Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 202 Cleaning Up High-Level Monsters

Ye Qiong rode the Wild Horse King directly to where he lived, and then let the Wild Horse King go back to the stable.

I changed my clothes as fast as I could, and a warm feeling came to my heart, which made me feel comfortable.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, but the thunderstorm outside still didn't mean to stop, Ye Qiong was still excited and couldn't sleep.

Ye Qiong was a little confused when he was struck by lightning in front of him when he recalled it now. Although it was affected, Ye Qiong was standing on the back of the black crystal python at that time, and the impact was not small.

There is no way to describe the feeling of being hit by a powerful current that runs through the whole body.

Ye Qiong thought of the madman king directly receiving a scene where Tianlei was still alive, so he couldn't help but pouted, the madman king's physique was really powerful.

After the body was struck by lightning, I don't know if it will become stronger...

Standing at the door for a while, Ye Qiong kept staring at the sky, his brain was running fast.

But all I was thinking about was some crazy stuff.

After a long time, seeing that the sky was about to get brighter, Ye Qiong turned around and went back to bed.

heavy rain……

Directly down for three days and three nights!

There was a small flood in the Ye Qiong tribe, and a small lake has now formed on the city wall in the southeast corner.

This heavy rain is called a transparent!

Plants within a radius of thousands of kilometers should not be short of water within a month.

The big rivers were all filled and began to collapse into the sea.

On the morning of the fourth day, the heavy rain finally subsided.

Ye Qiong assembled a team of 80 people, brought Dian Dian and the army, and prepared to transport back the body of the demon beasts on the road a few days ago.

If you drag it any further, the meat will rot.

The temperature of this season, after the death of those high-level monsters, within a week, the meat quality will not be a problem, if it exceeds a week, you can only give up.

In summer, the time is shortened to two days. When the temperature is the highest, even within one day, the meat quality is completely changed.

Therefore, on Xuexing, in the summer, when the tribes hunted the monsters, they would bleed blood on the spot and cut them into pieces to dry first.

As long as the meat is dehydrated, it can be stored for a very long time.

Every tribe on Xuexing has many methods and tools for air-drying the meat of Warcraft, and then bring them to the hunting team.

The jerky after the blood is drained and air-dried does not lose much nutrients, and it is much lighter in weight.

Ye Qiong handed over the drainage issue to Rong Ling. Seeing the small lake in the southeast corner, Ye Qiong realized that a moat could be built around the stone city wall.

At the beginning of construction, Ye Qiong did not consider the problem of rainwater, so when building the stone city wall, there was no gap. After all, from a military point of view, many ancient cities were impregnable because of the sewers left, and the enemy got in. After the internal and external cooperation, the city was captured.

Those who are defeated like a mountain will end up miserably, and in the end they will have to experience massacres.

However, if there is no drainage channel, the current scene will be formed, and the southeast corner will almost be flooded directly. Because of the terrain, the altitude in the southeast corner is lower. This problem is not serious for the time being, but it has to be solved, otherwise it will leave a big trouble.

Now Ye Qiong's task to Rongling is to find a way to clear the water first. As for how to design the moat and how to water and drain it, Ye Qiong has time to make a long-term plan.

Regarding the long-term development of the tribe in the future, it is still not sloppy.

After Ye Qiong explained Rongling, he set off with the warriors of the tribe.

This time, they were all ready to go. Every soldier was wearing a hat and rain scorpion, and he took measures to keep warm.

There is no thunder in the sky. The rain at the moment is a light rain, and it is not big. It will not form water droplets immediately when it falls on the body, but after a long time, it will still drill into the body.

The marching speed of the team was not fast. After several days of heavy rain, the ground is now very muddy.

Although there is a layer of grass growing on it, because the spring has just started, the grass that grows is only about five centimeters high, and it cannot produce an effective combination and joint effect, so after the foot of the snow wolf steps on it, it will directly put the grass on the grass. Step on the fly, and then expose the soil that has become like a swamp.

The more soldiers behind the team, the more weak and uncomfortable the snow wolf's feet are when they step on them.

Fortunately, the location where the battle took place was only about 20 kilometers away from the tribe.

Ye Qiong didn't ride the Mustang King out this time, but sat on Dian Dian's back.

In this weather, the Mustang King is not suitable for going out, but in order to facilitate transportation, he still got two carriages from the caravan to come back.

The number of carriages in the caravan, after the arrival of the wild horses, after the manufacture of the first few months, there were a total of 15 carriages, of which 10 had followed the outgoing caravan to transport supplies, and the remaining five remained in the tribe. It is used to transport stones and clay soils on weekdays.

In addition to Ye Qiong, Duan's back is also wearing a waterproof animal skin bag, with a quiver with twenty arrows on the side, and something else on the other side, just for emergency use and commonly used materials.

At this moment, there are no demon beasts to be seen around, and even some carrion beasts that are common on Xuexing have disappeared.

A heavy rain watered thousands of miles of life. After the rain stopped, Xue Xing would change his appearance, as if he had received a new skin.

The team marched all the way, except for the muddy ground under their feet, they did not encounter any obstacles.

After arriving at the place, the warriors seemed to be on the battlefield. The front was full of the corpses of high-level monsters, each of which was about three meters in length. Ye Qiong roughly calculated that there were about seventy or eighty.

The seventy or eighty were within a 100-meter radius, forming a circle.

In the middle, you can still see the traces pressed by the black crystal python.

A ditch has formed by now.

Although it is completely impossible to see that it was caused by the black crystal python.

So many high-level Warcraft, scattered within a hundred meters after death, still looks very shocking.

The air was still filled with a strong smell of blood. Although it was a bit lighter than the battle that day, when I walked in here from another place, I could still feel the smell of blood.

Fortunately, it doesn't stink...

But in three days, the body has been soaked and deformed, and it seems that it is really difficult to look directly.

When the soldiers faced this kind of scene, they felt a little awkward in their hearts, but after the big guy started to work, it got better.

The body of the high-level Warcraft has long been stiff, so in order to facilitate transportation, the soldiers began to deal with the body, and then loaded it on the raft and carriage.

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