Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 208 Stone Base

At this time, the base has some scale. Unlike the northern base, the soldiers in the southern base use stone materials to build up the houses, so the overall structure is much stronger.

Although the waves inside the canyon are turbulent and look scary, above the canyon, it is still very quiet.

The water surface in the canyon is still a long distance from the highest position, and the water flow has been dredging and flowing downward, so it is unlikely to come up, and there is no problem with safety.

Although he was mentally prepared, when Ye Qiong saw the magnificent water scene in the canyon in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a foul language.


After jumping off Dawn's back, Ye Qiong looked at the canyon here, and then walked over to the base with Dawn.

Because the terrain here is relatively flat, and the sound of the water in the canyon is very loud, I didn't notice Ye Qiong coming over.

Looking at the still-quiet stone house, Ye Qiong began to have some worries in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, at this time, there will be soldiers who are responsible for standing guard, but now there are no figures...

Ye Qiong walked to the stone house, but there was still no movement.

The stone house is not high, about three meters or so, and the top is also sealed. It is very quiet inside at the moment.

Around the house, there was a whole circle of shorter walls, and a lot of stones were placed on both sides.

Ye Qiong walked in and didn't see a figure, but he could see traces of life, footprints on the ground and some other things, as well as a wooden barrel installed in the groove of the wall in the middle against the wall Grease lamp.

Ye Qiong smelled it carefully, but he didn't smell any blood, but he was a little relieved. It seemed that there was no battle here, and the soldiers probably went out hunting.

Ye Qiong rolled over and climbed directly onto the roof of the stone house. He looked around, but his vision was not very good.

In the canyon area here, there are several valleys where the surface is sunken. If the warriors went hunting there, Ye Qiong would never see it.

Jumping off the roof, Ye Qiong put the supplies and some jerky he was carrying in the house.

After coming out, Ye Qiong took out a whistle and blew it violently!

This kind of whistle was used by the Ye Qiong tribe to communicate when they were hunting in the wild.

After blowing the whistle, that unique sound would travel a very long distance. This thing was not invented by Ye Qiong, but a means of communication that basically all tribes on Xue Xing possessed.

Through the frequency of the whistle and a few blows in a row, two warriors, or two teams, separated by a long distance, can communicate some text messages, and even be used to coordinate battles and hunting.

Although this method looks very old-fashioned, it is actually very useful. Compared with smearing each other and doing their own thing, with communication, the efficiency can be greatly improved.

This is also the importance of instant communication.

After Ye Qiong's whistle sounded, about ten seconds later, a voice came from the south, which was the whistle of the soldiers responding.

After hearing the voice of the response, Ye Qiong finally let go of his dangling heart, as long as everyone was fine, he immediately rode on Duo Duo and ran towards the direction of the southern voice.

The soldiers were dispatched together, and none of them stayed at home. It seemed that something troublesome might have happened. After walking down 500 meters from the stone house, there was another valley. Ye Qiong reached the valley, looked down, and saw the figures of the soldiers.

Right now I'm fighting a high-level monster...

The soldiers Ye Qiong arranged here were all veterans who had just retired from the front line, and their fighting qualities were still very strong.

At this moment, the high-level demon beast was directly surrounded.

Ye Qiong looked at the beast surrounded by the warriors, and shook his head while crying and laughing. For Ye Qiong, what the warriors are doing now is meaningless.

Ye Qiong asked them to stay at this base. The main purpose was to investigate the migrating tribes passing by nearby. If possible, try to hook up with them as much as possible.

They didn't come to hunt, why are they still in a relationship with a high-level monster...

According to their current numbers and fighting qualities, it's only a matter of time before they take down this high-level Warcraft.

Grab some little beasts on the grass, isn't it fragrant...

Ye Qiong rode Duan and rushed down, took out the longbow behind his back, and shot the arrow through the neck of the high-level demon beast.

Then the weapons of the soldiers were greeted on the body of this high-level beast, and the body of about three meters high finally couldn't hold it anymore and fell directly to the ground.

The demonic wolves in the snow region around the warriors burst out with squeaks after seeing the high-level demon beasts fall, as if they were celebrating victory for their masters.

These warriors who have just retired from the front line are naturally not young. Those snow-covered wolves are basically raised from childhood. For them, if they have retired from the front-line, then the snow-covered wolves are To reassign the owner, after a period of adaptation, the snow wolf will recognize the new owner.

Therefore, most of the demon wolves in the snow region will recognize three to five masters in their lifetime. Unlike the long-tailed bear, the long-tailed bear also recognizes the tribe while recognizing the master.

And if the snowy demon wolf is moved away by other tribes, it will adapt quickly, but the adult long-tailed bear is different, and basically they will die with the tribe.

If all the humans in the tribe were killed and the long-tailed bear itself was not dead, the long-tailed bear at this time would choose to live alone, and there was no way to conquer it.

Without human care in winter, long-tailed bears who live alone will choose to hibernate, but the hibernation time is only about ten months. For the remaining eight months, they must go out to hunt for food. When they are older, it is difficult to survive. It's winter.

There is no way to get a good death. Only the long-tailed bears of the human tribe. When they are old and food is abundant, the tribe will choose to give the long-tailed bears old age and death. However, most tribes will not waste it after waiting for the long-tailed bear to die. their flesh.

For the long-tailed bear, his body is the final contribution to the tribe. If there is a spirit in the sky, there is no complaint, but a relief.

Just like in Ye Qiong's last life, there was a folk custom called sky burial.

The warriors fought with the high-level beasts for a long time, and Ye Qiong came over and ended with one arrow. This gap is still a bit big, but they only have admiration for Ye Qiong's strength in their hearts, and they will not have any crooked thoughts.

"Young patriarch!"

"Young patriarch..."

After Ye Qiong rode to the front, the soldiers greeted each other.

Ye Qiong nodded, jumped down from Duan Duan's back, walked to the high-level beast on the ground, stepped on its head, then pulled the arrow straight out of his neck, and threw off the blood. , put it back in the quiver behind.

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