Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 499 The Dull Horn

On the arrow tower on the terrace of the wooden house, Ye Qiong, Qing Lie and two other soldiers from the Naning tribe started to look around the jungle together.

Up to now, there is still no human or magical beast rushing out of the jungle.

After about five minutes, in the dense forest directly opposite the water channel, there was finally a movement, and a red-flamed leopard walked out slowly...

Then came the second one, the third one...

At the same time, in the jungle on the left and right side of the wooden house base, some figures came out one after another. They did not rush up. After walking a few steps forward from the jungle, they stopped in place. , seems to be waiting for some command.

Except for the back of the wooden house base, that is, the high position of the Dinglong Mountains, the figures of humans and the Red Flame Leopard appeared on all the other three sides.

Ye Qiong watched as more and more figures and monsters came out of the jungle, and then stayed at the outermost position of the jungle.

Now Ye Qiong is most concerned about the number of opponents.

According to the news I got from Na Ning earlier, the Red Flame Leopard Tribal Base, 200 kilometers away, has 200 troops.

But judging from the number that appeared in the dense forest now, it has exceeded this order of magnitude, and it is several times.

At first glance, Ye Qiong felt that the number of people had exceeded a thousand.

The number of those Scarlet Flame Leopards that emerged from the jungle alone was over a hundred.

If there is no problem with the information on Na Ning's side, it means that the Scarlet Flame Leopard Tribe has transferred a team of about a thousand people from their central tribe!

Ye Qiong took off the bone crystal longbow on his back, and then looked at the five arrow towers, the one on the wooden house base, together with them.

But compared with the five towers that are 30 meters high outside, they are a little shorter. The strategic role here is mainly when the opposite person is approaching, and when you want to climb to the top of the five towers, you can directly Shoot the arrow tower here

Ye Qiong is waiting for the opponent to attack...

Now the number of soldiers rushing out of the clump has exceeded 1,000.

Ye Qiong had to figure out whether he could survive the attack of more than 1,000 people, with the current defensive power of the wooden house base.

"Tweet Tweet! Tweet Tweet!"

The wooden house base, now all the soldiers have rushed out and found the position they need to defend. Inside the passage, a soldier rode on the snow wolf and rushed directly into the water passage.

After 100 meters deep into the passage, he moved towards the passage and blew the whistle on his chest violently.

The harsh whistle began to pass through the passage.

When outside, the whistle in the tribe can travel a distance of about five kilometers. If it is a silent winter night, it can travel farther.

For a water channel that is more than ten kilometers long, the distance that the whistle can spread is farther. On weekdays, it is not necessary to arrange for soldiers to deliberately guard the edge of the channel. But it is now in a state of first-level combat readiness, so here at the waterfall base, at the exit of the water channel, there are soldiers guarding some positions inside all day long.

The approximate location was in Ye Qiong's summer, on the side of the hole dug above. Ye Qiong arranged for a few soldiers with good ears to listen to the movement.

As long as you hear the sound of the police whistle in the passage, you will immediately gather the team here, and then go to the wooden hut base inside to support.

A soldier heard the police whistle coming from the passage. After more than ten kilometers, that is, more than 10,000 meters, the sound has been weakened a lot. After the soldier heard the sound, he immediately let his side The soldiers also listened carefully.

To avoid misunderstanding.

This kind of warning whistle, the soldiers on one side, will blow twice each time, and then blow once every five minutes to accept the sound, a total of three reincarnations.

If the first pass can be determined, the other party will have an action.

The soldiers on the channel side of the waterfall base immediately blew the police whistle, and then rushed out of the channel at the fastest speed.

The soldiers under construction in the waterfall base immediately put down the things and things they were busy with after hearing the whistle, picked up the weapons that were placed beside them at the fastest speed, and moved towards the front of the waterfall. The small clearing rushed past.

On the waterfall base, all the soldiers are now gathered together. Under the leadership of two captain-level soldiers, they counted the number of people at the fastest speed, and then rushed into the passage with the team.

The army next to the waterfall does not need anyone to call it now. When it heard the warning whistle, it came out of the snow cave. The army, who had been sleeping for almost half a month, first looked at the waterfall base, and then heard it again. When the warning whistle sounded, drowsiness was gone, so he moved his body, stretched his waist, and came to the water channel.

The soldiers had already rushed in on the snowy demon wolf, and the army was not in a hurry to go in at the entrance of the passage, but stood for a while, after all...

It hasn't entered the tunnel yet, so he hesitated.

But after a while, he slammed into it, and after a few strides, he followed behind the soldiers in front.

In terms of body size, the army is more than six meters tall. In the passage, it is still a bit crowded to run. After all, it can only run on one side.

It will take some time for the soldiers and the army to rush to the wooden hut base inside the passage of more than ten kilometers.

On the side of the wooden house base, as the army of the Red Flame Leopard tribe began to gather outside the jungle, those who were facing the water channel and riding on the back of the Red Flame Leopard had begun to move.


Dian Dian, who was beside the wooden house, suddenly shouted provocatively at the opposite side. If Ye Qiong wasn't there, Dian Dian would have rushed forward immediately.

As the saying goes, the enemy will not move and I will not move. The wooden house base has an absolute geographical advantage. Ye Qiong is waiting now, and the Red Flame Leopard Tribe is attacking...

Even now, Ye Qiong looked at the humans of the Red Flame Leopard Tribe and was still thinking, is there a chance for peace talks?

Now in order to prepare for this battle, the development and construction of the wooden house base and the waterfall base have been slowed down a lot. More than half of the soldiers are on alert, and the remaining soldiers are also working on fortifications and expansion tasks. , temporarily stranded.

Finally, no one came out of the dense forest. With the sound of a dull, horn-like sound on the opposite side, those riding on the backs of the Scarlet Flame Leopard took the lead in launching an attack.

Towards the base of the wooden house, galloping!

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