Pea Sprout, who already had a crush on the person in front of her, felt a stronger sense of closeness after being picked up by Wind Chime Contract.


"One of the rare offensive grass-type spirit beasts?" Feng Ling thought to herself while observing Pea Sprout.

Most grass-type spirit beasts attack by controlling or using poison skills like Night Hidden Butterfly, making the opponent fall into an abnormal state and unable to fight and win the game.

Feng Ling had never heard of an offensive grass-type spirit beast, but according to what Cong Cong said, it should not be difficult to imagine


The night-hidden butterfly, who had been watching silently, couldn't help but call out a few times to show his presence.

I don't know if it was his nature, but when he saw the night-hidden butterfly, Peapod hid in Fengling's arms, leaving only his head exposed, secretly observing

""Yin Yin~"

Seeing that Ye Yin Butterfly showed a hurt expression, Feng Ling hurriedly held Pea Sprout in her palm and said,"Don't you remember? When you were still in the spirit beast egg, you slept with Ye Yin Butterfly. I know you are a grass-type spirit beast and have a natural fear of insect-type spirit beasts. But don't worry, Ye Yin Yin and I will not hurt you. We are partners who will always be together in the future."

After saying that, Feng Ling held Ye Yin Butterfly and Pea Sprout together.


The Night Hidden Butterfly also spread its wings and protected the pea sprout under its wings. Although the pea sprout was still a little uncomfortable, it was not difficult to feel the kindness of the Night Hidden Butterfly.

In addition, the first thing the pea sprout saw after hatching was Fengling and the Night Hidden Butterfly. The pea sprout nodded its head and stretched out its slender vines, one side of which was placed on the body of the Night Hidden Butterfly, and the other side was placed on the body of its own beastmaster.

Looking at the pea sprout who was still a little restrained in front of the Night Hidden Butterfly, Fengling opened the Pea Sprout's spirit beast panel

【Species name: Pea sprouts】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Level: Primary (1/1000)+】

【Features: Sniper (D-level 1/100)+】

【Skills: Seed Cannon (1/100 for beginners) +, Whip (1/100 for beginners) +]

As expected of an offensive grass-type spirit beast, it not only has the sniper feature at the primary level, but also has the intermediate skill Seed Cannon.

The sniper feature has a certain probability of causing double damage when attacking from a distance. The higher the level of the feature, the higher the probability of triggering it.

Feng Ling was just about to let Pea Sprout evolve, and she thought of the Heart Scales before.

""Pea sprout, I want to give you a gift." After saying that, he stuffed the heart scale directly into the small vine hand of Pea Sprout.

After doing all this, Feng Ling did not hesitate and could not wait to add the points to Pea Sprout's level.

Because he did not participate in the battle, Feng Ling's points were still 3892.

As the points became 2893, Pea Sprout, who was still listening to Night Hidden Butterfly's endless gestures, emitted a burst of light.

""Yin Yin!"

Ye Yindie, who was standing by, screamed again, and then quickly looked at her own beastmaster. At this time, Feng Ling was also attracted by Ye Yindie's scream and saw the doubtful look cast at her.

Feng Ling immediately covered her chest and lay on the bed with a weak look.

""Yin Yin!"

The Night Hidden Butterfly didn't care about the pea sprouts that were still evolving on the side, and hurried to his own beastmaster and shouted anxiously.

On the other side, the pea vine that had completed the evolution from the pea sprout also hurried to his own beastmaster. Before it could speak, it heard its own beastmaster said in a weak voice:"Pea vine, you were just born, and you are facing a mid-level insect-type spirit beast that naturally restrains you. But don't worry, the Night Hidden Butterfly and I will protect you. Now that I have helped you complete the evolution, how do you feel?"

""Peas, peas!"

Listening to the pea vine, it was obviously different from the previous sound. Feng Ling said that he was fine, but he had consumed a little energy and needed to rest for a while.

"How are you now? Do you feel more secure after evolving?"While touching the barrel head that had obviously grown bigger, Feng Ling still pretended to be a little weak and asked Pea Teng

""Peas, peas!"

Hearing this, the pea vine stretched out its small vines, which had changed from tender green to emerald green, and pulled the night-hidden butterfly to its side, indicating that it was no longer afraid. Feng Ling, who had not observed the pea sprouts much at first, now looked at the pea vine's mouth opening and closing like a cannon, and for some reason found it particularly funny.

After solving the relationship problem between the night-hidden butterfly and the pea vine, Feng Ling took out some energy blocks and let them solve their own dinner and communicate with each other.

"It seems that intimate evolution is not that easy."Looking at the heart scales that he had given to Pea Vine before, Feng Ling thought secretly in his heart. It is said that the spirit beasts that he hatched are the easiest to evolve intimately, but fortunately, even if the evolution does not appear in an intimate form, the heart scales will not be consumed, otherwise he really can't afford it.

Looking at Pea Vine who was eating energy blocks and listening to the Night Hidden Butterfly talking, Feng Ling realized that he had not yet seen the spirit beast panel after evolution.

【Species name: Pea vine】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Level: Intermediate (1/10000)+】

【Features: Sniper (D-level 1/100) +, Overload (D-level 1/100)+】

【Skills: Seed Cannon (1/100 for beginners) +, Whip (1/100 for beginners) +, Pod (1/100 for beginners)+】

"What are the overload characteristics and pod skills?"Although I was very excited that the pea sprouts had an extra characteristic and skill after evolving into pea vines, I didn't know how it would work and didn't dare to be too happy too early. Feng Ling was afraid that she would be too happy and end up in tragedy.

*Overload characteristic, when releasing a skill, the energy will sometimes be overloaded, causing the released skill to be released again. *

This characteristic is not easy to evaluate. If you have to say it, it should be regarded as a half-good and half-bad characteristic. Because this is a skill that depends entirely on probability in general. Like sniping, there is also a 5% probability of overload.

After all, releasing a skill again also consumes energy, and releasing a skill one more time is equivalent to spending more time releasing the skill, which can be regarded as a flaw. This characteristic is either unexpected for the enemy or for yourself.

Fortunately, it is not a useless characteristic at all, such as the sun-facing characteristic of the sun grass. This characteristic will force the sun grass to rest at night, and in rainy weather, it will also force it to lose vitality.

Although it will not completely lose its combat capability, it will basically not win against an equal opponent.

"What are the pod skills?" Feng Ling had long been accustomed to Cong Cong's habit of only answering half of the questions or not answering the main points.

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