Ling, who was waiting anxiously with only her head exposed on the ground, saw the Night Hidden Butterfly flying towards her. She immediately made a seal to recall the Night Hidden Butterfly and quickly retracted her head, and immediately dragged the board back with her hands.

After a while, she heard the buzzing sound of the Mi Mi Fengs flapping their wings, and the buzzing sound became louder as time went on. Feng Ling, who was underground, listened nervously and had a little expectation. What she was looking forward to was the points. Under the poisonous phosphorus powder of the small success level, there would definitely be many Mi Mi Fengs falling down, and it was not impossible for the increased points to increase sharply at that time.

Listening to the huge buzzing sound outside, Feng Ling knew that the Mi Mi Fengs had been mad! Who is the good person who doesn't sleep at night to launch a sneak attack! ?

If she was discovered by the Mi Mi Fengs, Feng Ling might not be able to walk out of the secret realm alive...

In the dark environment, she leaned against the wall fixed by the Night Hidden Butterfly's silk-spinning skill. Feng Ling felt her pounding heart, and for the first time she felt that her heartbeat was so strong and so loud!

Fortunately, she has Congcong so she can chat with her without fear of being discovered.

Otherwise, Feng Ling should be sweating profusely now...

Seeing the data [Points: 2314], Feng Ling covered her mouth excitedly. In the past year, except for just now, Feng Ling has not used any points, and the total is only more than 500. Just now, he directly raised it to more than 2000.

And the points are still rising. Feng Ling is excited and happy at the moment, but not nervous or afraid.

It turns out that there is a certain truth in seeking wealth and honor in danger. Feng Ling experienced a sudden wealth. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep...

Yesterday, I was too tired and fell asleep without any preparation. I didn't even take out my sleeping bag.

At this time, Feng Ling found that because the night-hidden butterfly used the spinning skill to fix it, the temperature here did not lose.

Moreover, after waking up, the newly dug small manure pit was covered with a board made of the night-hidden butterfly's spinning skill, and there was no smell.

Feng Ling finally couldn't resist the sleepiness until the late night, and fell asleep with the buzzing of the Mimi Feng outside.

When Feng Ling opened her eyes again, she immediately opened the spirit beast panel [points: 5231]. Feng Ling felt that her Night Hidden Butterfly could directly evolve into the advanced spirit beast form of Qixuan Butterfly.

But Feng Ling knew it was not that easy. The Mimi Fengs that had been poisoned before. If they could survive, it would be fine. If they couldn't survive and died of poisoning, they would either be eaten or decomposed in two days like the spirit beast's skills and return to nature.

Even many modern supplies are decomposable or have special recycling.

Cong Cong told Feng Ling that there were many Mimi Fengs patrolling outside, and Feng Ling had no choice but to hide in this dug underground cave.

Fortunately, when she woke up before, she continued to expand this cave. Otherwise, she would not dare to dig now.

If the Mimi Fengs found something moving underground and dug Feng Ling out, it would be terrible.

Feng Ling thought that Mimi Feng and the others would go back at night, but Cong Cong told her

*They are exchanging Mimi Feng to continue guarding……*


After two days and two nights, the Mimifengs finally stopped monitoring and patrolling this area.

Feng Ling was relieved after listening to Congcong's report. She was really afraid that the Mimifengs would keep monitoring here.

Now Feng Ling has two choices. Either leave and choose another place to continue to experience survival in the secret realm.

The second choice is to continue to hide here and continue to rely on the Night Hidden Butterfly to use poisonous phosphorus powder and wind to earn points.

After thinking for a few seconds, Feng Ling decided to choose the second one.

Mainly looking at the more than 5,000 points, Feng Ling said that she couldn't bear it at all.

As expected, the Mimifengs were ambushed again in the middle of the night. The Mimifengs who went out collectively did not find the enemy, which expanded their locking range a lot.

Forcing other beastmasters nearby to be driven out of the secret realm, it's not that no one resisted, but once an attack was launched, they would be besieged by a group of Mimifengs after a while...

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