Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 241 Legendary Life

Ye Qiong, who was stunned by the sight in front of him, hadn't reacted yet,

Above these towering trees, it is not empty, but wooden houses were built by forest ancient apes.

Ye Qiong simply glanced at it, there were probably more than fifty.

Divided into three or four floors, in the tree house, you can still see a lot of forest ancient apes, looking at Ye Qiong curiously, with their heads sticking out, it is estimated that they have not seen humans for a long time.

Under the large tree palace, in the center, are three log cabins that look relatively new.

If Ye Qiong guessed correctly, Qing Zhi and her grandfather probably lived in these three cabins.

Ye Qiong jumped directly from the tree.

In this palace that seemed to be made of wood, Ye Qiong looked up at the tree house with a head, and the forest ancient ape above, and immediately felt a sense of oppression.

It is quite safe to live here, guarded by so many forest ancient apes.

Ordinary high-level monsters, if they rush in by mistake, they will die.

Even if the beasts of the guard beast level broke in, with the strength of these forest ancient apes, they could clean up.

After landing, before Ye Qiong walked in, he saw an old man walking out of the cabin.

The old man looks very old, but it gives people a very strong spirit. Between his eyebrows, there is a strong momentum. Although he looks very old, his pace is still steady. I just had a serious illness.

For the old man, the previous serious illness was a walk around the gate of hell. If Qing Zhi hadn't brought back the crystal powder of the bone crystal python in time, Ye Qiong would definitely not be able to see anyone else at this moment.

All I could see was the grumpy girl beside me.

Qingzhi, who had just landed behind her, ran over happily.

"Hey~ this is my grandfather." Qingzhi kept the old man's arm, looked at Ye Qiong and said, then looked back at the old man, and said, "Grandpa, he is the one I told you that day, if it weren't for him …”

The old man nodded, looked at Ye Qiong with gratitude, and said, "Come in and sit down, it's a bit rough here, we've lived here for many years, you're the first human to visit, so it's nothing. Be prepared...don't dislike it."

Ye Qiong immediately shook his head: "Grandpa, you're welcome..."

Following the old man to the cabin, Ye Qiong saw a very simple house with no furniture or anything. There was only a wooden table in the middle, and then at the corner of the wall, some straw and cotton wool were spread. Even the bed.

On the wooden table, there are some food, mostly dried fruit.

After Ye Qiong sat down, he immediately indicated his intention.

The old man did not directly agree to Ye Qiong, nor did he reject Ye Qiong, but told Ye Qiong about himself and Qingzhi.

The old man's real name is Qinglie, what Ye Qiong didn't expect was...

When he was young, Qinglie was actually a tribal patriarch of a large family of 10,000 people, and his strength was very powerful.

However, unfortunately, fifteen years ago, the tribe encountered a beast tide, a beast tide composed of thousands of demon beasts led by the beasts of the peak level of the king!

The whole tribe suffered a disaster. Qinglie carried his own granddaughter, Qingzhi, who was still a baby, on his back, and then personally took the most powerful warrior of the tribe to the last moment.

Until... the tribe was left with only himself and Qingzhi behind him.

Qinglie's strength when he was young was a bit similar to that of Ye Qiong now. He belonged to the kind that was completely out of touch with the tribe. When he was only fifteen years old, he became the patriarch by virtue of his own strength.

Then, relying on strength and strategy, the tribe that originally only had a thousand people, through decades of reproduction and development, has reached a scale of more than ten thousand people, becoming a rare family of ten thousand people on Xue Xing.

But just as the tribe was thriving and the future was bright, the beast tide led by the king's peak swept over.


It is Xue Xing's cruelty...

It is also the main reason why no civilization has been born for millions of years since Xue Xing entered the Ice Age.

The eighteen-month long winter was already unbearable, and the beast swarm has balanced the human population from a population of tens of billions to within 100 million today in millions of years.

If it continues, it is only a matter of time before the demise of mankind is estimated.

Seeing the clansmen around him, they have all been swallowed up by the beast tide.

If there is no Qingzhi, with Qinglie's temperament, he will fight directly until his death. In order to avenge his clan, Qinglie will definitely not survive by himself.

But Qingzhi, who is still in swaddling behind her back, is still alive...

Qingzhi also became Qinglie's only belief to survive, so Qinglie single-handedly killed him from the beast tide!

Fifteen years ago, Qinglie was already old, but he still had the fighting power. If this beast horde was at the peak of his youth, the fate of the last tribe might be different.

The talents of several sons are not high, and they are not comparable to Qinglie at all.

After breaking out of the siege, Qinglie took his granddaughter and wandered into this dense forest.

After rescuing an injured forest ancient ape, for fifteen years, he established a very deep friendship with the forest ancient ape.

The reason why Qingzhi's skill and archery are so high is that Qinglie has been trained since he was a child. Qingzhi's talent is not comparable to that of his sons, but it gave Qinglie a lot of surprises.

Unfortunately, their tribe no longer exists.

As a white-haired old soldier, Qing Lie didn't have much time until he was buried in the ground. Being able to retire in such a place, with a forest guarding them, was a great accomplishment.

After he really left, he was a little worried about his granddaughter. Although there was a forest ancient ape guarding her, she was the only one left. Every time he thought of this, Qinglie's heart ached.

However, the cruel Xue Xing made him unable to do anything. Even if they wanted to join other tribes in the summer, they would not accept them. Qingzhi could stay, but the tribe would definitely not want such an old man as him. guy's.

And Qingzhi is even more unlikely to leave his grandfather alone, so Qinglie, who knows this, can only hope in the forest ancient ape. After a hundred years, he can protect Qingzhi well, and when he is dead, he will protect him. She joins a new tribe.

Qinglie himself does not know how long this forest ancient ape left over from the ancient times has been in this dense forest.

Although the forest ancient ape has a very high intelligence, it is unable to speak, and usually communicates with Qinglie and his grandfather, only through body movements and eyes.

This point is a bit like the communication between Ye Qiong and Kuang Baichi. After a long time, a tacit understanding will naturally form.

Forest ancient apes have a natural love for the jungle. If Ye Qiong wants to get wood out of the jungle, he has to get their permission.

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