Feng Ling then asked:"Have you ever found yourself with an extra skill after a fight, or learned other skills by accident?"

"Did you see it on the forum?"In response to Chen Yuhan's question, Feng Ling nodded.

Chen Yuhan showed an expression of"as expected":"I often see it, it is possible, but it is rare. Even if a spirit beast accidentally uses it successfully once, it may not be able to grasp the feeling later."

"My monster monkey usually trains punching and kicking, but I don't know when he learned boxing skills. Speaking of skills, Wang Yu also became interested.

"As expected, there is basically no one who is not interested in things related to spirit beasts."Looking at Wang Yu, who usually doesn't talk much about anything, Feng Ling secretly affirmed in her heart.

But then again, it turns out that whether it was the insect bites of the leaf shadow insects or the flying kicks that Pea Vine accidentally used, they all required time and continuous training to learn.

Fortunately, because of Cong Cong and the spirit beast panel, I can learn the moves I have used once forever, and I don't have to spend a lot of time practicing the use of skills and energy like other people.

Feng Ling doesn't worry about these things. It's best to learn it, but it doesn't matter if you can't learn it.

Then Pea Vine found that the beastmaster who brought himself and the Night Hidden Butterfly to the playground every weekend to practice the entanglement skills, actually just let them play casually.

"Did the beastmaster give up because he felt that he couldn't learn the entanglement skill?"Thinking like this, Pea Vine couldn't help but feel discouraged, and even his barrel head drooped a little.

Because he had been practicing poisonous phosphorus powder and spinning skills in the dormitory, Night Hidden Butterfly would practice his other skills when he was outside.

After flying outside with the wind skill, Night Hidden Butterfly came back and saw that Pea Vine looked a little dejected, and couldn't help but step forward and ask with concern.


""Peas, peas, peas."

I originally thought that the pea vines were troubled because they couldn't learn the entanglement skill, but I didn't expect that it was because their own beastmaster let them play today instead of letting the pea vines continue to learn the entanglement skill.

But what is there to be troubled about? The confused Night Hidden Butterfly also asked his doubts immediately


""Yin Yin, Yin Yin!"

After hearing what Wan Dou Teng said, Ye Yin Die immediately refuted and wanted to drag Wan Dou Teng to find his own beastmaster to ask for clarification.

""Hidden, hidden, hidden!"

Feng Ling, who had found a shady place to sit, looked up after hearing the sound, and saw that the Night Hidden Butterfly, which had been flying all the time, was now holding the pea vine's hand and walking towards him step by step.

After listening to the whole story, Feng Ling looked at the pea vine standing behind the Night Hidden Butterfly with its head lowered, and took them in his arms.

He smiled and said,"No, how could I dislike you. I just saw that you, Pea Vine, have been learning the entanglement skill recently, and I want you to relax. That's all.""


"Of course, it doesn’t matter if you can’t learn it. At worst, we won’t learn it."Feng Ling never thought that the pea vine would care so much about not being able to learn the entanglement skill.

After patting their heads, he let them play by themselves. He said that they didn’t need to train skills today, and today was for them to rest.

After hearing this, the pea vine happily took the hand of the night butterfly and left. After a while, when Feng Ling looked up again, he saw that the pea vine had used its vine hands to entangle the night butterfly, and then let the night butterfly use the wind skill to take it flying.……

"If the Night Hidden Butterfly is bigger, would it be possible for it to take me flying?" Feng Ling couldn't help but imagine herself flying on the Night Hidden Butterfly.

Although she had flown on an airplane in her previous life, flying on a spirit beast was something she was looking forward to.

*If the Night Hidden Butterfly evolves to a general-level spirit beast, it is still possible. *

Although Cong Cong does not quite understand the host's strange idea of wanting to fly on a spirit beast, he still has some opinions on whether the Night Hidden Butterfly can fly with the wind chime.

"General level?" After thinking about it, Feng Ling decided to put this idea aside for the time being.


A few days later, the senior high school team set off, organized by the school, to the gymnasium in Diao Square for the competition.

With the farewell of all the teachers and students, the five members of the junior high school team boarded the train driven by the coach, the principal and the vice principal.

As a result, during the break of the next day, Chen Yuhan heard Chen Yuhan say,"Do you remember the five junior high school team members who were sent to the competition yesterday?"

"I remember."Liu Yiyi also nodded in cooperation.

"What's wrong?" Lu Haoran and Wang Yu were also successfully attracted.

Seeing that everyone's attention was on her, Chen Yuhan continued:"The first person in our school who drew the lottery yesterday was Lihua High School."

""Ah? Then we've lost everything?" Lu Haoran couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lihua High School is a first-tier high school. The resources and students it has are certainly not comparable to those of Yinglan High School, a third-tier school.

"That's right, if nothing unexpected happens, the principal and his team will be back today."After saying that, Chen Yuhan lay on the table.

It is conceivable that when they are in their third year of high school, they may not be much better than the current third-year school team.

"But it’s the same every year, the top 10 are all from key high schools or first-tier high schools, and even second-tier high schools rarely make it in." Feng Ling didn’t feel much, after all, this is reality

"We will definitely win when we compete in our senior year of high school." Lu Haoran suddenly said

""Then do your best?" Wang Yu suddenly interrupted.

After hearing this, Lu Haoran also followed Chen Yuhan and lay on the table. Although he wanted to win, he knew his own strengths and weaknesses. Otherwise, he would not have entered Yinglan High School, a third-tier school.

If he had not contracted the little fire bird, he might not have won the school team selection.

"School team selection."

Thinking of this, Lu Haoran suddenly asked Feng Ling,"Feng Ling, how did you get into the school team? I didn't see you in the school team selection of the fighting group.

"I don’t think I’ve seen a wind chime before." Wang Yu also looked thoughtful. After all, if she was a very powerful girl, it would be impossible for him to have no impression of her.

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