Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 290 The Smell Of Meat

There was a light rain, and at the entrance of the Central Tribe Lab, a shadowy figure stood at the window.

Tang Ying has been waiting here for a while.

After seeing Ye Qiong's figure, he trotted over immediately...

Ye Qiong didn't expect Tang Ying to wait for him at the entrance of the laboratory. After hugging Tang Ying lazily, he walked into the laboratory.


He slept straight into the afternoon, and when he woke up, the rain was still falling, but it was a bit heavier than in the morning. Ye Qiong went to the window and looked at it. It seemed that the rain would not stop for three or five days.

There was movement behind him, Tang Ying also walked to the window, looked at the light rain outside the window and said, "It is estimated that it will be raining for a long time. What are you going to do these days?"

Ye Qiong thought about it...

"Eat the meat today, let's talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow, the meat of the monsters in the later period of the king, you wait here, I'll go get some."

After Tang Ying heard the words, her eyes lit up immediately, and she nodded her head and said, "Okay! I'll go get the seasoning, and I will stew the meat today."

Ye Qiong pinched Tang Ying's pretty face, rubbed his waist and grinned: "Well, I have to mend my body..."

Tang Yingqiao blushed, and patted Ye Qiong's waist as well, "It's time to make up, hee hee~ Okay, don't be poor, go get the meat, get more, there are a few kids in school recently. The guy did a great job and I'm going to reward him."

Ye Qiong nodded. With Tang Ying's help, he put on the rain scorpion, picked up the bamboo hat, walked out of the laboratory, and trotted towards the location where the corpse of Leyline Rong was disposed of.

On rainy days, the tribe is in a state of semi-shutdown. The warriors responsible for the city defense construction can take a rare rest, but the warriors and clansmen who are responsible for other things must continue to work, such as the second-line responsible for dealing with the corpses of the earth vein fusion. warrior.

It's in full swing right now...

"Chuck... cluck..."

After the metal and the bone collide together, it makes a unique sound, which is very rhythmic.

After Ye Qiong trotted to this side, he got into the wooden shed with one end.

Suddenly, the smell of blood came from the surface!

Within a quarter of the nearly 1,000-square-meter wooden shed, the bodies of various monsters are hung. The meat of monsters brought back from a long journey has been processed and stored. The soldiers from the main city here came back from hunting a few days ago.

All the bodies of the beasts were hung up, and after the blood in the body was emptied, as long as the body was hung up, and a few knives were cut on the body, it would not spoil in a short time.

Now for the tribe, the most important thing is to dispose of the corpse of Dimairong first.

After entering the wooden shed, several figures caught Ye Qiong's attention.

"Aba! Aba Aba..."

It is a dumb old man who is instructing several young people to do things.


After Ye Qiong saw Kuang Baichi, he immediately ran over excitedly.

After seeing Ye Qiong, Kuang Baichi jumped directly from Dimairong's head.

"Hehe!" Ye Qiong came to Kuang Baichi and grinned, then said, "Can this big guy make a lot of bone crystals?"

"Aba!" Kuang Baichi didn't seem to be relieved from the shock of seeing Earth Pulse Rong.

After hearing the apprentice say that the young patriarch took the tribe's three guardian beasts and hunted down a monster with the strength of the late king, Kuang Baichi excitedly ran over with the apprentices.

In the tribe, the blacksmith shop in the state of incandescent, the priority of allocating materials is higher than that of other departments. After all, the importance of weapons is needless to say.

Kuang Baichi naturally has no interest in the flesh and internal organs of Earth Meridian Rong, but the bones and some meridians are to be directly contracted by Kuang Baichi.

After expressing his thoughts about the Qinglong Yanyue Knife to Kuang Baichi, Kuang Baichi patted his chest and assured that there would be no problem. Ye Qiong's mouth grinned like a tofu flower.

It's gorgeous.

From Di Mairong's back, he directly cut a large piece of meat down, tied it with hemp rope, said goodbye to Kuang Baichi and trotted back towards the laboratory.

After arriving at the laboratory, Tang Ying had already tidy up the laboratory.

After seeing Ye Qiong's return, he looked curiously at the Earthline Melting Flesh in Ye Qiong's hand and asked, "Is this a magical beast with the strength of the late king, it looks so ugly..."

Ye Qiong smiled immediately after hearing the words: "You didn't see what it looked like when it was still alive, tsk tsk... Forget it, I won't describe it to you, or the meat will not taste good in a while."

Tang Ying nodded and took the Lei Mairong's back from Ye Qiong's hand.

On the laboratory side, Ye Qiong built a kitchen by himself in order to make it easier to eat.

For Ye Qiong, this kind of small building can be done in half a day.

Tang Ying walked into the kitchen, holding the Leyline Melt back with both hands.

Ye Qiong has no interest in cooking, although Ye Qiong's craftsmanship is not bad.

With Tang Ying around, Ye Qiong just had to wait and eat, and Tang Ying's craftsmanship was excellent.

It was raining, and Ye Qiong took out a few wooden slips that the caravan brought back last time and looked at it.

Leisure time, quiet and comfortable.

In summer, when it rains, the temperature is neither too high nor too low, and it will be very comfortable.

If there is no long winter, the humans on the snow star can sleep in in such weather.

Like Nuo Nuo who suddenly came out of the quilt, he was carefree.

Nuo Nuo, who seemed to have woken up, ran into Ye Qiong's arms. After walking around for two times, she seemed to feel a little bored, and she seemed to smell something. She raised her head sharply, and headed towards the kitchen outside. looked over.


He moved his nose slightly, his eyes lit up, and he jumped off Ye Qiong's lap.

He jumped out of the window directly, and immediately ran towards the kitchen beside him after landing.

It looks like it smells meat.

After a while, Ye Qiong also smelled a very fragrant smell of meat.

There was a strange fragrance that Ye Qiong had never smelled before. Although Dimairong looked ugly, the fragrance that came out after the meat was put in the pot was a bit captivating.

Ye Qiong couldn't bear it anymore, put down the wooden slip in his hand, and walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Tang Ying was busy cutting some ingredients. Now the Leyline Melt Pork is stewed in the pot.

And next to the iron pot, there is a milky white little guy who stretches his claws toward the iron pot from time to time.

However, before touching the iron pot, I felt the high temperature from the edge of the iron pot.

So he immediately took back his little paws.

Seeing that Ye Qiong was also following, Tang Ying immediately pushed Ye Qiong out: "It'll be alright, you go and wait for a while."

Ye Qiong was just pushed out. After a while, Tang Ying's voice came from the kitchen again: "Next!"

Suddenly, a slap-sized white figure was thrown out of the kitchen.

Ye Qiong grabbed the flesh on the back of Nuo Nuo's neck, and then flipped it gently, turning it over and holding it in his arms.

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